Chapter 186: Isnt it possible that Master Gu is now in danger!

Chapter 186: Isnt it possible that Master Gu is now in danger!

Wuji Gu lived in this room is a separate courtyard, inside the two luxury rooms, the courtyard there are rockery flowing, very full of realism.

Even in the dark of the night, the yard is always illuminated with lights.

At that moment, Wuji Gu entered the washroom, took off his clothes, and looked at his back in the mirror.

The reflection in the mirror is a very ordinary back, nothing on his spine.

Wuji Gu reached out and felt nothing, he couldn't help but shake his head, "Surely it can't be something that can be found so easily?"

Wuji Gu then simply took a shower, put on a bathrobe and came out of the washroom relaxed, passing by the floor-to-ceiling windows to look outside.

Everything looks very normal, although there is still a sense of weirdness, but it does not seem too dangerous.

"This is just so wrong."

Wuji Gu can't help but think, according to the system and Shao Yang said before, there must have been a lot of ghosts here waiting to make a move on him, but now there are only a few ghosts encountered ......

And he just came back to the road and wash up when he encountered a few ghosts, almost a face-to-face effort by Wuji Gu to purify, Jia Cheng did not even notice these things.

"I always feel that things should not be like this, or is it like in the copy, these ghosts also need to wait for a certain time to make their move?"

Wuji Gu thought of this and felt that he should first recuperate and rest well.

"Master Gu, there is nothing wrong outside, right?" Jia Cheng spoke nervously.

"There's no problem, go to sleep." Wuji Gu said frankly, he had just instructed Sidun Ao to guard the courtyard anyway, and if any ghosts did come, he would let Sidun Ao catch them first.

Although Sidun Ao's strength is not what the senior level of the Li Ghost, but once worked under the Li Ghost boss for so long he, that must be Yang sister ah, strength and experience are not ordinary ghosts can compare, plus now has the entity, and even ordinary ghosts are difficult to identify him as their own kind ...... if not Wuji Gu for people more kind, relying on Sidun Ao has been able to do a lot of heartless things.

Wuji Gu, in order to save himself the trouble, also incidentally gave Sidun Ao the training of the black shadow ghosts and the monsters brought out of the painted world by his men.

"Master Gu, do you want to come and put some more charms on me, I'm not sure!" Jia Cheng looked at Wuji Gu with pleading eyes. Jia Cheng looked at Wuji Gu with pleading eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sure I'll feel the danger before you do, if you're not sure, sleep next to me." Wuji Gu patted the bed next to him as if nothing had happened, anyway, he slept in this bed is big enough to lie two more people do not matter.

Jia Cheng was firstly delighted, although it was a bit offensive to Master Gu, but if he could really sleep next to Master Gu it would be incomparably safe! Then his body stiffened, and Jia Cheng suddenly had a strong feeling that if he really wanted to sleep in the same bed with Master Gu, he might die a violent death in the next second.

"Count, forget it, Master Gu, I'll just sleep here."

"Good." Wuji Gu also did not force, spoke, "If you really can not sleep, you can help me look up the information of this village, well ...... preferably also the information of this mansion, I think there must be some very worthy of knowing the news."

After saying that, Wuji Gu laid down.

Jia Cheng watched Wuji Gu just lying on the bed, but a few breaths of time to fall asleep, the whole person is stunned, Gu master is still so casual as always.

Jia Cheng turned off the lights and turned on the dimmer night light, lying on the sofa, put the charm on himself, took a deep breath, and kept muttering under his breath, "It's definitely okay if you fall asleep ...... sure... ..."


Outside the house, Sidun Ao is sitting in a chair leaning against the garden, surrounded by the monsters of the painted world he has trained to run around.

Sidun Ao felt chagrined that he hadn't noticed Wuji Gu entering the copy again, and that while he was outside Wuji Gu had gone through a terrible life and death crisis!

Sidun Ao, who was scared, decided to fulfill his obligation.

"Remember, protecting your master is your most important task! Those who dare to harm him, no matter if they are human or ghost, bite them first!" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

The monster, who didn't even know how Sidun Ao was instructed, actually 'woofed' twice.

The black shadow ghost stood aside like a little brother, looking at the Sidun Ao in front of him with endless admiration, feeling more and more that he had made the right decision to follow Wuji Gu. He didn't even think that after only a few months, Wuji Gu would have gotten such a powerful ghost as his subordinate! What a big brother he had hugged!

"And you." Sidun Ao looked at the black shadow ghost with some disgust, if not for the fact that this ghost is also following Wuji Gu for so long and has some merit, he wanted to say that he would just purify this ghost and forget about ...... following Wuji Gu's side all lower his style.

The black shadow ghost nodded at once, looking at Sidun Ao nervously and expectantly, wondering what task the other side would issue.

"You just go around the mansion and see if there are any problems. Don't get the low-level ghosts killed when you encounter them, and bring them back if you can. If you can't beat them, run back to me." Sidun Ao opened his mouth and said, suddenly sensing something, his eyes immediately grim down, "Oh? It seems that there are some insensitive things want to come here do not know what to do it ...... I have to give them an impressive memory."


