In the end, the two brothers naturally failed miserably.

Fortunately, it's the black housekeeper who comes to pick them up today. If Su Mian is here, they don't know how to explain it to Mommy.

"Why didn't Mommy come? Didn't it come to pick us up? " Asked Xiao Xi.

The black housekeeper replied with a smile, "she is not fit to rest at home..."

In fact, the truth is that Huo Ting has been holding on to "making rules" to exchange feelings.

"Is Mommy ill?" Xiaoxi asked worried.

Beibei replied, "don't ask."

"Why don't you ask? Don't you care about mommy in the north? "

North of speechless looking at small Xi, said, "you say so many words are not mouth pain?"

Xiaoxi: QAQ

"It hurts! But I'm worried about Mommy. "

"Young master, don't worry, madam is very good." The black Butler looked at the two young masters and said, "do you need ice?"

"Yes! I want strawberry juice with ice, a lot of ice! " Xiaoxi said.

Black housekeeper: "..."

In fact, what he wants to ask is, do you need ice to cover your face?

However, it is clear that young master Xi misunderstood him.


A moment later, the black tube home tray came back with two glasses of juice, one handed over a glass.

"Black housekeeper, go down first. We need to calm down." Xiaoxi said.

The black housekeeper looked at them, nodded and retreated.

Beibei hands one cup of strawberry juice to Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi looked at it and said, "I want that cup. It seems to be a little more."

North North: "..."

He looked at it a little bit more.

Beibei took one more cup, took a sip, handed it to Xiaoxi, and said, "this is the same."

Xiaoxi looked at him strangely and said, "Hey, I don't want to drink your saliva. I'd better come back to the original cup."


They are holding cups and drinking juice. The cold touch seems to reduce the pain on their faces.

The two brothers put down their glasses at the same time and looked at each other with sadness on their faces.

"Beibei, we really lost face and face this time..."

"It's you, not me." North North quietly said.

"I'm sorry to go to the little princess later..."

"Mummy said," you can't have early love. "

"Alas..." Xiao Xi sighed sadly.

Xiaoxi was very confused. Why did he lose? Didn't he say that his brothers were all in one mind, and that his profit would cut off gold?

He secretly glanced at the blue and purple mark on his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

It was only after Beibei blocked him for a while that it became like this.

Xiaoxi looked at it and suddenly felt a little sad.

It's because he's not strong enough to hurt the north.

"Alas..." North North sighs.

He should hold Xiaoxi. He can't go out to shame

"What are you doing?" Winter asked.

Two brothers look up.

After seeing their faces, Dongdong narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "what's the matter? Who beat them?"

Xiaoxi and Beibei quickly cover their faces.

Dongdong said angrily, "don't cover it, I see it!"

His brother can only be bullied by him. How can he be bullied by others?

Winter and winter are very angry.

Xiaoxi turns her head to look at Dongdong. Her eyes turn red and she will cry.

"Didn't I tell you that Huo's men shed no tears? I'll swallow the tears. " Winter said domineering.

Xiaoxi rubs her eyes in fear, forcing her tears back.

"I, I was just blown by the wind in my eyes, not crying." Xiaoxi said very strongly.

Dongdong nodded his head with satisfaction, and then asked, "what's the matter, you say?"

"Little fat hit." Xiaoxi looks down a little embarrassed and feels embarrassed for Dongdong.

"Why did he hit you?" Ask again in winter and winter.

Xiaoxi said wrongly, "he robbed the hairpin of the little princess. When I went to ask for it, he began to beat me."

"What a mess, north, you say." Dongdong points to the North Road.

Beibei quietly looked at the drink in his hand, and said the story in a calm voice.

Hearing that, Dongdong felt more angry.

"You two can't beat each other."

"He's fat..." Xiaoxi said in a low voice.

"That's not the point. Hum, I dare to hit my brother. I'll be angry for you. " Dongdong patted Xiaoxi on the head and said, "no matter how you are covered by Dongdong, how can you let others bully you like this?""Big brother, we are all counting on you. Xiaopang must not be your opponent! " The adoration of Xiao Xi's face.

"Of course!" Dong Dong patted his chest and said, "look at me!"


But Su Mian didn't know that her three children were planning a plan to beat Xiao Pang.

She has been lying in bed for almost two days. Every day, my uncle pulls her to do sports. She does it at two or three o'clock in the morning. She's really lost her temper because of my uncle

It's insane QAQ!

When children go to school at eight in the morning, she can't get up naturally.

So, when Su Mian receives the teacher's call, the whole person is not good!

She didn't watch it for two days!

How dare they fight with their classmates!

"Mianmian, what's the matter?" Asked hoting.

Su Mian thought of Xiao Xi's pleading just now.

"Mommy, you mustn't tell Daddy, or he will beat our ass." I'm so big and it's disgraceful to be spanked. "

She took a deep breath and said, "it's OK. The kindergarten side said that if there is a student union, I'll pick them up first."

Huo Ting took a deep look at her and didn't say anything.

Su Mian hurried to the kindergarten.

What the phone said was not very clear. What she knew was that Huo Chenxi and Huo Chenbei went to beat up the children in the kindergarten together.


It's really brother's one heart!

At the door of the office, Su Mian raised his hand and knocked on the door. He asked in a low voice, "Hello, Miss Liu. I'm Huo Chenxi and Su Mian, the parents of Huo Chenbei. May I come in, please?"

"Come in, please." Teacher Liu's voice came out of the room.

Su took a deep breath and pushed the door open to enter.

"You are the parents of those hateful little boys?" Su Mian just stepped in with one foot and felt a wall hit him head-on.

At that moment, Su Mian really thought that he was crazy because he was in a hurry. When he opened the door, how could there be a wall.

"Well, talk to you. Where do you look?" Suddenly the wall began to talk again.

Su Mian reached out and touched the wall. It was soft and warm. She realized that something was wrong. It was abnormal that the wall was soft. How could she talk? "

What's more, the wallpaper of this wall is too expensive.