Chapter 162: The Wind Patron and the Stray Dogs

Chapter 162: The Wind Patron and the Stray Dogs

This section talks about the extremely low probability of individuals gaining the attribute of the "Wind Patron" after consuming Windchime Flower Honey.

The so-called "Wind Patron" attribute.

In simpler terms, it's about gaining the favor of the wind.

For example.

After acquiring this attribute, when you run or drive, you'll hardly feel any air resistance.

This can be considered a minor supernatural ability.

Not to mention, the speed of a Wind Patron is undoubtedly much faster than an average person.

This ability, strictly speaking, isn't too far-fetched.

It's just that the probability of obtaining this attribute is extremely low.

Firstly, it depends on one's physique, whether it can adapt to this Wind Patron attribute.

Secondly, even if one can adapt, the probability of successfully obtaining the attribute is not high.

The probability is almost like winning a lottery.

Hua Mi took a moment to check and confirmed that he hadn't gained this attribute.

Not surprising.

After all, he's never won a lottery in all these years.

After a few more sips, feeling a slight chill in his stomach, he still didn't become a "Wind Patron."

Hua Mi let the Eight Little Ones taste it too.

They also didn't gain the favor of the wind.

"Let's have Lu Fei try it."Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Hua Mi went into the shed and fed his mount some Windchime Flower Honey.

But still, nothing happened.

It's a shame. If Lu Fei gained the Wind Patron attribute, its speed would reach new heights.

That would truly be like flying close to the ground, just the thought of it is thrilling.


Next was the bottling process. Hua Mi harvested over seven hundred bottles of Windchime Flower Honey in total.

There were nearly a thousand community friends in the WeChat group now. Even if all these seven hundred plus bottles were put up for sale, it wouldn't be enough for everyone.

However, certainly, not everyone would want to buy this variety.

Moon Slumber Honey, Feathered Robe Honey, Gifted Grace Honey, and Thousand Illusions Honey would also return to the market simultaneously, making a total of nearly two thousand bottles.

Everyone could take what they needed.


After finishing with the honey and dealing with the related matters in this area, before leaving, Hua Mi inspected the Rainbow Glass Flower Field that was still in preparation.

About half of the land had already been transformed.

The air was filled with shadowy mist. When Hua Mi directed his mental power into it, the mist changed its form according to his thoughts and even gained color.

Hua Mi's mental power was enough for such things, but his proficiency wasn't, so the illusions he created were a bit abstract.

But undeniable, it was quite marvelous.

This place was a fusion of dreams and reality. Being within it gave a strange feeling of both fantasy and reality.

Seeing Moqiu bustling about in the fields, working diligently, Hua Mi decided to give it a little incentive to motivate it for better and faster work.

So, he gave it a Gifted Grace Honey pellet.

It was the commonest breed, a native Chinese rural dog.

Due to many residents leaving recently, the number of stray cats and dogs had surged in the town.

Especially dogs like this, not valuable and not good-looking, were more likely to be abandoned directly.

That dog didn't seem malnourished, probably abandoned not too long ago.

But its appearance was truly wretched.

Dull fur, lost gaze, cowering and skittish.

At first sight, the term "forlorn dog" popped into Hua Mi's mind, which fit too perfectly.

It wasn't alone.

There was a slightly smaller white dog beside it, although also scruffy, looked much better in appearance and temperament.

A few body lengths away from them stood a black German Shepherd!

It looked like a dignified general in black armor.

Compared to the native dogs, the Shepherd was incomparable.

The Shepherd let out a low growl.

The white dog wagged its tail and went towards it without hesitation.


The yellow dog made a pleading sound again.

The white dog glanced back, then ran over to the Shepherd without hesitation.

The two dogs sniffed each other.


Unable to endure any longer, the yellow dog made an aggressive move, leaping forward.

The black Shepherd couldn't be bothered to move and simply gl

ared at it, emitting a warning growl from its throat.

The yellow dog immediately recoiled, tail tucked.


The yellow dog pitifully watched them leave, a very human-like expression on its face, almost as if containing tears.


Seems like witnessing some dramatic scene between dogs.

It's tough being a dog these days.

Seeing the despondent look on the yellow dog, Hua Mi took out a piece of ham sausage from his ring and threw it in front of it.

But the yellow dog didn't seem to have an appetite, just glanced at it and didn't eat.

Still, it kept its eyes fixed on the direction the two dogs had gone.

Quite sentimental.

However, pitiful as it seemed, Hua Mi felt it was not unjust to lose.

Its appearance truly couldn't compare to that black Shepherd.

"Oh, right."

Hua Mi had a sudden idea.

I wonder if Feathered Robe Honey would help improve a dog's appearance.

With curiosity, Hua Mi pulled out a bottle of Feathered Robe Honey from the spatial ring.

"Yellow Dog, do you want to win back your love?"