It was already late when several people came out of the night club.

It’s now early winter, and the sweaty people who came out of the nightclub didn’t feel it, but after walking for a while, a few people shivered from the cold.

“Stinky mushroom, are you satisfied!” (!) Hu Ying felt good everywhere at the moment. If she had a tail behind her, she would be able to poke into the sky at this moment.

(!) OG is 服不服啊 which also can be translated to “(I’m) Not convinced!”. It didn’t make sense if I put “I’m” based on context so, I stuck with the google translate translation

Qi Wei gave her a contemptuous look and said: “What is the point of dancing? Let’s fight if we can!” 

“We are civilized people, we don’t fight!” Hu Ying said with a smile.

Qi Wei: “...” Fuck, why does it feel like she’s the same as her boss and wants to be beaten up so badly.

“Let’s go, we’ll have a chance to learn from each other next time!” Mu Qi said to Qi Wei and the others when they reached the red light intersection.

Qi Wei snorted, turned her head and left, determined not to speak, giving them a dashing back view and feeling it.

Seeing her leaving figure, Hu Ying “cut” and said: “You just like to act tough!” (!)

(!) 就喜欢装逼, which I just left as “you like to act tough” but it was also translated to “I like to pretend to be forced!”/”I just like to pretend” which didn’t really make any sense? I tried looking it up on some online dictionary and:  就 = just 喜欢 = to like 装逼 = to act like a pretentious prick

So I took that as meaning, (You) Just like to act like a prick! or something along those lines

Mu Qi patted the back of her head and said: “You’re about the same.” Just pulling someone and provoking them on the dance floor, how do you look like a male peacock who is about to open its screen? (!)

(!) Male peacock who is about to open its screen probably refers to male peacocks opening their feathers to attract females

Thinking of this metaphor, Mu Qi laughed, gave the green light, and crossed the road with her long legs.

“Boss, what are you slandering me for again?” Hu Ying felt something was wrong when she saw her expression, and immediately chased after her.

“Don’t you always say that you are a roundworm in my stomach? (!) Go figure it out yourself.” Mu Qi said.

(!): Apparently, having a “worm in one’s stomach” means to know exactly how one thinks. So, I’m guessing Mu Qi’s saying that Hu Ying always says that she knows what Mu Qi’s thoughts are.

Hu Ying yelled: “Qi-ge, don’t tell me that disgusting thing. I watched the news a few days ago, and I felt sick and vomited.”