“I love the Ferris wheel~! Let’s go!”

Kanzaki-san accepted my invitation.

I had only ridden on a Ferris wheel once when I was a child.

I was not afraid of heights, so I had no problems with the Ferris wheel.

We got in line to ride the Ferris wheel.


“Then the next customer please come in~”

The guide lady said.

It was our turn, and Kanzaki-san and I got on the Ferris wheel.

“Nakajima-kun, today was really fun!”

“I had a lot of fun, too.”

“Will we come again…?”


“…., Mou~ you’re making it sound like it’s over! It’s not over! It’s not over until we go home and say I’m home!”

I thought it was like an elementary school student’s field trip, but I won’t say it.

We talked for a little while after that, and I decided to talk when I had reached a point of closure.

“Kanzaki-san, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“You know… you said you talked to me the other day on the day of the exam…”

“What? Yeah…I did…”

Her expression darkened a little, but I continued talking.

“At the time I said I don’t remember you… but then I remembered…”


“On the day of the exam, the girl with an injured leg who couldn’t stand up… the girl I carried to school on my back… that was Kanzaki-san, right?”

Tears were streaming from Kanzaki-san’s eyes as I told her the story.

“……I’m sorry… Nakajima-kun… I… always knew that you were the one who helped me… and yet… I’m sorry I couldn’t say ‘thank you’ all these years. ….”

“No need to apologize, Kanzaki-san.”

“I was… afraid that Nakajima-kun would hate me if I thanked you now…….I really planned to tell you at the entrance ceremony…but I was too weak to do so…I thought about saying it tomorrow, tomorrow…and thinking about it every day…I couldn’t say it…I’m really sorry…and when you said you remembered me I was going to tell you…I’m still crying…”

I see…She had wanted to thank me for a long time…A long time had passed without finding the right time to say it, and I guess she thought that if she told me now, I would despise her.

It was at that time that I appeared in front of Kanzaki-san as her tutor. That’s probably why Kanzaki-san was so kind to me and stayed with me instead of thanking me.

It all made sense when I thought about it… She wouldn’t normally want to go on a date with me like this…

This was the last day of this relationship. She was… she was free to go. If she felt indebted to me and was being nice to me, I need to tell her that it’s okay.

“Kanzaki-san…it’s all right. I have fully understood your feelings, Kanzaki-san. So it’s all right now. ”

“What do you mean by that…?”

“I mean you don’t have to be nice to me anymore…Kanzaki-san was indebted to me. That’s why you were so nice to me and even hung out with me… that’s enough.”

“That’s not true!! I don’t remember being nice to you, Nakajima-kun… I’m just doing what I sincerely wanted to do… I wanted to have fun with you, I wanted to spend more time with you. That’s what I wanted.”

“Why… why do you want to be with me… like this?

“I think it’s because…I love you…you saved me that day when I couldn’t walk because of my leg injury. Everyone else pretended to ignore me. But Nakajima-kun was different… you carried me on your back… I thought what a kind person you are… I like you because you are so kind…”


“I know… you don’t like me… but I still like you… so I wanted to be with you… I’m really sorry. I’m really sorry for making you go along with my selfishness until now…”

Kanzaki-san… likes me?

I…I wonder how I feel about her…we are together…we have fun…she told me she loves me and I feel very nervous.

When I saw her crying face, my heart ached.

Ah…I…must be in love with Kanzaki-san…

“Nakajima-kun…thank you for saving me that day…I’m sorry I couldn’t say it before…I’m sorry I made you go along with my selfishness…… Thanks for everything…”

I was hugging Kanzaki-san before she could say thank you for everything.

The Ferris wheel had just passed the top.

“I like you, Kanzaki-san… I like you for being nice to me, when I had no friends. I love you, Kanzaki-san, who says it’s fun even when you’re with me like this…”

“That’s…a lie…”

“It’s true.”

“Because…it’s not right…I cannot even say thank you properly!”

“That’s right, it would be better if you could say thank you, but I like you like that, Kanzaki-san…”

“……… I’m selfish…”

“Yes, I know.”

“I can’t study.”

“You’re getting better.”

“I can’t do anything… are you… still okay with that?”

“It’s okay. I love you, Kanzaki-san, and I love you the way you are right now.”

“Hicc…I’m so happy…thank you…Nakajima-kun.”

She hugged me while crying.

“You really like me, don’t you, Kanzaki-san?”

“I love you…I love you…”

“I’m glad…”

“If you’d like, Kanzaki-san, with me…”

“Wait! Nakajima-kun, I’ll say it you…Nakajima-kun…please go out with me if you’re okay with me being such a helpless person!”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

After saying this, Kanzaki-san pulled away once but vigorously hugged me again, and I gently held her in my arms.


From the next day, my life was the same as usual… The only change was that we became classmates, teacher and student, and boyfriend and girlfriend.

I hope I can continue enjoying my life with Kanzaki-san.

By the way, my communication disorder was still not cured except with Kanzaki-san.

When I started tutoring as a part-time job, my student was the most beautiful girl in the school.
