In a flash, Su Mian has been back home for two months.

In this period of time, she has not been to other places except for sending a few children to school every day.

Why? It is that she should spend all her time reviewing her lessons!

This time, no matter what, she will be admitted to the University of s city. She will be a positive mother and set a good example for her children!

especially in winter and winter, don't always think about skipping classes!

"Continuous, don't be nervous." Huo Ting said, "it doesn't matter if you can't get into the exam. Your husband has money. I know everyone in the school you applied for. Then..."

"Uncle!" Su Mian stared at Huo ting and said, "please don't hit me!"?! Can I rely on my own strength? "

"Good! Don't be nervous. "

“……” Su Mian said speechlessly, "I'm not nervous, you are! Hurry up, I'm going in for the exam. "

With that, Su Mian hurried into the examination room.

She raised her head and her chest.

However, when she got the paper, her chest suddenly collapsed.

She stared unbelievably at the paper.

This?! What's the problem!

How to look familiar, but she can't do it all?!

Wait! Su Mian rubbed her eyes, then looked at them again, and found that she still couldn't do it


This makes her nervous heart even more pull together, there is a feeling of suffocation.

Suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came.

Why to meet suddenly giddy rise?

She also felt nauseous and wanted to vomit. Within a minute, Su's face turned pale!

The paper in front of me suddenly became strange, like a kaleidoscope, spinning in front of me.

The words on it also jumped out of the roll strangely, one by one, like little black knives shooting at themselves.

At that moment, Su Mian wanted to shout, but found that he could not.


"Teacher! Someone fainted! "


I don't know for a long time, when Su Mian woke up again, he found that everything he could see was white.

She rubbed her eyes strangely and looked around.

"Strange, isn't this a hospital?"

God knows that since she was shot last time, the place she hates most is the hospital. There is no one.

Now when I opened my eyes, I found myself in the hospital. I can imagine how bad she was.

"Mianmian, are you awake?" All of a sudden, hoting's voice rang.

Su Mian looks at him in a dazed way.

"Uncle? Why are you here? Eh, no, I'm not in the exam. "

Huo Ting gets up, gently supports Su Mian to sit up, and considerately stuffs a pillow in her back.

After she sat down, Huo Ting sat down in the chair and looked at her with complicated eyes.

Su Mian is also scared by his eyes. What kind of eyes are they? There is happiness, there is chagrin, there is a hint of regret.

"What's the matter with you?" Su Mian doesn't understand and asks, what is it that can make him show such an expression?

Huo Ting opened his mouth, but after working hard for a long time, he couldn't say a word.

"What happened? Am I not in the examination room? Why did you suddenly enter the hospital? " She tried to search the memory in her mind and found it very fuzzy.

Just remember that when I was in the dark, I was I don't remember anything.

Huo Ting took Su Mian's hand and said after thinking: "Mian, it doesn't matter. Although we didn't succeed this time, we can work hard next time."

"I fainted in the examination room, didn't I? Is the exam over? " Su Mian asked anxiously, "do I have time to go back now?"

With that, she will get out of bed and put on her shoes.

Hoting held her hard to stop her movement.

"Continuous! The exam is over! "

"It's over?! In this way, all my efforts will be in vain. " Su Mian cried sadly.

In the two months of preparing for the exam, she was really hard, but now, all her efforts have been in vain, she is really sad.

As soon as Huo Ting saw that she was crying, he was even more worried and hurried to say, "Mianmian, you can't cry."

Su Mian twitches and says, "why?"

She's so sad, can't she cry?

If uncle says yes, she! She will cry loudly for him to see!

"Because You're pregnant. " Huo Ting says helplessly.

"What?" Su Mian was shocked. She didn't know whether the tears in her eyes should come out or be taken back.She stared at Huo Ting, some of whom couldn't believe what she heard.

"You What did you say? Uncle, are you kidding me? " Su Mian asked stupidly.

"It's true." Huo Ting really didn't know what kind of expression he should use to talk to her at this time.

At this time, the doctor just came in and saw that Su Mian was awake. He looked at two people and saw one crying and the other I can't say what it is, but I don't think it's right.

"Madam, you fainted because of tension, which is very common in the early stage of pregnancy."

"Am I really pregnant?" Su Mian said word by word.

The doctor nodded.

"How could I be pregnant?"

The doctor couldn't answer. He turned to look at hoting.

Should I ask your husband this question?!

That's what his expression says!

Huo Ting looked at him coldly and said, "you go out first."

As soon as the doctor was cold, he ran away.

Su Mian covers her face and seems unable to accept the news of her pregnancy.

Huo Ting looked at her, reached for her hand and said, "it's continuous. You've been pregnant for almost three months."

"Three months!" Su muttered. After a while, she suddenly raised her fist and greeted Huo ting.

Three months! Isn't that when I was abroad?!

At that time, she asked her uncle to wear TT, but he said that the safety period is not necessary.

Now, go to your sister's safe time!

"Uncle, you killed me..."

Her university is going to fail again.

Being beaten like this by her, Huo Ting was afraid to move. He was afraid that it would hurt her.

He left her to fight without moving.

"Mianmian, you can beat me, but don't hurt yourself, OK?"

"Oh, I see. Now you just think the kids don't care about me, do you?" Su Mian was sad and suddenly began to change the painting style. She said sadly, "do you think children are important or I am?"

Hoting had a headache. He hugged her and said helplessly, "for me, you are more important than my life."

Sue groaned.

"Mianmian, I'm sorry. I promised you that I would never let you pregnant again But there are some things I can't control. You can be angry with me, beat me and scold me, but just don't hurt yourself, OK? "

Huo Ting slightly side head, imprints a kiss on her face.

Su touched her belly, but she was not unhappy.

It's just a bit of an accident.

Alas, it seems that her university can only be postponed for another year.