Chapter 176

“Explain?” asked Alice, as she scratched her head. Jonathan’s suggestion had taken her by surprise. The idea of a Immortal family just... joining the group was outside of her expectations.

“Well... first of all, the monster hordes are a bit of a problem,” said Jonathan. “Based on what I’ve heard from a lot of other areas, the damage from the monster hordes is honestly getting pretty bad. Illvaria has been somewhat more sheltered from it... but even Illvaria is still starting to suffer from the monster hordes. And recently, my farm was also attacked by a large swarm of monsters. I managed to drive them back... but I didn’t manage to exterminate them. That’s a bit worrying, in my opinion.”Gét latest novel chapters on nov(e)lbj/n(.)c/om

Alice blinked. While Jonathan had mentioned failing to drive off a monster swarm, the sentence before that worried her more. Even Illvaria was starting to suffer from the monster swarms? She had thought that Illvaria was handling it reasonably well, since Ethan hadn’t said much about it to her. She had also been caught up in her research and trying to fix the System collapsing... which, now that Alice thought about it, might have been why Ethan never mentioned it to her. She already had enough on her plate to worry about, and she couldn’t really contribute to the monster swarm problem anyway.

This was a good reminder that after all of this was over, Alice really did need to develop her own information network. Being able to learn information quickly would make her much more aware of her surroundings. Alice knew that she had a tendency to get distracted by her research, but she should still keep some awareness of the rest of the world.

But that was something to think about later. The System was far more important right now.

Ethan winced. “It’s true that some of the outlying villages in Illvaria have been destroyed, but most of them have been evacuated. Although some of the truly southernmost towns in the recolonization area have been lost completely...” Ethan sighed. “It’s really a shame that this happened right in the middle of Illvaria’s best chance to reclaim the area. And food production is also starting to look a bit worrying, since most outlying villages are agricultural centers. But that’s a topic for later. It’s not as urgent as it seems.”

Alice thought about it for a moment, and then sighed.

She really didn’t know much about crops and farming. She knew that on Earth, food production was really high because of modern fertilizer... but she had no idea how to manufacture it. She sighed again, and then turned back towards Jonathan.

“All right, so monsters are a concern. Still, it sounds like you’ve handled it so far? Also, wouldn’t this mean abandoning your country?”

“My five person country comprised of a strip of wasteland that no one wants?” Jonathan rolled his eyes. “I can rebuild this farm anywhere I want in a week or two. Sure, it might not be quite as nice as this house, but the lives of my family are more important. I mean, I’ll obviously have to leave some stuff behind. I don’t have any great storage perks, and I have accumulated quite the amount of gold and luxuries over the decades. But I’m sure my family and I will live. Besides, refounding Superbia isn’t as hard as you might think. All I really need is a strip of wasteland that no one wants and a certain understanding with any nearby countries. Considering the benefits of being my neighbor, I doubt it’ll be that hard to meet both conditions.”

Alice thought about it, and found herself agreeing with him. When one person could manufacture enough food to feed a large town, and grow crops from totally different climates, it was easy to accumulate wealth. He might lose some benefits from his [King] class for a while... but as an Immortal, Jonathan wasn’t really pressed for time. If it took him a few extra years to get his Perks up and running again, he would barely notice a difference.

“Still, isn’t moving around... dangerous, right now?” asked Alice. “With monsters transforming large swathes of land over and over again, there might be a risk of other family members getting [Explorer] mana. And if that happens, I still don’t know how to fix it yet.”

“Well, when it comes to exploration, as long as we trail a bit behind your group, most territory will already be ‘discovered’ by you. So the [Explorer] mana isn’t that big of a deal. But if I move ahead of the rest of my family, I can get a bit of [Explorer] mana... and I’m counting on that. I’ll have to manage distances very carefully, but that’s the point of all this.”

“I’m sorry, what?” asked Alice. Jonathan sighed.

“Here’s the thing. My son... really wants to leave. I haven’t let him adventure out into the world yet, because my wife is still firmly against it... but even so, my boy still came to danger just by sitting at home. Based on your descriptions, he’s struggling to fight off the invasion of his class mana, and it’s fundamentally altering his personality. I don’t know what to think about that yet... but I know that I don’t want my son to get hurt. If I end up with a lot of [Explorer] mana... I can let you try to create an [Explorer] Class seed. I’m an Immortal, so it’s much, much harder to hurt me compared to the average test subject you might have.” Jonathan’s eyes grew firmer, even as Alice’s eyes grew wider. “I may not have a lie detection Perk or a particularly high [Perception] stat... but I’m not dumb. I can still distinguish people who are or aren’t trustworthy. As a simple [Farmer] who became an Immortal with my own two hands and my hard work, I can at least tell that much. There are a lot of dishonest [Merchants] who try to swindle [Farmers] out of their earnings, and avoiding pitfalls like that is practically a requirement if you want to reach Immortality as a [Farmer] on the central continent. I don’t think you’re the kind of person who will ignore my son’s plight if you travel with him for a while... and I also don’t think that you’ll make much progress without a way to test your results. If you use yourself as a test subject and mess up, you might hurt yourself, or even die, right? I can sidestep a lot of those issues. And for my son, I’m willing to take a bit of a risk.”

