When Huo Ting hung up, a new call came in.

"It's me." There was a soft female voice over the phone. She said, "I'm back. Are you free tonight? Let's meet. "

"Who are you?" Hoting asked coldly.

The other side was silent.

Huo Ting felt that it was almost inexplicable.

This is his personal number. If he doesn't have a saved number, he can't call in.

"I'm Yao Xinyi."

It's her.

"What's the matter?" Hoting asked coldly.

Yao Xinyi had a lot to say to him, but now it's like being poured down by a bucket of cold water, cold all over.

"Let's meet and have dinner together?"

Huo Ting frowned and said in a deep voice, "I'm very busy these days. I don't have time."

For Yao Xinyi, he doesn't want to have anything more to do with her.

Yao Xinyi did not know his refusal.

She was not upset, but said softly: "Huo Ting, it was like this. Uncle Huo once handed me an object. He said that if there is nothing wrong with the Huo family, it will be useless, but if something happens, it will be left to you to deal with it. "

She finished, and didn't wait for Huo ting to answer. She said, "Huo Ting, I just want to fulfill uncle Huo's last wishes, which means nothing else. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have come back. "

Her voice sank suddenly and she looked very sad.

"Where are you?" Hoting didn't agree to eat either.

Yao Xinyi smiled and said, "you just don't want to have a meal? Huo Ting, even if something happened between us, we are friends growing up together. Don't you think you are too mean? "

After Yao Xinyi went abroad more than two years ago, the two never had any contact again.

Moreover, her going abroad was actually driven away by Huo ting.

At that time, Huo Ting's relationship with Su Mian was not stable. Because of her appearance, they had a cold war.

So, for her, Huo Ting has no good impression.

However, it was beyond Huo Ting's expectation. It had something to do with Huo Zhenyuan. He could not let it go.

After thinking for a moment, Huo Ting said, "well, I'll see you that evening."

"I'll send the address to your mobile phone later. See you in the evening."

After hanging up the phone, Su Mian just walked towards huoting.

I don't know if it's because of the empty mind. Seeing Su Mianmian, huoting is a little nervous.

He's not afraid of his wife.

"Uncle, who are you talking to on the phone?"

In fact, Su Mian just asked casually.

And Huo Ting was really scared, of course, he didn't show anything.

"There's something wrong with the company. I'll go out later. For dinner, you can eat with the children. "

Su Mian listened to this, and was puzzled.

Because Huo Ting has been working at home recently, seldom going to the company, and in the evening, she will accompany her mother and son to eat together.

So he suddenly went out, which surprised Su Mian.

However, she did not ask more.

Su Mian said with a smile, "go ahead, I've made a cake. I'll leave one for you later. Come back for dinner."

"Well, don't give it to Dongdong. He has recently changed his teeth and can't eat too many sweets."

"I see." Said Su Mian.


At 7:30 p.m., Huo Ting arrived at the hotel he had arranged with Yao Xinyi.

By the time he arrived, Yao Xinyi had arrived.

Seeing him coming, Yao Xinyi got up with a smile. As she moved, the pale blue retro lace palace dress she was wearing gently swayed, and the earrings of the same color on her ears also swayed.

"Court, are you here?" Said Yao Xinyi with a smile.

Huo Ting looked at her, nodded slightly, walked to the opposite side of her, opened the chair and sat down.

Yao Xinyi pushed the menu in front of him and said, "this steak is very good. It's the same as m's."

Huo Ting pushed the menu aside directly, and said lightly, "you'd better give me the things first."

"Court..." Yao Xinyi looks at him with a bitter smile. "Do you have to ask me for something before you eat? I'll give it to you when we finish eating, OK? "

Huo Ting frowned, hesitated for a moment, attracted the waiter and ordered several dishes at will.

Yao Xinyi also smiled and ordered two dishes, which Huo Ting liked.

He glanced at her faintly, without speaking.

The food was quickly served, and the meal was very dull. Although Yao Xinyi occasionally starts to ask a question or two, huoting either doesn't answer, or nods or shakes his head. The dinner table almost becomes Yao Xinyi's one-man play.

However, looking at Yao Xinyi's face, she doesn't seem to care too much. Even though huoting doesn't care about herself, she can still maintain her elegant smile and the temperament and accomplishment of her big girl.After more than half an hour, the meal was finally finished.

Hoting wiped his hand with a napkin and asked, "can I have it?"

"Court..." Yao Xinyi frowned in distress. "You really don't say anything about it. Are you not even willing to come out and have this meal with me without this thing? "

Huo Ting looked up at her and said lightly: "I'm married. I love my wife and children very much. This time I was looking at the old man's face But it's the last time I've had a meal with you alone. "

Yao Xinyi's face suddenly turned ugly, but soon she burst out laughing.

"Trick you. You don't think I have any thoughts on you now, do you? " She looked at Huo ting and said seriously, "it's all over. Don't worry. I'll find someone who loves me with all my heart."

Huo Ting's face was expressionless. He even owed one of them a nod.

Yao Xinyi doesn't care. She laughs, picks up the paper bag and hands it to Huo ting.

Huo Ting took the paper bag and took out a beautifully packed wooden box.

He opened it and found that there was a chess set in it.

The chess made of jade, the tentacles actually have some warm feeling, which is obviously made of the superior jade.

Huo Ting holds a handsome chess in his hand, feels the greasy touch with his thumb, and looks trance for a moment.

"Uncle Huo asked me to find someone to customize it. He said that he missed the past very much. In fact, he always wanted to play chess with you It's just that he left so suddenly Court, I will give you the chess piece. "

Huo Ting grabs the chess piece, his face is unpredictable.

Yao Xinyi means, don't the old man regret before he died?

Want to fix the relationship with him?

"Do you know what happened to Uncle Huo? I've been doing research without knowing It's so sudden... " Yao Xinyi said, crying.