Su Yanxi has fantasized about seeing Mu Qi again for so many years, so when her father’s job moved here, the first thing she thought of was this school.

Although she and Mu Qi hadn’t seen each other for ten years, Mu Qi’s former friends still had contact with her, so she could easily find out about her.

Even in order to be in the same class as Mu Qi, she begged her parents for a while and only then did she get into this middle (!) class.

(!) Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe Chinese schools have an advanced class for those with excellent academic performance and average (middle) classes for everyone else? 

“Su Yanxi, have you turned in your homework?” The class president came down to collect the homework.

“Is it okay to collect it after morning self-study?” Su Yanxi said with a smile.

When she smiled, there were two dimples on the corners of her mouth, which looked unusually cute. No wonder Hu Ying, the little nymphomaniac, named her ‘Little Cutie’, Mu Qi thought in a mess in her mind.

When the little class president left, Su Yanxi hurriedly bent down and rummaged through Mu Qi’s desk belly (!). Today, her hair is parted in the middle, with both sides braided from the top to the back of her head, and the ends of her hair were slightly curly. When she bent down, the ends of her hair directly swept on Mu Qi’s legs.

(!) 桌肚 (Desk Belly): The compartment/cubby beneath the desk

Mu Qi leaned against the wall and watched the girl’s hair sweep her lap again and again. Her brows furrowed and her slender fingers lifted the ends of the other’s hair.

Su Yanxi continued to look for her workbook without feeling it.

“Qi-ge (!)!” Hu Ying, who had just finished using the toilet, came in through the back door and shouted loudly. However, when she saw this scene, she almost choked on her saliva.

(!) 哥 (Ge):  Older brothe