Chapter 351

Name:You For Eternity Author:Qian Tao
"Do you think it is possible for me to meet someone who looks like you in the street one day?"

Qiantao's hand over the safety belt stopped for a moment, and then he continued to fasten it in the next second.

"No way."

Sheng Ming is carefully observing her expression and tone when she speaks.

"I was startled."

Sheng Ming won't mention this kind of thing for no reason.

Qiantao was a little uneasy.

Sure enough, Sheng Ming then took out his mobile phone and showed her the photo: "look, does this man look like you?"

Even trying to cover up their panic, but the face is uncontrollable, can not help but, at the moment of seeing the photo, become pale.

Soon she responded, "my God, how could it be like this, who?"

The reaction is quite fast Sheng Ming thought to himself that he had no time to observe her micro expression.

"I don't know this one next to here?"

"I don't know."

"The one blocking you in the bathroom is Lynn."

"Oh, she, I don't remember very much. I forgot after reading it. What are you showing me? Because we look like each other? " Qiantao continued as if nothing had happened.

"You said I can't catch up with you. How about trying to catch up with her? You have the same face anyway. "

Thousand peach's face is very unnatural, tightly closed his eyes, hands unconsciously grasp the safety belt, tightly hold.

"I'm joking. How can it be? I've heard that she's dead, so we are the only peach sister with this face in the world."

"Have you finished?" Thousand peach's facial expression quickly becomes a bit cold, "finish saying, I left first."

The door has opened a seam, suddenly Sheng Ming with a very calm voice called two words: "ChuChu."

Her hand froze and she looked back at him.

Sheng Ming just said, "her name is ChuChu. It sounds nice. What do you think?"

Thousand peach leave, Sheng Ming also don't chase, just looking at the picture in the mobile phone, brow tightly wrinkled up.

Her reaction was so strange.


Gu Tong hasn't driven far. After receiving a call from Qian Tao, she turns around and comes back. She finds that she squats on the roadside and gets out of the car.

"Peach! What's the matter with you, peach? What did Sheng Ming do to you? "

"Nothing..." With Gu Tong's help, he got on the bus.

"You look very pale. Is there something wrong with you?"

Qiantao leaned on the chair, nodded, pointed his heart with slender fingers and said: "here..."

Gu Tong had some doubts: "what's the matter?"

"I'm a little tired. Take a break."

"Well, you sleep, I'll call you when you get home."

Qian Tao lowered his seat, lay down, closed his eyes and held himself in his hands, showing a state of self-protection.

Gu Tong went to the children's palace and took Qianyi back. Looking at her like this, qian11 suddenly felt distressed: "what's wrong with her?"

"It's OK. I'm tired from work. I'm sleeping." Gu Tong doesn't want to worry Qianyi.

Thousand peach sleep, so also can't see what, thousand one didn't doubt.

But in the middle of the journey, Qiantao seems to have had a dream and began to talk. Gu Tong gently wakes her up at the red light.

"Wake up, peach, you have a nightmare."

Qian Tao was pulled back from his nightmare by Gu Tong. He was still a little confused. He took out some paper towels to wipe the sweat on his face, supported his forehead, and said helplessly: "I dreamed that day Linshui, Dongshan, yeyunshen - "
