When the queen first fell into a coma, she was not completely comatose. She was still confused and conscious.

She's just tired. She doesn't have much strength to talk and eat. She's fed by others.

Gradually, she couldn't eat, and then It's what it looks like now, supported by nutrient solution.

The queen was lying on the bed with a pale face. Even though all around was golden, she could not conceal her twilight.

Jin cancheng went over, sat down on the stool and began to feel for the queen.

A moment later, he said, "the queen is OK, but she is poisoned and comatose. After detoxification, she will wake up."

Hamandi was very happy and hurried forward to ask, "is it true? Mr. king, are you sure? "

"Of course." Jin cancheng nods and agrees with a smile. "I'm a professional. As long as I go out, I will be able to save the queen. But... "

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Su Mian, who was standing not far away.

I don't know why. Seeing his eyes, Su Mian suddenly felt a sense of foreboding.

Jin cancheng's smile is very good-looking, like the smile of the beautiful man in the cartoon. But the people in the audience saw that the smile was a little evil at the same time. No, it should be said that it was a little obscene.

Hamandy coughed and asked, "but what? Mr. king, if you have any requests, please let me know. I will try my best to meet you. "

"Prince harmandi, it has nothing to do with you." Jin cancheng still smiled brilliantly, his eyes never moved from Su Mian's face. "I have only one request, that is to let the goddess date me."

"It seems to be a light fight today! You haven't learned a lesson yet! " K grabbed Jin cancheng's collar and said coldly, "do you want to be beaten again?"

K raised his fist to beat Jin cancheng again, but the latter was not afraid at all. He raised his head and cried, "you beat me, you beat me, even if you beat me, I will not change my mind."

"Good! I will fulfill your wish now! " K raised his fist and slapped it.

But Jin cancheng looked at Su Mian affectionately and cried out, "for the sake of the goddess, what are you going to do? I'm willing to die."

Su Mianmian: "..."

Is this guy over the top?!

Su Mian can't see any more.

Hamandi jumps out and stops, and he says, "wait! My brother is merciful! It's important to save people! HARAMA, come and help! "

He can't watch Jin cancheng get beaten to death by K?!

Therefore, several people staged beating -- dissuading -- provocating -- beating in the Queen's bedroom

So back and forth.

At last, Su Mian couldn't see it.

She cried out, "enough! Stop it all! "

Good tempered people don't often get angry, but once they get angry, they will make people scared.

Everyone stopped.

Su looked at everyone coldly and said, "stop it! Don't hit Mr. Kim Don't be moved, Mr. king. I'm afraid my brother will beat you up to be a fool if he doesn't pay attention. "

"Goddess, you care about me!" Jin cancheng said moved.

K kicked him again where we couldn't see him.

"Ah!" Jin cancheng looks back and stares at K. he says in a low voice, "villain!"

Su Mian: "I promise to date you. Go to see the queen first!"

Jin cancheng was specially invited by hamandy, which shows that in fact, hamandy has found other doctors for the Queen's situation, but no one can help, so this task falls on Jin cancheng.

In other words, Jin cancheng is the only one who can save the queen.

K said coldly, "no, I will beat him to change his requirements."

"Impossible." Jin cancheng kneaded his face and shouted, "what my husband said must be done. What I said will never be changed. What's more, to be able to date a goddess is my biggest dream, more important than my life. "

"Shit." K can't help bursting his tongue. He's seen the cheeky one, but he hasn't seen the cheeky one.

Su Mian pulled K again and shook his head at him. "Forget it."

Hamandi also came up to plead, but under this, K just shrunk back and let go of Jin cancheng.

Jin cancheng kneads his face and climbs up to Su Mianmian. He smiles brilliantly. However, with the blue and purple condition of his face, the smile no matter how brilliant it is, it also becomes like yesterday's yellow flower. The brilliant is a thing of the past.

"Goddess, thank you for agreeing to date with me. I will definitely let you have a fast date." Jin cancheng is very serious about the guarantee.

Su Mian nods awkwardly. He is completely speechless to the middle-aged boy.

"Prince, I need all of you to go out. I want to detoxify the queen," Jin cancheng said to hamandi"Yes, Mr. king. Do you have anything else you need?" Hamandy asked again.

Jin cancheng shook his head. He patted the medicine chest he had been carrying.

"I don't like to use other people's things, no matter what kind of medical equipment I have prepared myself, so the prince and his highness don't need to bother, just give me some time."

"Good." With a wave of his hand, hamandi led the crowd away.

Seeing the Queen's bedroom door closed in front of her, hamandi was a little nervous.

Although he has confidence in Jin cancheng, as long as the queen doesn't wake up in one day, his heart can't be completely put down in one day.

Su Mian walked over, patted hamandi on the shoulder and said, "don't worry too much. I think Mr. Jin has some abilities. He can certainly save her majesty."

"I believe in his ability, though he is a little eccentric." Said harmandi.

Three hours later

The door was suddenly opened, and Jin cancheng's head came out of the crack.

Seeing this, hamandi rushed over with a quick step and asked eagerly, "Mr. king, how is the situation? Has the poison in the queen been eliminated?"

Jin cancheng looks at him with some unhappiness and says, "Prince hamandy, are you questioning my ability?"

"Can't you speak well?" Su said without words.

Hearing this, Jin cancheng immediately became a cute cat, he said with a smile.

"How could I have an accident? The poison in the Queen's body has been detoxified. She should be able to wake up later. "

Hamandi breathed a sigh of relief, only to feel that a big stone hanging near his throat finally landed slowly.

As long as the queen is OK, all troubles are not trouble.

"What happened to the queen?" All of a sudden, a voice with a slight lack of strength came from behind the crowd.