Chapter 164

Alice and Ethan walked into the building where they were scheduled to meet with Murim, Illvarias sixth Immortal. As she stepped into the building, Alice couldnt help but feel both apprehensive and surprised.

When Alice had heard that she was about to meet with another of Illvarias Immortals, she had expected that she might meet with him at a fancy dinner or a [Noble] tea party. She wouldnt have found it odd if she needed to put on her fancy dress again, instead of being able to wear her comfortable everyday clothes. Alice had pictured a meeting similar to the one with Myra, Ethans mother.

This idea clashed violently with the building Alice now found herself in.

The place they were meeting Murim was clearly a pub. It smelled strongly of alcohol, and while there were a few [Waiters] and [Waitresses] puttering about, half of the people were lined up at the bar and ordering drinks. Furthermore, the few [Waiters] and [Waitresses] in the bar werent particularly attractive, despite the fact that their Class should emphasize [Charisma]. Alice checked the level of the servers, and confirmed that most of them were low to mid level there wasnt a single [Waiter] or [Waitress] above level 40 in the entire building.

The building was also poorly lit and had few decorations. The walls were a rather unappealing piss-yellow color, and on one side of the room Alice could see a group of people cheering as they hurled darts at a dartboard, adding to the noise and clutter of the room. The only real compliment Alice had for the establishment was that, despite the smell and sound, all of the seats looked clean. Though that was probably due to a cleaning Perk, rather than any real diligence on the part of the business owner or staff.

After entering the building, Ethan raised a wooden token high enough for the [Bartender] behind the counter to see it. The [Bartender] nodded, and gestured towards a staircase leading to the second floor. Ethan and Alice ascended the staircase in silence, before they found the right room and entered.

Alice carefully inspected her seat and the table before she sat down, just to make sure she wasnt about to sit on anything gross. Luckily, whatever cleaning Perk was at work keeping the rest of the building clean had kept the chair spotless.

Is this really the meeting place where were supposed to meet Murim? asked Alice, after she reluctantly sat down. Even though Ethan had said that Murim disliked formality, this was still somewhat outside of Alices expectations.

Ethan sighed, and then nodded. Almost certainly. The [Waitresses] match Murims preferences quite well

Alice blinked.

The [Waitresses]?Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Alice pondered that word for almost a full minute as thoughts swirled around her head. She looked at Ethan in confusion.

Slightly over thirty and kind of sallow-faced, said Ethan, shrugging. Alices confusion only deepened. She wasnt sure why Ethan had mentioned the [Waitresses] to begin with.

Well, when your [Charisma] increases, you become more conventionally attractive, but a lot of the direction your body and facial features go is based on your own desires. So its not exactly a 100% thing, even though some facial features are considered pretty universally attractive. You know, symmetry, the golden ratio, things like that. Ethan shrugged. Every time Murim returns from the wilderness, it has usually been at least a decade or two since his last return to civilization. Sometimes he goes five or six decades without seeing another human being. So when he returns, he usually spends a few months cutting loose and partying. Murim is a very attractive, famous person who, at least in theory, has a high status in Society. He has a pretty easy time finding erm female friends to spend a few weeks with. Alice felt her cheeks warm she realized what Ethan meant.

I dont know if its really the perfect way to handle the stress of being in the wilderness for months on end, said Ethan thoughtfully. But everyones life is their own to live. And he does genuinely seem to love his lifestyle, even if I find it baffling. I dont think Id be able to handle the loneliness. To each their own, I guess. Alice felt a bit surprised to hear Ethan reveal that he would be so impacted by spending decades away from civilization. But then, her thoughts returned to the absurdity of Ethans earlier statements.

Are the [Waitresses] the only criteria for a meeting spot? asked Alice incredulously.

No. Ethan sighed. Murim is also a massive alcoholic, and unlike most Immortals, he isnt quite as conventionally wealthy as most of us. After all, most of his activities are conducted outside of civilization. Since most people die horrifically if they go too far south, and thats where Murims exploration usually takes place, he doesnt really have anything to sell. Even his maps arent really that sought after, people would just die of mana poisoning if they tried to follow them. Since hes not that wealthy, he probably chose this place because it sells large quantities of cheap liquor. And with the [Endurance] of an Immortal who has a survival-oriented class, he certainly needs a lot of alcohol if he wants to get drunk.

Alice felt an oncoming headache, before she pushed it down. How Murim lived his life had nothing to do with her, as long as he wasnt hurting anyone else in the process. Though Alice did wonder how in the world she was supposed to approach this meeting now.

The two sat in silence as Alice got lost in her thoughts. Minutes ticked by.

