After finishing our udon, we passed the time without doing anything in particular.

It was almost time to go home.

“Nakajima-kun, would you like to go to a bookstore with me for the last time?”

“A bookstore? Why?”

“I wanted to look at some reference books and workbooks for my studies.”

I understand what you mean…we’re going to study together from now on, so I should go with you.

“Okay, I’ll go with you.”

“Thank you!! That’s great~”

We then went to a bookstore and bought a textbook that would be easy for us to use in our future studies together.

I was on my way to drop Kanzaki-san off at her home.

Earlier, I wasn’t very keen on going out today, but now I feel glad that I came. This may be the first and last time I hang out with someone of the opposite s*x.

Above all else, hanging out with Kanzaki-san was honestly a lot of fun, and the two of us having silly conversations and laughing together made me feel like I was having fun for the first time in a long time.

“Nakajima-kun, thank you for today! I had a lot of fun.”

“It’s my pleasure. I had a good time today too…”

“I-I see…you enjoyed it too, Nakajima-kun…I’m glad you did… …… then can we go again if you want….?”

“If it’s okay with you…by all means…”

I promised to go out with Kanzaki-san again at a later date.

I don’t think I will have any more communication problems with her.