Su Mian shouted several times in a row, but Xiao Xi didn't answer her.

This can't help but make su Mian's uneasiness more intense.


You must be OK.

Su Mian grabs a heart, she trembles and reaches out her hand to touch Xiao Xi's face. She asks uneasily, "Xiao Xi, don't scare Mommy, OK? Answer Mommy quickly. What's wrong with you?"

Su Mian was afraid to hold up Xiao Xi with her tied hands.

But let her call, Xiao Xi is silent, eyes closed, in the quiet space, even breathing are heard clearly.

Su Mian panicked. She was afraid that something had happened in the previous gunfight.

Uncontrollable panic grows and overflows from the bottom of my heart

She touched Xiaoxi's clothes for fear of touching the wet touch.

At this time, Beibei hurriedly came to him. He reached out his hand and touched Xiaoxi's forehead. He said, "Mommy, Xiaoxi seems to have a fever."

Su Mian was surprised, and hurriedly lowered his head to stick his forehead to Xiao Xi's.

The hot feeling was conveyed from Xiaoxi's forehead. At that moment, Su Mian had the feeling of being burned by the fire.

"My God! Why is it so hot... " Su Mian was very uneasy, and said, "Beibei, please help your mother to check whether Xiaoxi has any wounds."

As long as it's not shot, it's not that serious.

"OK, Mommy."

Beibei promised that after su Mian picked up Xiaoxi, he put his hand into his coat and felt him on his back.

After touching the back, he reached out to the front to touch Xiao Xi's chest.

"Good, itchy." Xiao Xi's voice came out vaguely.

Su Mian was very happy. He lowered his head and asked, "Xiaoxi, tell mommy, is it hard?"

Xiaoxi's eyelids blinked a few times, and he opened them with some difficulty.

"Pain, pain."

"Where does it hurt?"

Xiaoxi's mouth was flattened, but she murmured, "it's hard, it's painful..."

I've said it several times, but I can't tell what's wrong.

"North, look at Xiaoxi's legs." Su Mian said softly.

"I see, Mommy."

Beibei agreed, and began to pull Xiaoxi's trousers.

Naturally, Xiaoxi began to struggle, murmuring, "cluck, flow, rogue da."

"Stop talking and conserve your strength." The cool way of Beibei, after a pause, he said, "you will get better."

Xiaoxi doesn't want to talk anymore, but she really doesn't have the strength.

After some groping, Beibei shrunk back and looked at Su Mian and said, "Mommy, don't worry, there is no wound on Xiaoxi."

"That's good."

Su sighed, as long as he didn't get hurt.

She hugged Xiaoxi and soothed her gently: "Xiaoxi, don't be afraid, dad will come to help us out soon."

"Mommy, why does Xiaoxi suddenly have a fever?" North North asked a little strangely.

Su Mian was stupefied, hesitated and said: "it is possible that he was frightened. It's OK. I'll have a shot after I get back. "

They will be able to go back safely.

Beibei looked at Xiaoxi's frail appearance and said calmly, "Xiaoxi is so timid."

"Hochen North!" Even though she was not strong at this time, Xiao Xi shouted angrily.

"Well, don't say that. Beibei, my brother is not comfortable." Su Mian is busy patting Xiaoxi.

"Well, I'll take care of Xiaoxi for mummy." Beibei is very obedient.


After a while, the temperature of Xiaoxi's forehead didn't fall, but there was a trend of rising, holding him, were sweating.

"No, I can't."

If you don't think about something at this time, it's easy to burn your brain.

Many children have an accident just because they have a fever in childhood, which affects their intellectual development.

"Mommy, will Xiaoxi become a fool?" Beibei asked anxiously, "what should I do? He was stupid enough... "

Xiaoxi hears Xiaoxi's words in a daze. He wants to spit blood, but he has no strength. He can only vaguely say, "you, you..."

"North north, stop talking." Said Su Mian.

Beibei Oh, extend a small hand to hold Xiaoxi's hand.

In fact, he was worried.

Su Mian looked at him and said, "Beibei, please help me to see Xiaoxi."

"Mommy, what are you going to do?" Some curious questions from Beibei.

"I want to ask them for some water for Xiao Xi."

Xiaoxi is like this. She can't do nothing.North North smell speech, calmly say, "those bad guys certainly won't give us."

"Even so, I'll try." She can do anything for her baby.

Looking at her in the north, I suddenly found that I finally understood why Xiao Xi sometimes knew that things could not be violated or had to do it.

He thought that Xiaoxi must be inherited from Su Mian.

But Xiaoxi did burn badly, and Beibei also thought Su Mianmian's idea was the best way now.

He obediently moved to Su Mian's back to sit, and saw Su Mian put Xiaoxi beside him, leaning on his shoulder.

Su Mian just sat down and stopped them.

She could see the direction of the gate vaguely, took a deep breath, and shouted: "is there anyone? Who will come? Come! "

Because of the large indoor space, Su Mianmian was worried that her voice could not be heard, so she stopped to shout as much as she could

She yelled at the end, even hoarse, but she kept on shouting.

After shouting several times, Su Mian felt his throat hurt badly.

She closed her eyes, rubbed her throat, and tried to scream again.

But at this time, the sound of the wheel shaft turning suddenly came into our ears.

Su Mian was surprised and looked up to the gate.

A man kicks, kicks and tramples to come over, the mouth discontented scolds: "call, what ghost is it? I am not happy, kill you all."

It turned out that it was the big stutter that came in.

Su Mian hurriedly and carefully said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you. But my child has a fever. Could you please untie the rope on him? "

"Laugh, laugh." Stuttering, the robber laughed, as if Su Mian had told a big joke and said, "you, what do you think of here? Playground? You're here on vacation? "

"Then can you give me a bottle of water?" Su Mian asked.

"I don't have time to serve you." Stuttering, the robber turned around with a sneer and walked away.

The sound of the wheel axle turning sounded again. Su Mianyan watched the light on the other side of the door become smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Su Mian felt helpless. She was trapped in such a place where the light could not be seen. Xiao Xi was still feverish. What should she do?