The agreed upon meeting time came and went.

About ten minutes after the meeting was supposed to start, there was still no sign of the other Immortal.

Alice started to feel worried.

Had something happened to the other Immortal? Why wasnt he here yet? Had something gone horribly wrong with the class seeds in his body, causing him to lose control of himself? Alice hadnt seen any similar signs in Ethan, but just because Ethan was avoiding most of the fallout from the System so far didnt mean every other Immortal was. Alice had just assumed that they would be more resistant to the collapse of the System but there were still plenty of things she didnt know about the System. Maybe she had missed something.

Nice to meet you, Alice, said Murim, giving Alice a nod. I havent seen any of Ethans apprentices be so young in quite a while. Are you biologically sixteen, or chronologically sixteen?

Both, said Alice. I didnt really level up very much before I became a Mage, but after I survived my baptism, my levelling speed skyrocketed.

A magic enthusiast, then? asked Murim. Well, its risky to undergo a baptism, but it seems to have worked out for you. As long as you can stand by your own decisions, then regardless of whether you live or die, youve lived a worthy life. Isnt that right? Ive always admired the determination of people who undergo mana baptisms, even if it seems batshit insane.

Alice decided not to reveal the fact that she had underwent a mana baptism entirely by accident. Now that Murim had put mana baptisms in such a positive light, Alice felt awkward bringing the subject up.

More importantly, shes also someone who has researched the current crisis in great detail.

Is that so? asked Murim. What exactly is going on? Ive seen how messed up the mana wastes have become, and Ive also heard that a few people have lost their minds recently Alice almost asked how messed up the mana wastes had gotten, but decided to hold off on questioning Murim until later.

If you went to any Church of the System, you could get a full, detailed report of the most recent events concerning the System, said Ethan.

Murim shrugged. I aint religious. The System exists, but the only god I worship is the green woods and the night sky. Why would I go to a church?

Fair, said Ethan, after a moment. Well, in any case, the current crisis is complex. My apprentice can give you a rundown of the current crisis in more detail than I could. Alice?

Alice cleared her throat, and then started introducing Murim to the collapse of the System. Since he didnt seem like the kind of person who would appreciate a long, detailed list of theories, Alice did her best to shorten the crisis down to a quick and dirty explanation.

Finally, after Alices explanation, Murim rubbed his temples.

So if Im getting this right youre basically saying that the System is a giant enchantment. Now that it broke, everyone is fucked. Is that right?

Essentially, said Alice, after some thought.

I knew there was something funny about worshipping the System as a god, said Murim. Back when she was alive, my ma always said I was a smarter cookie than I seemed to be. Murim grinned. Glad to see that I can prove her right today. Then, Murim frowned. But I dont see how this related to me. I dont have a magic seed, and at this point, Im an Immortal. I have an Achievement that makes me totally immune to mana poisoning, so I have no way to force a mana baptism. Even if I did, Im not really willing to undergo one, since that could end pretty damn poorly for me. Ive never really relished the thought of screwing around with magic seeds either. I dont mind helping out if I can, since it sounds like this crisis hurts everyone. Heck, it sounds like that might be the reason the mana wastes are so messed up now. But I dont really see how any of this relates to me.

Well, its like this, said Ethan. Alice has a few theories about where the System might be. That is to say, a central mainframe of the System.

Ah. Murim seemed to understand where the conversation was going now. So youre saying that there is a physical location where the System might be, and you want me to locate it?

Alice nodded. If its possible for you to find it, that would be really useful. I might be able to fix this mess if I have access to the mainframe of the System. That being said, I dont know how dangerous it would be for you, so feel free to reject my request if its impossible.

Where are the potential locations of the System?

Either the Sigmusi Colonia, underwater, or the western continent. No matter what location its in, it should be northwest of Illvaria. But I dont know how far to the northwest it is.

Murim burst out laughing. You dont pick easy targets do you? He shook his head, as if he found the entire situation hilarious. You know what, Im up for a challenge. His grin grew wider and wider, until it looked almost inhuman how far his lips stretched. If its the western continent, then theres no way I can explore it. That area is too dangerous for me. But I can at least investigate the northwest a bit, and tell you what I find. How about you tell me everything you know, and Ill see what I can do? No promises, but I can investigate and see how things go. Im confident in my ability to sneak around the Sigmusi Colonia for a month or two and get away undetected.

Alice and Murim conversed for nearly an hour afterwards, with Alice giving Murim every scrap of information she could about the Systems mainframe and potential locations.

Afterwards, Ethan and Murim discussed payment, and a deal was struck.

Alice now had someone looking for the mainframe of the System for her.