Alice actually felt very moved by the man’s statements. Jonathan was an Immortal. He had forever to live, as long as he wasn’t killed by an external force.

And he was willing to risk that eternal life to save his mortal son. His son wasn’t anything special – at least right now, his odds of reaching Immortality looked slim. So Jonathan was risking his Immortal life to save a family member that would eventually die of old age anyway.

Which was touching. Alice hadn’t expected Jonathan to be willing to risk so much for his family.

Still, Alice frowned.

Jonathan nodded. “I’ll let you think about it. But this is the best way.”

Alice gritted her teeth, and then turned towards Ethan.

“I believe it’s time to leave,” said Ethan thoughtfully. “I, for one, am not opposed to you joining us, Jonathan. You’re a good man, and I’m happy to bring you along.”

Jonathan nodded, and the group went to collect the rest of Jonathan’s family.

* * *

Jonathan’s family had not been happy about leaving the farm, apart from Jacob, who looked like someone had given him the best present in the world. The little girl, Mimi, asked why they were leaving their nice house for the dirty wilderness. Jonathan’s wife, Nerissa, felt that the farm was safer, and that they might get hurt while travelling to other lands. As for the middle child, Stuart, he didn’t seem to have much of a reaction either way. He was neither enthusiastic about leaving the farm, nor upset by the fact that they were leaving. He had simply looked at his father and asked whether this was the best decision, and after his father reaffirmed his decision, he had left to go pack his bags.

However, at the end of the day, Jonathan’s family still decided to leave as one. Without Jonathan to keep the farm safe, the position of this farm was simply too dangerous. Monster swarms were roaming the countryside, and a little bit of bad luck might spell the end for any family members that stayed behind.

Thus, a considerably larger group left Jonathan’s farm than the one that had entered. As the group started to tromp away from the farm, Alice noticed a rather peculiar reaction from the farm itself.

The moment Jonathan stepped outside of the farm, it was as though a small tremor of rainbow mana radiated out of his feet. Then, Alice rubbed her eyes, and realized it wasn’t a tremor that left Jonathan’s feet. Instead, it was the reverse. Almost like a vacuum cleaner, all of the rainbow mana in Jonathan’s farm started to move towards his feet. One droplet of rainbow mana after another rushed towards his body, joining the nebulous cloud of mana inside of him... and at the same time, the farm started to wither.

The verdant green crops started to die. Giant pieces of produce started to decay in real time, as if someone had hit the fast forward button on crop decay. The farmhouse itself wasn’t altered – but every single plant on the farm started to disappear.

The last to fall was the giant apple tree that had caught Alice’s attention when they first entered the farm. The branches and bark started to shrink and darken, until eventually it collapsed under its own weight. Instead of a magnificent tree, it was now just a pile of ashy bark.

By the time the group had walked ten minutes away, the verdant farm filled with overripe produce, abundant water, and giant crops had disappeared. In its place was what Alice assumed must have been the farm’s original appearance. It was a flat, gray wasteland with a scraggly, threadbare creek running through it. There were still a few weeds present in the farm’s former territory, showing that it wasn’t impossible to grow crops there – but the land was only a few steps away from looking like barren tundra. Alice winced.

No wonder nobody wanted to conquer this territory from ‘Superbia.’ This kind of land was so worthless that most nations would probably forget it was even part of their borders to begin with.

Mimi looked at the farm with big, sad eyes as the green wonderland vanished, and softly started crying as Jonathan’s wife picked her up and cradled her.

“Sorry. She’s very attached to our home,” said Jonathan’s wife, as the group kept walking.

“Where are we heading to next, Ethan?” asked Alice, trying to distract Jonathan’s family from the collapse of Superbia.

“This is our final nation that we need to cross before reaching our destination,” said Ethan. “It’s a much larger country, although it’s a bit unevenly shaped. It’s called Fendrallia. It’s on the poorer side, since their territory has some pretty bad climate issues – it’s simply too cold, and the rainfall is pretty uneven. A lot of the country is tundra, with weird bits of frozen swamps scattered around. However, it does also have a good amount of iron in some parts of the country, so their military has always had decent supplies. The country is a good one for [Blacksmiths]. And they have a reasonably robust magic scene,” said Ethan. “Nowhere near as good as Illvaria’s, of course. But probably somewhere in the top twenty of the Southern Continent.”

Alice nodded thoughtfully, as the group set foot into Fendrallia.