Xiao Yiyuan's chest injury is not serious, but when he takes off all his upper body clothes, Long Fei is still surprised. The reason is the crisscross scar on Xiao Yiyuan's body.

How can this happen to normal people?

Long Fei thought, the nurse has brought a full set of treatment equipment.

Seeing this, Long Fei gathered her thoughts and quickly began to check the severity of Xiao Yiyuan's chest injury. Then she looked at the nurse

"You disinfect and sew up his chest, and I'll take care of his face."

She found that Xiao Yiyuan's chest injury was only a slightly serious skin injury, which was not worth mentioning compared with the ferocious incised wound on his face.

In order to deal with the wound quickly, Long Fei decided to cooperate with the nurses.

The nurse quickly nods her head and goes to the other side of Xiao Yiyuan's body. Soon she starts to work. At the same time, Long Fei takes action

In less than five minutes, the nurse took care of Xiao Yiyuan's chest injury, and then quietly stood by to watch and learn Long Fei's method of suturing the wound.

Ten minutes later, Long Fei finally sewed up the wound on Xiao Yiyuan's face.

She stepped back a little, took off her mask, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and turned around. In the corner where Xiao Yiyuan could not see, she gave the nurse a look that only two people could understand.

The nurse quickly understood, turned and ran out.

Xiao Yiyuan puts on his clothes and gets up to leave, but he is stopped by Long Fei.

"Although your injury is not fatal, it is very likely that inflammation will occur. I'll ask the nurse to cancel the inflammatory drugs for you. Please wait here for a moment."

Long Fei's face is light and elegant, and her tone is very formulaic. She can't hear any problems.


Did Xia Liting say that Xiao Yiyuan nodded and sat down again.

Less than two minutes after he returned to his original position, there was a rapid sound of footsteps outside the doctor's office. In a short time, the little nurse came in.

Xiao Yiyuan glanced over and did not see any medicine in her hands. On the contrary, two tall, strong and uniformed police officers followed her into the office.

Xiao Yiyuan noticed something was wrong. He twisted his eyebrows and looked at Long Fei with displeasure.

Suddenly locked by the man's sight, Long Fei takes a cold look at him, then withdraws his sight, walks to the door, stands in front of the two police officers and points to Xiao Yiyuan

"That's him. There are too many cuts on his body. They are all old wounds. I doubt that these injuries are related to crime. For the safety of the hospital, I hope you can take him away for investigation."

"Sir, please cooperate."

After hearing Long Fei's statement, one of the police officers stepped forward. Although the forbidden words were used in his tone, his attitude could not be refused by Xiao Yiyuan.

If it's normal, Xiao Yiyuan may cooperate, but today he just wants to deal with his injury quickly and go to accompany Xia Jin.

But these people waste his time again and again!

The heart is not happy, Xiao Yiyuan's whole body's breath in an instant become depressed, indifference face only difference write "strangers do not near" four big words.

He suddenly got up from the stool and walked towards the door, completely ignoring the policeman who was talking.

The police officer saw Xiao Yiyuan get up and walk to the door without saying a word, thinking that he was cooperating with his own action.

Until see Xiao Yiyuan out of the office, toward the direction of the operating room of the emergency department, just now understand this person is to ignore them.


With a sharp drink, the police officer takes off his baton and rushes forward to stop Xiao Yiyuan. At the same time, another police officer follows him.

In the narrow corridor, two people, one before the other, completely blocked Xiao Yiyuan's way of leaving.

"This gentleman, citizens have the obligation to cooperate with the police in handling cases. We only receive reports from the masses and take you back for simple inquiries. Once we are sure that you have no problems, we will naturally let you go. But if you do not cooperate, we have to suspect that you are indeed engaged in criminal activities, and even take compulsory action against you. "

Behind Xiao Yiyuan, another policeman opened his mouth. His tone was not as tough as that of the policeman just now, but it did not mean that he would let Xiao Yiyuan go.

"My injuries are for the people of my country, not for breaking the law! There's only so much I can say. If you don't get out of the way, even if you are the executors and guardians of the world order, I will never give up again! "

Xiao Yiyuan's face was overcast and his breath was cold.

If not anxious to see Xia Jin, don't want to make things big, he won't give the two police officers to stop him, or even preach to him.

Xiao Yiyuan's words made the two policemen frown at the same time. He intuitively felt that if the man was not insane, he was lying deliberately.

And its lie should be, no doubt, to deliberately hide the fact that they can't let the public know.

"It seems that you have to come with us today anyway."

The policeman who is speaking to Xiao Yiyuan in the office walks up to him and takes off the handcuffs that are not on his waist. Obviously, he is going to use the handcuffs to Xiao Yiyuan.

Xiao Yiyuan coldly stares at the man who walks towards him. His ugly face is becoming more and more gloomy at the moment.

When the policeman's hand was about to touch his shoulder, his two hands suddenly stretched out, holding his wrist and arm respectively, and he wanted to fall over his shoulder.

"Stop it

In this instant, a male voice that Xiao Yiyuan was not unfamiliar with sounded.

Then a rush of footsteps came from the corner of the corridor on the other side of the operating room. Xia Liting's tall and tall figure soon appeared in the three people's field of vision.

At the sound of Xia Liting, Xiao Yiyuan let go.

The policeman breathed a sigh of relief, and even felt a sense of survival.

Just as Xiao Yiyuan grasped his hand, he clearly felt a sharp pain in the place where he held it. A strong breath of death immediately enveloped him.

"What's the matter?"

Just as the police are full of happiness, Xia Liting has come forward, standing two meters away from the three, looking at Xiao Yiyuan.

"The doctor who treated me saw that I had many old wounds and mistook me for a criminal."

Xiao Yiyuan said simply that Xia Liting understood his meaning in a moment.

Glancing over the two police officers, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and quickly dialed out. After a few short conversations with each other, he hung up.

Less than 30 seconds after he hung up, one of the two policemen's mobile phones rang.

After receiving the phone call, he quickly apologized to Xiao Yiyuan and frankly said that he had misunderstood him. Then he talked about another person who didn't know why and left quickly.

"Thank you very much."

Xiao Yiyuan sighed and looked at Xia Liting.