Of the three children, Dongdong is the most intelligent and has the most ghost ideas.

Xiaoxi is most like a child, but she is also the most impatient.

And Beibei is the most stable child, so it's hard for Su Mianmian to believe that Beibei will fight together.

After hearing Su Mian's words, Beibei knows that she has let her mother down.

He lowered his head and rubbed his fingers uneasily.

Su Mianmian saw this, where can I ask.

She sighed heavily and turned to Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi. I know it must have something to do with you. If you don't say it, then your snacks won't be allowed in the future. "

Xiaoxi is very sad, plus the teacher found that there is still some fear. Two year old children, where can support, rushed to Su Mian's arms and cried.

"I'm sorry, Mommy. I didn't mean to." "I just want to help the little princess get the hairpin back. Why is it like this?" Xiaoxi cried

Seeing him cry like this, Su Mian is also very distressed.

But to do wrong is to do wrong. We can't let them off because of our heartache.

Su Mian rubbed Xiaoxi's head and said in a soft voice, "Xiaoxi, don't cry, just tell mommy what happened, OK?"

"OK." Xiaoxi raised her head, her eyes in tears.

Su Mian's heart was breaking. She took out her handkerchief to wipe his tears and snivels.

Dongdong and Beibei communicate in a low voice where Su Mianmian can't see.

"Xiaoxi is too unruly. I'll use it in the end As his brother, I have to say that it's really ugly for him to cry. "

North North silently looked at north north, said, "useful is good."

Winter and winter: "..."

Also, BAABAA is the softest.

After hearing Xiaoxi's cry, Su Mian here really didn't know how she should feel.

Say they're wrong, but it's understandable.

Say they're right, but they did hit people and do something wrong.

"Mommy, we know it's wrong! Next time the little princess is bullied by xiaopang, I will never help her. " Xiaoxi said.

"It's not like that." Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "it's right for you to help the little princess, but it's the wrong way."

Xiaoxi's face was puzzled.

Su Mian rubbed his head and said, "not everything needs to be solved with fist, but with force. That's the worst way."

"Mommy, what should I do?" Asked Xiao Xi.

Su Mian smiled and said: "xiaopang robbed the hairpin of the little princess. He did something wrong. If you tell the teacher at this time, I believe the teacher will punish xiaopang and ask him to return the card to the little princess. "

Beibei looks at Xiaoxi calmly, without speaking, but the eyes show everything.

Xiaoxi looks ashamed and sad. He rushes to Su Mian's arms and holds her. He is embarrassed to come out and meet people.

In fact, he thought, of course, it's better to beat people directly.

But now we can't say that Mommy is still angry!

Su sighed.

Come on, it's natural for children to be naughty.

Su Mianmian finished training two small ones, and then looked to Dongdong and said: "originally, Xiaoxi and xiaopang had a fight, and things were not so serious, but you helped them to make things more complicated. It's the last thing to bully a small one with a big one. Do you know it's wrong in winter? "

"I know it's wrong." Winter nodded.

"Well, I'll give you three months' allowance." Su Mian road.

Winter and winter are bad for the whole person. He wants to cry too.

"Good..." QAQ!