Chapter 58

Seeing Lu Yexin like this, Qiao Nuan feels more sorry. Pei Youyan obviously doesn't really love Lu Yexin. Then why should he be with Lu Yexin?

Is it the same as choosing to be with yourself? All for a purpose?

"Don't worry, maybe..."

"Night heart, are you looking for me?"

Just halfway through Qiao Nuan's words, Pei Youyan came in with a smile, as if nothing had happened just now.

Without looking back at Pei Youyan, Qiao Nuan felt uncomfortable all over.

I never knew Pei Youyan's acting skills were so good. He was so excited just now and became a nobody in a twinkling of an eye.

This kind of him, on the contrary, makes Qiao Nuan more worried. He always feels that he has a different purpose with Lu Yexin.

Just at this time, Lu Beiye also came out of the study and saw three people standing at the door of the living room.

Feeling Lu Beiye's eyes, Qiao Nuan smiled awkwardly at him and hurried to him.

Lu Bei went downstairs at night and took Qiao Nuan's hand. "I'll go with Nuan first. Help yourself."

With that, he left without waiting for the reaction of the people. Qiao Nuan had no time to say hello to the people, so he could only wave to them.

Watching the two leave, Lu Xinci said with some emotion: "it's really gratifying to see Beiye like this now. I don't forget that my mother would rather lose her life and save him back."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the living room changed instantly. Lu Wenying looked at her, "elder sister, don't mention some words you can't mention."

"Mom, what happened? What Grandma lost her life to save her cousin? Mom, tell me."

Shang yuenian immediately became interested. They all said that their cousin had experienced a great change, which was not the case before, but she didn't know at all.

Now I'm very interested to hear my mother mention the things of that year.

"Why do you ask so many questions? Don't ask if you shouldn't." Lu Xinci knew he had slipped his tongue, and immediately changed, ignoring his daughter's grievance.

"Xiao Nian, don't ask. I don't know anything about it, let alone tell you."

Lu Yexin came to Shang yuenian with a smile. She also wanted to know what had happened and what had led to her grandmother's death. Her only brother had changed his temperament.

However, over the years, no matter how many times she asked, no one told her anything. Gradually, she gave up.

Seeing Lu Yexin say so, she doesn't ask any more. She just toots her mouth and expresses her dissatisfaction.

Pei Youyan narrowed his eyes and flashed dangerous eyes while listening to the family's words.

It seems that Lubei night is not impeccable. A lot of interesting things must have happened that year

After Qiao Nuan and Lu Beiye leave the old house, Lu Beiye doesn't take her home, but goes to the moat.

"How did you bring me here?"

She and Su Xiaoyu only came that day. Qiao Nuan didn't understand Lu Beiye's thoughts.

Lu Beiye didn't speak. He walked directly by the river. Qiao Nuan didn't go up in time. He looked at him slowly from a distance. I don't know why. Qiao Nuan felt that Lu Beiye's back contained too much sadness at this time.

Inexplicable eyes are sour. He quickly wipes his eyes. Qiao Nuan scolds himself for being hypocritical.

Calm down, Joe warm followed.

"Ah ye, do you have something sad?" Qiao Nuan looked at Lu Beiye and thought he should have something on his mind, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

I've seen Lu Beiye angry and happy, but I haven't seen him as lonely and helpless as he is now.

Lu Beiye leaned on the railing, didn't hurry to answer Qiao Nuan's words, but took out a cigarette and smoked.

This is the first time Qiao Nuan saw Lu Bei smoking at night. Tonight, he has too many different places than usual.

Without questioning, all Joe can do is accompany.

"Warm, if one day you find that the man standing in front of you is actually a dirty man, what will you do?"

Lu Beiye's sudden question made Qiao Nuan don't know how to answer for a moment. After a long silence, Qiao Nuan smiled.

"Ah ye, have you really loved someone?"

Silence, Lu Beiye didn't answer, and Qiao Nuan didn't expect him to answer.

"If you really love someone, you will find that no matter what he has done, as long as there is love in his heart, you can ignore it."

Qiao Nuan tells Lu Beiye that if I love you, I can accept everything about you

Lu Bei smoked at night and didn't speak, but he thought of the past in his heart.

As long as there is love? Why do some people still choose to leave?

"Warm, do you blame me sometimes? If it's not me, you can pursue the love you want."

If he hadn't found Qiao Nuan and signed the marriage agreement, Qiao Nuan could have found the love he wanted and might be happier than now.

This time, without much hesitation, Qiao Nuan shook his head, "speaking, I want to thank you."

