Is Su Mian afraid?

The answer is yes!

Just, at the moment, she has no time to be afraid.

The light in the room is getting darker and darker. Originally, a small light could be cast from the skylight. But as the sun tilts to the west, the light rises slowly until it disappears.

Although it's not impossible to see five fingers in the room, it's almost impossible to see anything.

Su Mian and her three sons huddled in the dark corner, relying on each other and warming each other with each other's body temperature.

"Mommy." North North suddenly whispered.

"Mommy is here."

North blinked, and he came closer to Su Mian.

"Mommy, I just touched Xiaoxi's face. It seems to be more hot. Will Xiaoxi..."

"No!" Said Su Mian.

She leaned down and touched Xiao Xi's forehead with her forehead.

It seems that the temperature is really higher than before. Before, Xiao Xi could speak vaguely, but now he has no strength to open his eyes.

She was really upset and worried that something would happen to Xiaoxi if she went on like this.

"What to do?" Su Mian holds Xiaoxi and sticks her face to his.

She was very sad. She watched her baby suffer from such torture, but she could do nothing. That feeling was worse than death.

She can only hold him tightly and coax him.

Although I know it won't help him at all, but This is the only thing she can do for him now.

"Mommy, does daddy really come back to save us?" Asked Beibei in a low voice.

Since the accident, Su Mianmian has been saying that huoting will come, but

He didn't see

Beibei is a little disappointed.

"Yes, he will come to save us." Su Mian said firmly.

In any case, uncle will definitely come back to save them!

So, she will always believe in uncle and wait for him!

"Well..." Beibei shouts and leans on Su Mian.

At this time, suddenly there was a creak on the other side of the door.

Su Mian suddenly became nervous. In her current situation, on the one hand, she was afraid to see the robbers, because she was afraid that they would hurt herself and her children.

But on the other hand, she would like to see the robbers, because Xiaoxi's situation is becoming more and more dangerous, and she hopes to get something from the robbers to relieve Xiaoxi's disease.

Click, click, click The sound of a high-heeled shoe hitting the ground sounded in the empty room, as if it was still reverberating. At that moment, it seemed that there were high-heeled heels knocking on the ground in all directions.


Su Mian has some questions. Is she a female robber? Do any of the robbers wear high heels?

In doubt, Su Mian quickly hid the two children behind her again.

In any case, she would not tolerate those people hurting her children.

With a little precaution, Su Mian looks at the light that is gradually approaching her.

The light is a small group, it should be a small lamp, in the boundless darkness, it is particularly bright.

Suddenly contact with the light, Su Mian feels that her eyes are very uncomfortable. She subconsciously squints and quietly waits for the light to come closer.

Finally, the light came near.

"Su Mian."

Familiar voice rings in the ear, Su Mian squints and looks up.

However, the man seemed to be intentional, and suddenly gave the little lamp in his hand to Su Mian.

The light suddenly came to Su Mian's eyes, but she still felt the tingling in her eyes.

"Yao Xinyi." Sue cried with her eyes closed.

"It's me." A slight gnashing of teeth followed.

Yao Xinyi stepped forward, squatted down, and put the lamp in her hand on the ground. She looked at the woman in front of her coldly, with a slightly contemptuous look, and her mouth slurred.

"Su Mian, I didn't expect that you would have this day."

Although Su Mian still squinted, her face was calm. She didn't show any unexpected color because of seeing Yao Xinyi, and she didn't show anger because of her words.

She just looked at Yao Xinyi quietly and waited for her to finish.

As a matter of fact, she should have thought about it for a long time. Now who would want to be bad for them but Yao Xinyi?

Thinking of Su Mian here and getting angry, Huo Ting said that Yao Xinyi didn't have the ability, but now what?

"Why, it's no surprise to see me?" Yao Xinyi laughed a little crazily and asked, "do you know that I will catch you in the morning?"Su Mian dropped his head slightly and said in a very calm voice, "I don't know."

"Don't fool me. If you didn't know that early in the morning, why didn't you be surprised to see me? "

Su Mian said softly, "it's better to see a familiar person in such a strange place than someone you've never seen before, isn't it?"

Yao Xinyi is not very happy to stand up, voice sharp said: "Su Mian, you don't have to tell me these winding words. I know you're scared, aren't you? "

Su Mian didn't speak, because it's also true.

"Miss Yao, can I ask you something?" Su Mian suddenly looked up and said.

The desire on her face was so obvious that she didn't feel at all that it was improper or humiliating to ask for an enemy of her own.

At this moment, Su Mian is just a mother. She wants to save her son. For this reason, let alone lose face. Even if she loses her life, how about it?

"Please?" Yao Xinyi seems to have heard some big jokes and couldn't stop laughing.

The craziness in the smile made Su Mian feel a little scared.

Does she always think that Yao Xinyi in front of her looks a little wrong?

"What do you ask of me?" Yao Xinyi asked with a suppressed smile.

Su Mian can't find out her ups and downs.

Think about it, or ask.

She whispered, "my son has a fever. Could you please bring me some water?"

She didn't dare to ask Yao Xinyi for the antipyretic. She was afraid that she would take the opportunity to add something in it.

After hearing Su Mian's words, Yao Xinyi immediately sneered.

"Su Mianmian, you're not an ordinary fool. Did you ask me for water? Why should I help you? I wish they would all die now. "

"Miss Yao, they are uncle's children." Su Mian interrupts her, she says angrily, "please give me a bottle of water for uncle's sake."

"Ridiculous." Yao Xinyi sneered, "aren't they your sons? As long as I see them, I will think of the court's empathy and other love. They are the evidence that the court likes you. "