Because of Zeng cocoa, Su Mian declined song Qinghuan's proposal to send her to the hospital for dressing change.

Song Qinghuan didn't say anything about Su Mian's refusal. Su Mian was waiting for him to ask, and then she mentioned Zeng coco Ask him what's the matter? As a result, he didn't say a word, so she couldn't say anything.

After a few days, Su Mian's arm can finally remove the gauze. It's half a month since I saw Dong Dong last time, and my uncle hasn't seen him for more than a month.

Su Mianmian doesn't dare to call Huo Ting because of her lack of heart. As a result, Huo Ting doesn't call her

What's the matter? This has never happened before

Su Mian is getting more and more upset. Now she thinks it's strange every time her uncle calls her.


These days, after the baptism of cramming memory, Huo Ting knows that Huo Chen was gone six years ago, and he adopted his son and raised him as his own son By the way, he also has a young wife. It's said that he loves her very much. When he heard Chen CE say something about what he did for her, he deeply felt that the man was not him.

"Boss, this is where you live." Chen CE said, "do you need my wife on the phone? She should be at school now. "

Hoting said coldly, "No." In his short life of 18 years, the word "woman" means trouble, and he is not ready to see trouble.

Chen CE said again, "then I......"

"Go back first. I'll go in myself." Huo Ting finished and got out of the car and walked in.

In his memory, he just played basketball here with Chen not long ago

No, the basketball court is missing.

Huo Ting looked at it carefully and found that it was both familiar and strange here. Ten years seemed to be deeply reflected at this moment

He walked step by step, and when he reached the steps of the gate, he saw a child about five years old standing in front of him.

He has curly hair and big eyes. He doesn't know what to hold in his hand. It's also curly

This is a sheep?

"Baa..." The small fire raised its head and bleated.

Huo Ting has guessed that the child is probably his own son, but what is he doing with such a fluffy stupid thing?

Dongdong is very happy to see Huo Ting, who hasn't been seen for a long time. He immediately raises his tail and rushes towards Huo ting.

"Daddy, I miss you so much!"

Huo Ting put his hand to Dongdong's head and said, "don't get close to me!" I don't know how many bacteria there are on such a stupid thing. How can I hold it?!

"Baa..." Xiaohuo's head is crooked and cute without knowing the truth.

But Huo Ting didn't think it was cute at all. He even thought, can I eat this thing?

Sheep, too Is the taste of the sheep common?

Based on the animal's intuition, the small fire suddenly felt that the danger was close. It bleated and cried and went to winter's arms.

Huo Ting was a little sorry to see the short tail of the small fire, and could not evaluate the taste of its meat.

Dongdong reaches out a hand to push Huo Ting's hand away, but the short hand can't reach him, so his face suddenly collapses, and he howls loudly, "Daddy doesn't love me more than you do? Make a noise... "

Huo Ting is slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Dong Dong says cry and cry?!

As a man of the Huo family, shouldn't he shed blood and sweat without tears?

What does the child say and cry?

Huo Ting is frightened by the two tears in Dongdong's eyes!

This style is not like the children he raised!

"Daddy, what's the matter with you? Don't you forget me? I'm your favorite baby Dongdong howled loudly, "besides, did you forget to find a husband for my daughter?"

In fact, Chen CE told Dongdong about huoting's memory loss, so Dongdong would come and block the door.

If you look at the appearance, you can't see what's different about huoting?

At that time, Dongdong tried to find out that huoting had changed. If he didn't lose his memory, babi would definitely hold him. Now babi doesn't want to hold him

Dongdong's little heart has been hurt. He needs to make up for it urgently, so he thinks it's necessary for daddy to find a boyfriend for Xiaohuo.

“…… Who is your daughter? " Huo Ting felt that the world view had collapsed. Was the child really raised by himself?

Dongdong stops whining, picks up the small fire hiding in his arms and says, "it's the small fire."

Xiaohuo is still in the stage of fright. He refuses to show his face to Huo ting. He only shows Huo Ting his round fart. Shares.

(I'm really tired. Xiaohuo has no energy to code words. The following plot is very important. I'm afraid it won't work out well. Duangeng will resume the update on the 28th ~ ~ QAQ ~ ~ wait! On the 28th, I'll give you winter's
