Jin cancheng is not stupid at all. After seeing Su Mian and huoting, he guessed that he was su Mian's husband.

"Brother in law." He gave a sudden cry.

He's very lethal.

Huo Ting's hands shake, and Jin cancheng struggles out.

"Don't climb on relatives, I don't have a sister!" Hoting said coldly.

"Brother in law, don't say that. You see, the goddess is my sister, so you are my brother-in-law naturally, right? " Jin cancheng put on a flattering look, how to see all the special beat, he said, "brother-in-law, Hello, first meeting, please take care of more!"

Su Mian is speechless about the two goods. She covers her forehead and says helplessly, "doctor Jin, don't shout. Are you bigger than me?"

"Is that so?" Jin cancheng showed an expression of afterknowledge and afterthought. He scratched his head awkwardly and said with some embarrassment, "in fact, I personally hope to be the younger brother of the goddess, so that I can get the goddess's favor. How nice."

Su Mian turned her head to one side, and couldn't bear to look at him directly!

Don't say you know this person!

Jin cancheng was unconscious and didn't know that he was challenging huoting's bottom line. He even extended his hand and said, "since I am older than the goddess, then you are my brother-in-law. Hi, brother-in-law! "

Huo Ting looked at him coldly, without saying a word. Suddenly, he hit him directly and said coldly, "are you taking advantage of me?"

"Well..." Jin cancheng really wants to cry when he covers his face.

Why are all the men around the goddess hands and mouths?

Shouldn't the Chinese advocate the gentleman's words and not his hands?

Jin cancheng feels that there is a high-rise building in his spiritual world beginning to slowly collapse. He feels that he must seriously supplement the knowledge of the Oriental people.

What we know before is not reliable It's going to kill, okay?!

And just as Jin cancheng wanted to say something more, he was getting closer to Huo ting. Suddenly there was a loud bell in the distance.

Dong Dong Dong!

There is a short interval between the bells, but because the bells are very distant, even though there is a gap between them, it still gives people the feeling of continuous reverberation.

Huo Ting came to Su Mian's side at the moment when the bell rang, and put out two hands to cover her ears.

Su Mian leaned on his arms freely, smelling the familiar taste of his nose, and he could not say how happy he was.

It's a surprise.

Yesterday on the phone, Huo Ting said that he could not make it to the wedding banquet. He still had to be busy with domestic affairs for a few days, but now he suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Thank you, uncle. The surprise you gave is really amazing!" Su Mian said with a smile.

Nothing is better than the person you love around you.

Huo Ting's fingers, covering her ears, moved gently, as if to answer.

Su Mian smiled and said nothing more, because at this time she saw hamandi pulling her bride onto the platform.

On the stage like a fairy tale, hamandi is holding her bride, with a bright smile on her face.

Hamandi looked at the audience below, holding the microphone, and said with a smile, "thank you for coming to my engagement banquet. With your blessing, I will be happy with the princess."

He said, leading his bride to salute the crowd.

Everyone applauded eagerly, and the atmosphere climbed to the climax.

After hamandi's wandering words, people saw the queen slowly walking up from the side of the platform.

Everyone was puzzled. Hamandy was also busy letting go of the bride's hand, walked quickly, and helped the waiter to help the queen come up.

"Queen, you are not in good health. How can you come up?" Hamandi asked, puzzled.

The queen smiled and said, "I'm ok."

When they got to the center of the line, the queen took over the microphone and said in a loud voice, "thank you for coming to ha Mandi's engagement ceremony. On this occasion, I also have a very important thing to announce." After looking around, she said with a smile, "Oh, no, it's up to hamandy to do such an important thing."

She said and nodded back to hamandi, who was shocked and asked, "Your Majesty, do you really want to announce it now?"

The queen nodded. "Yes, you can announce it."

Hamandi took a deep look at the queen, then turned around to look at the audience.

He said with a smile: "well, today is my engagement ceremony, and tomorrow is the succession ceremony. So I hope you can stay here to attend the most important and grand ceremony of our country D. thank you

The queen also nodded slightly. After she smiled at the guests below, she went down with the help of the close female official.After the queen went down, hamandi said two more words, and then led his bride's hand down.

When walking down the high platform, Prince Ye Dan stood under him and sneered, "succeeding? You can't find the emperor's battle. Why do you succeed? Harmandi, you really dare to talk big. Aren't you afraid to make a big joke tomorrow? "

He smiled with no concealment of sarcasm, and hamandi listened as if he had not.

He lightly glanced at Prince Yedan, with a suitable smile on his face, and led his bride to quickly integrate into the guests, completely ignoring Prince Yedan.

However, the most concerned person of the guests is still the queen. Everyone knows that the queen is ill recently and rarely appears. Today, the opportunity is rare. Many people are busy in the past to say hello to her and make a simple reply.

What's more surprising is that no matter where the queen goes, she always pulls a boy.

It seems to be a mixed race kid, but he is inclined to be of Oriental origin. His eyebrows and eyes are very delicate. The first feeling of all is that he seems to be a little more beautiful than those kids of the royal family of country D.

However, this is still unfamiliar to all, as if it had never been seen before.

But it's obvious that the identity of the queen is not simple.

For a while, winter and winter were all the rage, and even successfully suppressed hamandi, becoming the most eye-catching little star of the dinner party today.

Su Mianmian and huoting are standing in a remote place, looking at the winter and winter that the queen is pulling around, they can't say what they feel.

All of a sudden, the kid who was still holding the lamb grew up like this.

"Uncle, you see, winter and winter are so popular no matter where they are."

Huo Ting nodded and looked around with the winter. He said in a deep voice, "yes, he has grown up and can do well."