Chapter 179: Princess Karen

Chapter 179: Princess Karen

"Since we last parted, the princess often thought of Your Excellency and commanded us to come and welcome Your Excellency to the royal capital for a reunion."

The female official's voice was cold. After stating their purpose, she glanced at his mount, and her tone softened a bit as she asked, "Do you have urgent matters to attend to, Your Excellency?"

"It's not anything urgent. Since the princess summoned me, let's go then."

Hua Mi estimated that the reason for the princess's invitation was related to the new honey. During their last meeting, she had expressed her anticipation for the new batch of honey.

Are they so eager to send someone once Chaos ended?

"The sooner, the better."

Hua Mi instructed Little White to stay behind and walked with the guards from the royal capital toward the Centaur's teleportation gate.

The female official acted as their guide.

Upon reaching the teleportation gate, she touched the stone doorframe and murmured something in Centaur language, smoothly activating the gate.

It seemed this official was quite intelligent, clearly not an ordinary person to be by the princess's side.

Following the guards, they passed through the gate and arrived near Mothu's grasslands.

There were aircraft already waiting.

Apart from the usual magical patterns common to aircraft, these also bore the royal emblem.

Once everyone boarded, the aircraft steadily ascended, heading towards Mothu.

Hua Mi moved to the side, leaning against the railings to gaze below.

He noticed something peculiar.

Several temporary checkpoints were set up along the main roads around Mothu.

Everyone passing through had to stop for inspection.

At the city gates, there was yet another checkpoint.

There seemed to be a faint magical fluctuation there, likely a preventive magic set up.

Double security measures, undoubtedly strict.

Considering last time there wasn't even a proper checkpoint, merely a symbolic check at the city gates, what had transpired during this period?

Seemingly noticing Hua Mi's confusion, the female official explained, "Currently, entering Mothu requires a temporary admission certificate from the outer perimeter checkpoint and confirmation at the city gates to prevent espionage."


As far as he knew, the Kingdom of Turen wasn't at war with anyone currently.

"Some unpleasant incidents occurred at the palace... I can only tell you it's related to Emerald City." She paused before adding, "Our relations with Emerald City have hit rock bottom. News arrived yesterday of clashes between both armies at the border, and tensions are high."

"A highly skilled alchemist. We're going to discuss alchemy; if you're interested, you can join us," Karen intervened.

Prince Brad immediately stood up, waving his hand, "I'll pass. Dealing with these alchemists is what I'm worst at... no offense."

With that, the prince, accompanied by two guards, swiftly left the area.

Karen turned to face Hua Mi, interlocking her hands and resting them on her lap, smiling, "Long time no see, Bee Speaker. How have you been lately?"

Hua Mi bowed to her, saying, "Thanks to Your Highness's blessings, I've been well."

Karen gestured to a stone bench across from her, "No need to be formal, have a seat."

As Hua Mi sat down, Karen tilted her head, speaking semi-jokingly, "Is it disappointing to be received by me again this time?"

"Because of the elves stirring, Father is tied up with state affairs. However, if you wish to see him, I think he'd gladly make time for a meeting with an outstanding alchemist like yourself. Do you need me to arrange it for you?"

Hua Mi firmly replied, "No need. Being received by the princess is already an honor."

Karen smiled happily, dimples appearing on her cheeks, "I can tell your words are sincere."

Of course, they were.

Completely sincere.

He didn't want to get involved too much in political affairsdealing with the king inevitably meant dealing with such matters.

For now, communicating only with this princess was ideal.

It was like establishing a buffer zone between him and the royal family.

"I heard someone from the Alchemy Guild visited you?" Karen casually inquired.

Hua Mi wasn't surprised she knew.

The palace's intelligence was formidable; Emerald City definitely had eyes in multiple places, and the Alchemy Guild held significant influencethey would certainly have their eyes on him.


Hua Mi openly shared the brief encounter from that day.

There wasn't anything that needed to be kept secret.

"This isn't over." Karen remarked, "I don't believe they'll let you go easily. You know, officially, the Alchemy Guild transcends borders, but in reality, it's under Emerald City's control now. For your safety, I suggest you move to Mothu. Here, you'll be the safest."

No, the safest place for me is in the little cabin.

Even if the sky falls, I could hold up the earth.

Hua Mi politely declined.

Karen didn't insist, only advising him to be careful and that he could seek help from the royal family if needed.