“I didn’t think Nakajima-kun would come to tutor me either.”

Yes. Me too. I didn’t think it would be Kanzaki-kun.

“Me too… I thought Kanzaki-san was good at studying.”

I believed that people with good looks were smart and could study well. This was my own opinion.

“No, it’s not like that. Not at all, y’know? I’m really not good.”

I guess it was inevitable, since everyone had their strengths and weaknesses.

Come to think of it, I was in the room with the cutest girl in school right now. Just the two of us. Talking…

Normally that would be an exciting situation, but all I could think about was that I wanted to go home right now. My heart was racing.

“But if you teach me how to study, I’m sure my grades will improve a little. You are really smart, aren’t you?”

“I have nothing to do… I am studying all the time and that is what happened…”

“Really? I think it’s really great that you are so smart. I’m the kind of person who starts studying and then immediately starts playing on my phone.”

“I can understand why you would be on your phone.”

Yeah, that happened to me too. I tend to look at Twitter as soon as I start studying. Of course, I did not have Instagram. I thought it was something for elitists.

“Nakajima-kun, you have those moments, too, eh~~! But I won’t play with my phone when you are teaching me!

Of course I did. It would be insane not to.

It was obvious that I wouldn’t say that.

“All right! Then let’s get started! I’m especially bad at math… can we start with math?”

“Yes, I’ll leave it to you today…”

“Thank you! I’m looking forward to working with you! Nakajima-sensei?”

(T/N: Get me a girl like her)

“I’d rather you don’t call me sensei… but I’m looking forward to working with you.”

“No! Sensei~!”

Thus,our first class began.

I was glad that Kanzaki-san was a girl who talked to me a lot. If she had not spoken to me… I dread to think what would have happened.