The Queen's bedroom is very large, decorated luxuriously and luxuriously. It's all in gold, golden and eye-catching.

Su Mian walked very slowly after entering, hardly letting go of any place.

Hamandi said the Queen's bedroom was suspicious, but did not say where it was.

So she has to pay attention to every place.

When she came to a big mirror, Su Mian suddenly stopped.

The female officer asked curiously, "Your Highness?"

Su Mian looked at it carefully and asked, "this mirror is a little special."

The female official smiled and said, "one of the Queen's hobbies is to collect mirrors, so mirrors can be seen everywhere in her palace Your highness, please keep coming with me. "

Su Mian nodded.

After walking for about ten minutes, they finally arrived at a reception room.

After they gave Su Mian tea and snacks, it was a while before the Queen appeared.

But the way the Queen appeared was very special. She didn't come in at Su Mian's entrance, but at another entrance. And from then on, they were far away.

In addition, the queen sat in a wide seat behind a curtain.

In fact, even if there is no curtain, the women in country D are wearing headscarves, only showing their facial features, so it is difficult to identify. Moreover, there is a curtain here, which is even more difficult to see.

Su Mianmian did not dare to delay. She got up quickly. When she wanted to walk by, the women officials stopped her.

"Your Highness is here."

Su Mian nodded and respectfully performed a ceremony.

"Get up." The Queen's voice sounded a little light.

Su Mian was a little surprised for a moment and thought it was very strange.

Although she had not seen the queen before, she often heard hamandi mention it.

In hamandi's narrative, the queen is a very cheerful, like to laugh, voice very bright woman.

Just now, although I just said a word, the voice was very small, even with a weak taste.

Su Mianmian didn't dare to make a decision immediately. He thought it would be better to observe some more.

When she got up, the queen asked again, "I hear that you and hamandi are not brothers and sisters, but they are very close."

"Yes." Su Mian nodded softly and smiled, "the hamandi are very good, we are very congenial."

The queen was quiet, as if she was thinking something.

Su Mian felt a little surprised. He looked up and saw that he still couldn't see anything.

At this time, the queen said again, "are you here to attend hamandy's engagement party?"

"Yes." Su Mian agrees quietly.

"Is the little prince lah here, too?" The queen asked again.

"Yes, this time he came with me."

After su Mian's answer, there was a long silence.

Remembering hamandi's orders, she asked again, "Your Majesty, have you been well recently? I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm very concerned about your health. "

"I'm fine. Go back and tell him not to worry." The queen replied, "is his engagement party next week?"


"I see. You don't need him to come to me. When I need to, I'll meet him myself..."



After su Mian came out of the Queen's bedroom, hamandi and K met up together.

"Mianmian, are you ok?" Asked K.

Hamandi couldn't wait to ask, "have you seen the queen?"

Su Mian shook his head at K, and then said, "hamandi, I think the queen is a little strange..."

Hamandy looked around and said, "let's go back and talk."

the palace is full of eyeliner, so important things can't be discussed here.

"Prince harmandi, please wait a moment." Cried a female official.

Hamandy looked back at her.

She came up and said, "this is a letter from the queen."

Hamandy took it.

On the way, harmandi took a look at the letter. After a few seconds, he tore it up.

Su Mian asked in surprise, "what's wrong with the letter?"

"It's not written by the queen, even if the handwriting is very similar, but it's not her."



When he got back, hamandi told his cronies to guard the door and not let anyone in.

He looked at Su Mian anxiously and asked in a deep voice, "HARAMA, did you find anything wrong in the dormitory after you went in? Tell me more about it. "

What he worried about most was that ye Dan had already arranged his people in the Queen's palace.Su Mian didn't know how to answer. After she went in, she really tried to observe everything around her. However, she didn't see anything wrong.

"No." Su Mian thought for a moment and said, "after I went in, I didn't feel anything wrong around me. The only strange thing is Her Majesty the queen herself. "

"Then, according to your observation, is there anything wrong with her majesty? You can tell me all about her face, clothes and look. "

Su Mian listened to what he said, then looked down carefully and asked.

"Ha Man Di, I want to ask, is the queen not very well recently?"

"Impossible." Hamandi shook her head and said, "the Queen's body has always been very good. I have never heard of her discomfort before. I'm sure that's because she has no medical record and has not called doctors to the palace."

The medical records of all members of the royal family are specially registered and backed up.

Su Mian thought, in this way, there must be a problem.

"HARAMA, did you find anything?" Asked hamandi.

Su Mian nodded, arranged his words in his heart, and said politely, "it's like this. In fact, strictly speaking, I didn't see the queen after I went in."

"What?" Hamandi looked puzzled and said, "how could it be? Why can't you meet the queen? "

Su Mian shrugged, thinking how she would know what the queen thought.

Maybe it's to keep a sense of mystery. Maybe there's some other reason. Anyway, she can't guess.

"What was the situation then?" Hamandy asked again.

Su Mianmian said: "the queen always sat behind a curtain in the conversation with me, so I couldn't see her face clearly, and we were a little far away."

Hamandi frowned, thoughtful.

Su Mian looked at him and continued: "besides, from her voice and tone I don't think her health is very good. Her voice is very light and light. She feels a little powerless. It's very different from the queen in your mouth Of course, these are just my personal feelings. "

"Thank you for everything. I know what to do next." Hamandi said, "if he really moved the queen..."