When they came to the Queen's palace, the guard's bodyguard sent a suspicious message to the Queen's close female officer.

After a while, she came out quickly. She asked in surprise, "Prince hamandy, what's the matter with you?"

In fact, she wanted to ask why she came here again today.

Hamandi smiled and said, "well, last time I brought HARAMA to see the queen, but I didn't bring a present because I was so urgent. This time, HARAMA and I came here with gifts to pay a formal visit to the queen. "

Female officer is a little hesitant, what hamandi said is very reasonable, etiquette should be so.

But obviously, she couldn't make a decision either.

"You can go in and let HARAMA go in if the queen still doesn't see the man." Said harmandi with a thoughtful look.

The female officer nods helplessly.

"Well, Prince harmandi, please let me in and let the queen know."

Hamandi nodded, and the female officer turned to enter.

After a while, the female official came out and said to hamandi, "Prince hamandi, the queen still only receives Princess HARAMA."

Hamandi didn't look surprised. He nodded, turned to Su Mian and said, "HARAMA, I can't go in with you. Go in on your own, and remember to speak carefully, and don't run into the queen. "

Su Mian nods and smiles.

"Yes, I remember."

The female officer leads the person to search, after confirming that there is no problem, Su Mianmian just leads K to go in.

When the female officer saw something wrong, she hurriedly stopped K.

"Any questions?" Su Mian asked strangely.

The female official replied respectfully.

"Princess HARAMA, your royal highness only receives you. This No way in. "

"Why?" Su Mian, with a puzzled look, said, "she is my close female official. She came to help me with my things. Look. "

She said that she held out her hand and motioned to the female officer to see the gifts in her hand.

She held a bunch of flowers in her left hand and a gift wrapped beautifully in her right hand, which looked very heavy.

"I can't talk about it myself." Said Su Mian.

Female officer noticed that Su Mianmian and K were holding a lot of things in their hands.

"I can take it for you." She said.

Su Mian refused with a smile.

"No, these gifts are very valuable and must be taken by my people."

The female officer hesitated to look at K. she should look like a woman, not like a man disguised as a woman

In fact, in the eyes of foreigners, Chinese people are very similar, and they can't see what the Adam's apple is, even if they are wearing headscarves.

It's just that this woman is too tall, isn't it? It's more than one meter eight. I have to thank the women of country D for their tall growth. So women like those in the one meter eight are not without them, but few are.

However, in case of emergency, the female officer went to check K himself.

A moment later, the female official nodded softly, "OK, Princess hamara, you can go in."

"Thank you." After su Mian said thanks in a soft voice, he walked in with K.

The light in the room is still dim and everything around is not clear.

However, Su Mian had a familiar feeling because he had been here once.

She led the way ahead and led K slowly to the curtain.

Both of them walk very slowly to facilitate K to observe everything around him.

This is what they discussed before they came. Su Mianmian is not professional, so he may ignore many small details.

But K is different. With his eyes, he can definitely see a lot of things that ordinary people can't see.

As they walked, Su Mian winked at K and asked him if he saw anything special.

K shook his head with a dignified face. Along the way, he didn't see anything wrong, as if nothing had changed in the Queen's bedroom, and what they had guessed before was just their guess.

However, it was the same. The more he felt there was a problem. There are some things that are too deliberate but not right.

It is obvious that the intentional people want to create a sense that there is no problem in the Queen's palace.

But I don't know. They met a superior man.

But Su Mian was disappointed. What did she think K could find.

Finally, they came to the queen.

The queen was still sitting in the chair behind the curtain, so that Su Mian and K could not see her face.

The Queen's voice still sounded powerless, and seemed a little out of breath."Princess hamara, why are you here again?" Her tone is a little strange.

Su Mian did not think much, she half curtsey to the queen salute, said.

"I came to see her majesty. I forgot to bring you a present last time. I brought it here specially this time."

The queen weakly raised her hand, waved to Su Mian, and said, "no need to be polite, get up."

Su Mian winked at K, and K nodded slightly.

The queen didn't find out. She continued in a weak voice, "Princess HARAMA, you don't have to be so polite."

"That's what I should do." Su Mian said with a smile.

While Su Mian talks with the queen, she secretly looks at K from time to time.

K began to move slowly towards several waitresses waiting in the room. He was very slow, but very fast, with a very contradictory feeling.

Before the two waitresses came back to their senses, K directly cut two knives into their back necks.

One by one, he slowly put them on the ground, so he didn't make too much noise.

Su Mian's eyes almost didn't smile when he saw this scene.

K looks a bit awkward in high-heeled shoes, especially when he's doing it, he doesn't say a twist on his buttock, and his feet are not too steady, so he almost didn't jump on the ground.

And because the high-heeled shoes hit the ground too loudly, it attracted the attention of the queen.

When she saw that K knocked out two waitresses, she suddenly looked frightened and shrieked, "you, who are you, and what are you going to do?"

When she called out, Su Mian suddenly looked shocked.

This scream is the opposite of the Queen's, not the same at all.

Isn't she the queen?

Su Mian is frightened by her guess. She looks back at k who has already rushed over. When she wants to ask what to do, K has directly lifted the curtain and rushed in.

"You are not the queen." K took her headscarf off.

Su Mian rushes in and looks at her. She is not the queen.

The age of the queen is almost 60, but this woman is only about 40, how can I see it is not the queen herself!