Several staff members walked on and suddenly realized what was wrong.

"Why ......" Jian Qiu originally had a look of indifference, then suddenly felt where something was wrong, and then was stunned by the sight in front of him.

Under the moonlight, Sidun Ao's smile carried a creepy look while the huge monster slowly appeared behind him, and the ground turned into a deck at some point, with several twisted corpses grabbing the bodies of the two.

"You, you're a ghost!!!"

Under the stimulation of this frightening picture, the two directly fell softly to the ground, violently swatted away those bodies around them lunging at themselves, and then rolled and crawled out of this courtyard.

The two men then also ran directly into several staff members with lousy images who rushed over in a panic.

The staff, already scared half to death by the black shadow ghost, had a nervous breakdown after seeing Jian Qiu's assistant dressed as a ghost and pounced on him, ready to take action.

"Don't think we're afraid!!!"

"Death is death, I'll die with you even if I die!"

"What are you doing? Don't hit people! Do you know who I am! Stop-"

People on both sides just pounced, before that eerie aura has dissipated, they completely missed the amazingly bright streetlights around ...... and people living in other buildings were awakened, and others thought they were having a psychotic episode and chose to call the police.

In the end, several staff members were taken to the police station by the police who arrived because of the spooky props they were carrying. Jian Qiu and the assistant dressed as a ghost is simply lost image, a hundred mouths to say, after all, he is really difficult to explain his assistant dressed as such, as long as the person a little understanding of the person will know what he wants to do something good.

The two also had a psychological shadow because of Sidun Ao's relationship, and Jian Qiu actually felt a heartfelt sense of relief after being dismissed from the show, leaving the place early the next morning with his assistant.

By the next day, Wuji Gu was stunned to hear the news, but he was bewildered, of course, he had no idea what Sidun Ao had done.

After all, Sidun Ao in front of Wuji Gu that person is well-behaved is the little brother of the little brother, as long as a person see will not think he will make something.

The crew has also had various rumors, vaguely mentioning that this place may really be haunted. If not, how could Jian Qiu and the few staff members fight in public as if he was possessed?

The director is also taboo, it seems that are not ready to find another actor, immediately the male third scene split to other roles.

Liangmiao Cheng also frowned when he heard the news, he originally did not believe in ghosts, but after his last personal experience, he has understood that there are many things in the world that he is not aware of ...... so this place is really haunted, Jian Qiu and those few staff members must have been possessed by ghosts to to do such unseemly things.

But vaguely, Liangmiao Cheng and some expectation, maybe he can meet again this time the good people who saved him last time ......

Wuji Gu washed up while listening to Sidun Ao's work report, thinking how so many things happened in the crew after just one night's sleep, it seems that it is still impossible without him.

"And what happened to the staff, the accident also happened to be outside where we live ...... would not be mistaken by the ghosts that were going to attack me."

"I think they may have simply been bribed to come and do something untoward." Sidun Ao spoke meaningfully, "Now they've all learned their lesson."

"Anyway, it's not bad if no one is hurt." Wuji Gu is also not what the holy father, where will care what originally to do to him after the staff will not leave a psychological shadow, directly put this matter behind.

Jia Cheng was still asleep, and Wuji Gu saw that he looked tired and was not going to call him, so he left some more props around and left.

After breakfast, Wuji Gu purified the ghosts Sidun Ao caught last night (and there were quite a few of them) and followed the crew to the outside world for filming, which he found more relaxing than a vacation.

The scene to be shot today is a memory kill in the plot, telling the story of the female ghost in the plot when she was alive, and Wuji Gu played the male lead is actually the reincarnation of the female ghost's husband ......

In short, it is to play a scum again. Wuji Gu is a little worried, he does not seem to have any scum experience ah! If this is not good, it will not add a black history to his acting career.

The actress of the female ghost was putting on her make-up, she was in an apprehensive mood and had a blush on her face. In fact, she is also half a fan of Wuji Gu. She didn't expect to work with Wuji Gu, so she was looking forward to it.

As a result, her mind was completely occupied with the next shoot, and she didn't notice at all that the makeup artist's attitude seemed a bit different than usual, and even her movements were much stiffer than usual.

"Speaking of which, today's clothes are not quite the same as the ones I tried on before, and the texture is too real."

The actress of the female ghost and touched the fabric on her body in admiration, this look is worth a lot of money, perfectly in line with the plot of the female ghost as a large family, even let her think she was wearing something really.

The crew is really a big deal, and it is worthy of the investment from the Cheng family.

Just as she was admiring all this, the shadow of the actor reflected on the wall actually moved on its own.


Jia Cheng was up most of the night investigating things and fell asleep without realizing it, and when he woke up, it was already noon, and Wuji Gu had already left.

"Gu, Master Gu--" Jia Cheng sat up abruptly, staring at the computer screen, and abruptly remembered what she had checked last night before going to bed, "Master Gu, it's bad!!! This mansion was once rumored to be ......"

But he turned his head and found that the place was empty, his face immediately hardened.

"Damn it, I overslept, won't Master Gu probably be in danger now!"