"You don't know. When I walked out of prison alone, there was a seriously ill mother in the hospital. I was desperate. I thought I would not stick to it."

Said Joe warm red eyes, "but I met you. Although you have conditions, your conditions are not worth mentioning to me. Without you, maybe there would be no Joe warm today."

At that time, Qiao Nuan was walking alone on the way out of prison. She thought about her future road. She didn't have any direction. If she hadn't been supported by her mother in prison, she might not have survived for three years.

Hearing Qiao Nuan's words, Lu Beiye turned to look at her. Sometimes he found that he was actually very similar to Qiao Nuan.

"Well, not to mention these sad things, it's all over. At least I've found a big gold owner like you and can live a good life for some time."

Qiao Nuan laughed. All the haze just disappeared because of this smile.

Lu Beiye threw away his cigarette and held Qiao Nuan in his arms. At this time, he felt that Qiao Nuan was distressing.

The two held each other like this, and no one spoke. Qiao Nuan greedily landed on the North night and didn't want to push away.

Just this time, let yourself be presumptuous once, don't want anything, and feel this hug well.


When the sun shone into the bedroom, Qiao Nuan opened his eyes and just looked at her at Shanglu North night. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Good morning, husband!" smiled and greeted Lu Beiye.

"Good morning!" Lu Beiye seldom smiled, which made Qiao warm and stunned for a while.

When Qiao Nuan was ready to get up, Lu Beiye pulled her into his arms, "it's the weekend, don't get up so early."

"But why don't you get up? I can't sleep again."

I slept soundly last night. It's rare that Lu Bei didn't move at night, so Qiao Nuan was full of energy early this morning.

Lu Beiye smiled, "since it's all right, I'll find something to do for you."

When Qiao Nuan just wanted to ask, Lu Beiye had already taken action. As a result, Qiao Nuan knew what he meant without asking.

"Husband, I dare say you let me go last night and waited for me this morning?"

Looking at Lu Beiye who pressed himself under his body, Qiao Nuan clenched his teeth and was full of hate.

She said how could Lu Beiye be so kind to let himself go. He was waiting for himself in the morning.

"Otherwise?" Lu Beiye raised his eyebrows. It seemed that this was a very normal thing.

Well, Qiao Nuan admitted that she was too naive. She thought Lu Beiye really let herself go. Unexpectedly

Then, without too much flower language, Lu Beiye's kiss fell on Qiao's warm lips, and soon they were inseparable.

Although sometimes Lubei night is very strong, Qiao Nuan must admit that Lubei night's technology is still very good, at least very comfortable.

He has never been a hypocritical person, so Qiao Nuan has nothing to be ashamed of in this regard.

After that, Lu Beiye lay in bed with Qiao Nuan in his arms. He still didn't mean to get out of bed.

"Husband, in fact, I always have a question to ask you."

Joe gasped and turned to look at Lu Beiye.

"Ask. I'm in a good mood today. I can barely answer you."

After the two hugged by the moat last night, Lu Beiye felt that his relationship with Qiao Nuan was one step closer, not physically, but psychologically.

Joe gave him a warm white look. He's really a man who opens a dye shop when he gives some color.

"You... Have such good skills in bed. Who did you fight with? One or several?"

In fact, what Qiao Nuan wants to ask is how many women there are in Lubei night.

Sometimes Lu Beiye doesn't like her asking these questions, but sometimes he feels indifferent, just like this time.


The answer did not hesitate too much, which made Qiao Nuan a little distrustful.

"Would you be a man with only one woman?"

"Very strange? I want to say that this woman is still lying next to me. Don't you believe it more?" Lu Beiye smiled.

Joe warmed up and smiled, "I really don't believe it."

Are you kidding? Lu Beiye said he had only one woman and himself. It's impossible, okay?

What about him and Yan AI? And those little stars?

Can't you just take them to open a room and sit in bed and chat?

Is Lu Beiye teasing her?

Qiao Nuan doesn't believe it. Lu Beiye doesn't explain. There are some things that don't need to be explained.

He lay in bed for a long time until Lu Beiye's phone rang.

Qiao Nuan glanced at Lu Yexin. She didn't know what she was looking for Lu Beiye?

Lu Beiye answered the phone. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone and turned to look at Qiao Nuan. "Get up. Someone invited me to lunch. I was going to eat what you made. It's really cheap for you."

Eat outside the restaurant every day. At this time, Lu Beiye misses Joe's warm food very much. Seeing the opportunity today, Lu Yexin doesn't know why he suddenly thinks of inviting him to dinner?