"That's what happened..." Aben saw Han Mengjun's face was gentle, then he went to the front of the sofa, sat down, moved his position, raised his orchid finger, and said, "Mengjun, we have been sharing weal and woe for so many years, don't I know you? I won't pick things up randomly. Even if I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm also afraid of being killed by you. This is really not what you think are those nasty things. "

Han Mengjun frowned and asked, "I want to meet the client face to face."

"This is simple! She's out there. "

Han Mengjun: "..."

"I'm not Hurry up! More than half of this year has passed. Apart from playing a role of the fourth girl in Zhou's TV series, you haven't received any other plays that can be used for acting... "

I'll be killed as soon as I get out of the show. It's OK for any temporary show.

"All right, needless to say." Han Mengjun said, "I know you are wronged to follow me."

"Hum." As soon as aben heard Han Mengjun's words, his tail suddenly cocked up and said, "I'm wronged, so if you're red later, you must remember me, if it's not my mother..."

Han Mengjun hooked his mouth and smiled.

Her appearance is impeccable, and her plasticity is very strong. After putting on makeup, she immediately looks like a new person, which is the reason why she won the nomination for best female match at a young age.

Some people have special aura.

Aben looked at her smile, took out her mobile phone and said, "don't move, I'll take a picture first! what the fuck! This smile is so beautiful! If I didn't like men, I would love you! You are my goddess! "

Han Mengjun powerlessly turned a white eye and said, "isn't there a client outside?"? You'd better invite her in soon, or I'll probably change my mind. "

"God! My little ancestor, don't change it. I'll go right now... "


Ten minutes later, Huo Xingxing sat opposite Han Mengjun.

Han Mengjun looked at the little girl in front of him, and he was relieved of his last worry.

She looks very small. She is 15 or 16 years old. She has a round face, big eyes and long eyelashes. When she looks at you, she blinks like a small animal, which makes people take care of her.

"Sister Mengjun, can I call you that?" Huo Xingxing asked nervously.

Han Mengjun did not expect that this would be the first conversation between them.

She was stunned and nodded.

"Great!" Huo Xingxing happily took out the bag behind him and said, "you are my idol. I grew up watching your play when I was young. I like Meng Lijun very much! Can you sign for me? "

Meng Lijun is the role in Han Mengjun's famous work after a generation's favorite. It is her first and most important role so far. With this role, she entered the entertainment circle.

"OK." She signed for Huo Xingxing.

Huo Xingxing asked shyly, "can I take a picture for you?"

She hasn't met such a passionate fan in a long time. She's a little flattered.

After taking photos with Han Mengjun, Huo Xingxing can't resist the impulse of sending friends.

No, I can't!

Elder brother didn't know that she came to see sister Mengjun.

Han Mengjun saw that she looked down at the picture for a long time. He was very happy for a while, but he didn't speak.

She coughed softly and said, "well, can I ask you why you do this?"

"I want to be in love..." Huo Xingxing replied.

Han Mengjun is in a fog. He doesn't understand at all. What does it have to do with the little girl who wants to fall in love?

"If big brother doesn't have a girlfriend, he's always in charge of me. I can't fall in love." Huo Xingxing said pitifully, "I'm eighteen years old, and I don't say more than ten words to boys, so sister, you must help me!"

"But..." Han Mengjun paused and said, "even if I help you, I and your brother are not true It's just in disguise. "

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can drag him, so that he doesn't have time to worry about me." In fact, Huo Xingxing thinks that Han Mengjun is the type that big brother likes completely, at least his appearance is right, so they are likely to make a fake!

She is confident, if not afraid!

She will try to match them!


So, maybe Huo Xingxing's eyes are so innocent, she can't refuse her.

Next, I don't know what way Huo Xingxing used. Huo Chendong got in touch with her soon.

He said that he needs to meet the artists face to face and confirm his acting skills.

Han Mengjun calmed down and managed the process of this matter. He thought it was a bit of a mess for his family to do so.

That's right! Huo Xingxing said everything to Han Mengjun, except for concealing his own careful thinkingIn order to fall in love, my sister eavesdropped on my brother's plan, knowing that my brother was going to find a professional actor to play his girlfriend in order to cope with his mother's forced marriage.

So, he found her and asked her to fight for the position.

Then when she is a "girlfriend", help her to take good care of big brother and let him relax her "control". At best, you can brainwash him and let him not be so strict with himself.

"Ms. Han, please come with me." Said the secretary.

Han Mengjun returns to God, nods and walks in after the secretary.

Her today's dress is said to be a dress that Huo Chendong appreciates very much. But according to Han Mengjun's aesthetic, she thinks that such a dress is more suitable for little girls, which is too dreamy.

After entering the meeting room, she saw a tall figure.

After the Secretary closed the door, Han Mengjun stood there and looked at him.

The man turned around and said with a smile, "Hello, Han Mengjun."

His voice is very pleasant, a casual sentence, as if lovers whisper in the ear.

The sound of subwoofer has such charm.

Han Mengjun returned to his senses, took out his ability to perform lines, smiled and said, "Hello, Huo Chendong."

You're kidding! Elder sister was in school. She was the first in every recitation, OK?!

She entered her role at a speed that she wanted to take down.

Dong Dong was stunned and his eyes narrowed slightly. He thought the female star was a little interesting.

He said, "sit down." With that, he took the lead to the front sofa and sat down.

Han Mengjun also followed.

When she sat down opposite to Huo Chendong, she found that, in fact, he was not very similar to Huo Xingxing. He was a bit mixed race, especially his eyes were very deep. When he looked at you, he seemed to be deeply attracted.

It has to be said that this is a very attractive man!

"Miss Han, now you can tell me I don't know what did my sister talk to you about yesterday? "
