Uncle is really disgusting!

Agreed to let the babies come to see her, the result is three days in a row, she doesn't say to see the baby, even the corner of the baby's clothes didn't see!

"No more!" Su Mian turned away and refused to drink bone soup.

By the way! She drank bone soup for three days in a row.

Now I feel like vomiting when I smell the meat.

"Have another drink." Huo Ting said in a good temper.

"No, I won't drink anything this time." Su Mian said unhappily, "you just said the last, but there will be the last."

Huo Ting: "..."

"I don't want to drink." Su Mian is proud.

Huo Ting took a bowl, looked at her and said, "finish this soup, and I'll let you see the children."

"Really?" Su Mian asked, "not to lie to me?"

"Don't lie to you."

"All right." Su Mian wrinkled his nose, took the soup and drank it up.

Huo Ting: "..."


Two hours later, Xiaoxi lies at the head of the bed, blinks at Su Mian and asks, "Mommy, when can you leave the hospital? Xiaoxi misses you very much."

Hearing this question, Su Mian was helpless. She went to see Huo ting and deliberately said, "Mommy would like to leave hospital earlier, but I need to ask your father about this question. I can leave hospital only with his consent."

At this time, sitting on the side of the sofa, Huo Ting put down the magazine in his hand and said coldly, "when should it appear, when should it leave the hospital? You are not allowed to ask this question."

After a pause, he frowned again and said, "don't be too tight on mommy, Xiaoxi. You're a boy. You can't stick to a woman all the time. "

winter Dong listened to make complaints about this: "Dad is not sticking to baa every day than you are..."

After listening to Dongdong's words, Xiaoxi looks at him with an adoring look.

Brother Dong is so cool! Dare to contradict daddy.

Huo Ting looked back at him coldly and asked, "what do you say?"

Dongdong suddenly withered. He shook his head and said, "I didn't say anything. It was Xiaoxi who just said it."

Xiaoxi QAQ!

At this time, Beibei came over and handed Su Mian a picture. He said shyly, "Mommy, here you are. I drew it myself."

"Thank you north." Su Mian happily took over, then looked at it, and tried to organize language to praise Beibei.

After a while, she said sincerely, "these potatoes you drew are really beautiful."

"It's not potatoes, it's our family, it's babe, you and us..."

"Ah?" It's not potatoes!

Dongdong choked and couldn't help holding his stomach and laughing. He said, "I can't see it when I say baa. You really paint like potatoes. "

Beibei sips her lips and stops talking.

Su Mianmian thought it was funny, but she couldn't laugh. She was afraid of hurting Beibei's self-esteem. She said, "I'm sorry, Mommy's eyes are not good..."

At this time, Su Mian did not know that she destroyed the painter's dream of Beibei, but also let Beibei go on the road of hegemonic president.


Happy time is always very fast, an hour later, Huo Ting looked at the time, then let Dongdong take two younger brothers home.

Xiao Xi almost didn't cry out. Stay alive.

But with Huo ting in, it's useless for him to toss and turn. At last, he was pulled out by Dong Dong.

Su Mian was also a little upset.

"Don't be upset. I'll let them see you again in two days." Hoting promised.

Su Mian turns around and doesn't want to talk to him.

After a while, Su Mian felt itchy, and she began to toss Huo ting to let her take a bath.

Because of her shoulder injury and mobility problems, she has been bathing these days.

"No, you're injured. You can't touch the water."

"Uncle, don't go too far. You smell it. It stinks on me."

Huo Ting can only coax her to say: "bear it again! In another two weeks, you can take off the thread. When you get home, I will let you have a good wash! "

"Two more weeks! I'm moldy! "

"It won't get moldy, don't worry."

Su Mian said angrily, "I don't care. I have to take a bath today. Uncle, I will be very careful and careful. I will never get wet with the wound, OK?"

Hoting frowned at her and shook her head slightly.

It's not that he doesn't believe her, it's just that he doesn't dare to take risks.

"Uncle, I'm really upset." Su Mian scratched her body, and her face was uncomfortable.

I haven't washed my hair for a few days. It's hard.

It's also itchy. It's useless to take a bath."Yes, please." Huo Ting is helpless.

"I listen to you for everything but this." Su Mian looked at him wrongfully. "I'm really upset."

It's like a lot of little ants are biting her. I can't sleep every night.


"All right." Huo Ting has no choice but to compromise.

He couldn't bear to insist on her poor appearance.

"Wait a minute. I'll get something ready. I'll be right back."

Huo Ting left this sentence and turned to go out.

Looking at his back, Su Mian thought, will he go like this?

Fortunately, huoting didn't come back for a long time. Su Mian's heart was filled with a big stone.

However, when her eyes fell on what Huo Ting was holding, she could not help but look surprised.

"Uncle, why do you come here with the plastic wrap?"

"Deal with your wounds." Huo Ting said in a light voice.

He walked over and gently untied Su Mian's clothes, revealing the wound wrapped in gauze.

"Continuous, if it hurts, remember to make a sound." Huo Ting's movement is more careful.

Su Mian smiled and nodded, "OK."

In fact, the wound was almost healed, plus Huo Ting's movements were light, and he would not hurt at all.

Huo Ting seems to be the most important thing in his life. He holds the plastic wrap in one hand and presses Su Mian's shoulder to wrap the plastic wrap on her shoulder layer by layer.

Half a sound later, Su Mian looked at his shoulder, hesitated and asked, "uncle, is this a bit exaggerated?"

On the left and right, a bundle of plastic wrap was on her shoulder.

Today's shoulder is swollen like a small steamed bun. It looks strange.

"No, there will be no more accidents." Huo Ting said lightly.

"All right." Su Mian agrees.

As long as you can take a bath, wrap it into zongzi.

Then, Huo Ting took off her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

The hot water has already been filled up. Huo Ting tried, and slowly put it in when the temperature is suitable.

After sitting in, Su Mian felt something was wrong. Looking at the water in the bathtub, she could not even see her waist.

"Here Is there too little water? " Said Su Mian.

"Too many will touch your wound."

"A little higher." Su Mian shouted again, "it's so cold."

Huo Ting began to frown again, hesitated for a moment before putting some more water. When Su Mian was satisfied, he went to her head and sat down.

"Mianmian, lie down and I'll wash your hair."

"Thank you, uncle." Su Mian smiles and lies well.

Huo Ting dries Su's long hair with the shower, rubs it, pours some shampoo in the palm, rubs it, and then puts on her hair.

"Uncle, the left scalp is itchy." Su Mian is not happy lying in the bathtub. She only feels that there is nothing happier than taking a bath.

Huo Ting obeyed and began to scratch her right scalp.

"Do you need more force?"

"Yes, more strength."

"Good." Huoting promised to start adding gravity path. He adopted a little increase method. He didn't keep that strength path until Su Mian said it was OK.

It took two hours to take a simple bath, which huoting later thought was probably the most exhausting thing he had ever done.

But seeing a long bath can make him so happy. No matter how tired he is, he thinks it's worth it.