The garrison in the city is only over 90000.

Although there is a great disparity in the strength of the two sides, in a siege, the attacking side often has to pay several times as much as the strength of the garrison.

Therefore, Xiao Yiyuan did not feel pressure because of the large number of troops in Xichuan. What really bothered him at this time was the enemy spies who had mixed into the city before the war.

Due to his unhealed injury, he did not dare to ride a fast horse all night. He arrived in Hongdu at noon yesterday.

Although Sima chuzhao had taken action before, he only supervised and controlled these spies who had mixed into the city, but he didn't have time to take action.

Since no action has been taken, there will be no torture or digging. The exact number of spies and the plan of action are still in doubt.

At present, before they had time to thoroughly eliminate the enemy spies in the city, the Xichuan army had assembled and called for battle outside the city.

If Kaicheng is to fight, the traitors inside the city may cooperate with the enemy outside the city. By then, Hongdu will be in danger.

But since he arrived in Hongdu yesterday, because of the name of God of war, the morale of these soldiers who have always been used to the battle of guarding the city is high, and they are looking forward to opening the city to fight against the enemy.

If he orders the soldiers not to fight and makes them shrink in the city, it will do harm to their morale.

"Pass on the orders, strictly guard the four gates, no matter how the enemy calls for battle, you can't fight!"

In the almost overcrowded Council Hall of the city Lord's mansion, Xiao Yiyuan made this decision after many measures.

"... yes!"

Seeing that the God of war, who had always been conquered by the sword, chose not to fight. The herald subconsciously looked at Sima chuzhao, who was also sitting in the upper position in the hall. Seeing that he had no objection, he took the order.

After the herald retired, Xiao Yiyuan quickly assigned the task of guarding the city to the remaining generals.

The generals took orders one by one and left one after another. The former extremely crowded assembly hall gradually became spacious and empty.

At the end of the day, only Xiao Yiyuan, Sima chuzhao and Xiao Qisan were left in the huge assembly hall.

"Xiaoqi, go outside and guard. Don't let anyone near here!"

Xiao Yiyuan looks at Xiao Qi and orders in a deep voice.

Next, he had to discuss with Sima chuzhao how to deal with the spies in the city.

It is a secret that spies are mixed in the city. Only a small number of trusted people can know it. Otherwise, it will cause panic among the army and the people in the city, which will be detrimental to the war.

Although Xiao Qi is usually a little silly, he knows that the war is coming and the situation is serious.

He took orders decisively and went to the door of the assembly hall to guard.

In such a large hall, only Xiao Yiyuan and Sima chuzhao were left.

Xiao Yiyuan acted neatly and went straight to the point

"You can't go out of the city to fight. It's still up to you to clean up the traitors in the city..."

"Your wound?"

Listening, Sima chuzhao knew that Xiao Yiyuan wanted to go out of the city to fight in person.

He would not have any worries if it had been the past. However, Xiao Yiyuan's serious injury had not been healed, and his internal injury had only recovered to six levels. There were no lack of experts in the Xichuan army.

"With Xiao Qi following, Wang is confident that he will be able to retreat even if the situation is bad. Moreover, once the war starts, one of us, the king and you, the Lord of Hongdu, must come forward, otherwise it will be detrimental to the war. "

But Sima chuzhao understood that he could not practice martial arts because of some special reasons. His body was just a little stronger than ordinary literati.

In comparison, Xiao Yiyuan is the best.

Combined with many factors, it seems that he had no choice. Sima chuzhao no longer hesitated and immediately nodded his head.

Immediately, they had a detailed discussion on how to arrest the spy, torture and obtain information


The army of Xichuan besieged Hongdu city heavily. Marshal Li Keqi sent four troops to fight with the four gates.

However, the general who guarded the gate had already been ordered to die by Xiao Yiyuan. No matter how they yelled or even insulted, they all defended the gate and refused to fight.

One day, the battle was fruitless, and the army of Xichuan was defeated and left. The bottom of my heart was more and more disdainful of Hongdu garrison.

I heard that Sima chuzhao, the general of Hongdu garrison, was good at defending but not attacking. In wartime, the number of active attacks could be counted with one hand.

But I never thought that even King Yi, the God of war of the Eastern Qing Dynasty, came here and was infected by him. He shrank in the city.

However, when the soldiers in Xichuan despised the garrison of Hongdu, the garrison in Hongdu city was full of frustration. At the same time, they were more anxious that they could not go out of the city immediately to fight with the enemy in order to avenge the enemy's curse.


The time of the day passed like this, and the night came quietly. With the passage of time, it became deeper and deeper.

It was decided by Xiao Yiyuan and Sima chuzhao through joint discussion. The action against Xichuan spies who had mixed into Hongdu city was quietly and orderly unfolded under the cover of night

By the beginning of the operation, 54 spies had been identified in Xichuan, scattered around the four gates in the southeast, northwest and North, with a total of 24 strongholds.

They are found in inns, brothels, dilapidated temples in the city, dilapidated houses with no one to live in, and peddlers selling goods on the street.

Although the number of these 54 people is not large, if they create chaos in the city in wartime, they will disturb the army's departure plan and have a great impact on the war situation.

In addition to the people who had been ordered to watch, Sima chuzhao sent more than 200 trusted soldiers to participate in the operation tonight.

Yin time is the most exhausting time of the day.

Inside the main mansion, Sima chuzhao took two three color fireworks as his name. With the fireworks suddenly taking off, colorful colors burst out over the main mansion. The quiet Hongdu city suddenly became noisy.

Arrest operation, officially started

While Sima chuzhao took action against the spies in the city, Xiao Yiyuan was not idle.

As early as before night, he ordered the soldiers to take a rest.

At this time, seeing that the time was almost up, he asked the herald to order the soldiers to start a fire immediately. After dinner, they immediately assembled and prepared for battle.

At that moment, Sima chuzhao finished the arrest and got the preliminary results of torture.

Among them, one of the news is extremely amazing.

The biggest tea shop in Hongdu City, Litai tea shop, whose backstage manager was from the Eastern Qing Dynasty, but her daughter married a rich merchant from Xichuan.

Two years ago, Xichuan officials approached the rich businessman and persuaded his wife to contact the shopkeeper of Litai tea shop. After some coercion and inducement, the shopkeeper agreed to be Xichuan's spy in the Eastern Qing Dynasty.

In the past two years, the shopkeeper used the convenience of business to go into and out of the residences of many high-ranking officials in Hongdu City, and got a lot of confidential information. When he took the goods, he passed it on to Xichuan.

With his keen perception, Sima chuzhao judged that if he could make good use of this information, it would be of great benefit to the war.