Chapter 187

Lu Beiye looked at Qiao Nuan. He found that this woman was really his own robbery. One word could make him angry and one word could make him happy.

My heart can't help sighing, warm, what do you want me to do with you?

Seeing that Lu Bei didn't speak at night, Qiao Nuan looked up at him, "why don't... Give me half of the night so that I can disappear without worrying about your mother."

I don't know what mentality it is. Qiao Nuan always wants to know what Lu Beiye thinks.

Does he still have feelings for Xia Yichu? What feelings do you have for yourself?

Lu Beiye didn't say all this, and Qiao Nuan couldn't guess.

Many times she would have the illusion that Lu Beiye loved her, but for her, it was just an illusion. She never felt that she could see through Lu Beiye's mind.

"Dijin group is mine, but... I'm yours. In this way, you not only own the whole Dijin group, but also have a handsome man with high appearance. Isn't that better?"

Lu Beiye's funny words immediately filled the quiet living room with a smile, and Qiao Nuan was very happy.

Although she knew that this was a joke, she would be happy even if it was just a joke. After all, no one would dislike love words.

It seems that he thought of something. Qiao Nuan looked serious, "ah ye, tomorrow is your sister's wedding with Pei Youyan. Am I... Going?"

Although she can't appear as Lu Beiye's wife, according to Pei Youyan's character, she will be invited to attend. If she goes at that time, it is estimated that Lu Yexin will be unhappy again.

"Of course, why not? You're her sister-in-law!"

How can Qiao Nuan not go at this time? No matter whether Lu Yexin will be happy or not, Qiao Nuan must go anyway.

Seeing Lu Beiye so sure, Qiao Nuan had to nod, "I know."

It's a big deal to hide tomorrow. Anyway, no one knows her relationship with Lu Beiye. Her identity is just Qiao's president. Such an identity won't attract people's attention at all.

"Warm, give me some time."

Lu Beiye looked at Qiao Nuan, but he began to think about letting Qiao Nuan stand beside him in the name of his wife. But now is not the time. He has too many enemies. If Qiao Nuan is published, it will have a great impact on her.

He must have no worries before he can do so.

So we have to wait.


Qiao Nuan doesn't understand what it means to give him a little time in Lu Bei's night mouth. He doesn't ask too much. Some things ask too much, but they will disappoint people in the end. It's better not to know anything.

Thinking of what Xi Yuan had just reported to him, Lu Beiye thought about it. He was always worried. He decided to make it clear with Qiao Nuan.

"Warm, you saw Yechu today, didn't you?"

Now for Xia Yichu, Lu Beiye has no other superfluous feelings. If she doesn't do anything too much, Lu Beiye thinks that he may take her as a friend and take care of her more in the future.

But, from today's point of view, he thinks too much.

Lu Beiye's words surprised Qiao Nuan. Unexpectedly, Lu Beiye knew that he had either sent someone to investigate himself or someone had been following him.

But, no matter what kind, it will be a little uncomfortable, although she knows that Lu Beiye is for her good.

But it's not so easy to live without privacy.


A simple word expressed her dissatisfaction with Lu Beiye.

Lu Beiye didn't mind Qiao Nuan's attitude. "Nuan, what did she tell you?"

This is what Lu Beiye is most worried about. From Qiao Nuan's attitude towards his mother just now, it's not his mother who influenced her. In that case, it must be Xia Yichu.


Qiao Nuan shook her head. Although she couldn't see anything different on her face, her heart actually shook. If she told Lu Beiye, she wouldn't be so embarrassed, and her mother might get better treatment and protection.

Say it or not?

Qiao Nuan has been wandering between the two.

Seeing Qiao Nuan, Lu Beiye changed his face, "Qiao Nuan! I'm your husband and your family. What can't you tell me? I have to carry it alone!"

The tone is a little bad. I can hear that he should be very angry at this time.

By Lu Beiye's roar, Qiao Nuan was startled, and her eyes began to dodge. She didn't want to carry it alone. She would also feel tired.

But what should she do? Tell Lu Beiye everything to make him more dependent on him, but what if he separates in the future? Who will bear the sadness in her heart?

"Warm, come on, I can help you. As long as we are together, nothing can't be solved."

He can't give Joe a fair and aboveboard identity. If there is no way to solve these things for him, Lu Bei night club feels that he is a failure.

Looking up at Lu Beiye's sincere eyes, Qiao Nuan wavered. These words are more moving for Qiao Nuan than those I love you.

Sighed. Qiao Nuan knew that if she didn't say a reason today, Lu Beiye wouldn't give up so easily. Anyway, since he wanted to know so much, let him know. As for the future, let's find a way to solve it in the future.

"She told me to leave you."

In a simple word, Qiao Nuan finished the matter. Indeed, this is Xia Yichu's purpose.

"You promised?"

Lu Beiye frowned. There must be something he didn't know. If Xia Yichu asked Qiao Nuan to leave, she wouldn't agree, so it wouldn't be so abnormal.

"Well," said Joe, nodding warmly, "she threatened my mother's life. Do you think I can refuse?"

She has no better choice but to promise. She can't watch her mother leave.

Although what Xia Yichu said may not happen, she can't afford to gamble.

If Zhao Wenya really does anything to her mother in order to force her to leave, Qiao Nuan will never forgive her all her life.

Listening to Qiao Nuan's understatement, Lu Beiye can imagine that she was suffering and helpless when she nodded to agree to Xia Yichu. In the final analysis, he didn't do well enough.

He pulled Joe warm into his arms and hugged her hard. "Don't worry, your mother will be fine."

If Qiao Nuan didn't say it today, Lu Beiye almost forgot that her mother was still in the hospital. He didn't send someone to investigate. He didn't know what disease Qiao Nuan's mother was. He and Qiao Nuan had been together for so long. It should be better to be hospitalized even if they were ill.

But now I haven't recovered for so long. I must be in a serious condition.

Even if he didn't know it before, he knows it now, and his relationship with Qiao Nuan is like before. Naturally, he won't let it go.

Then Qiao Nuan didn't continue to talk. She believed that after Lu Beiye knew about it, he would send someone to protect his mother, and she didn't have to worry about anything.

A big stone in my heart was put down like this, and the whole person felt much more relaxed.

They were bored for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, they went back to their bedroom.

This night, of course, Lu Beiye was squeezed by all kinds of things and didn't go to bed until the early morning. After confirming that Qiao Nuan was asleep, Lu Beiye opened his eyes and got up and got out of bed.

Worried about the noise to Qiao Nuan, Lu Beiye went out of his bedroom and went to his study.

Took out his mobile phone and called Xi Yuan, mainly to order people to protect Qiao Nuan's mother's safety, and to check Qiao Nuan's mother's condition.

Xi Yuan on the other end of the phone answered vaguely. After hanging up, he went to sleep directly. As for what Lu Beiye said, naturally, he can't do it until he wakes up. After all, he hasn't slept well for several days.

After handling the matter, Lu Beiye called lengming again and asked him about Lu meren.

Although his second uncle was a big defeat this time, Lu Beiye knew him. As long as he was still alive, he could not live in peace, and he was also the person Lu Beiye was most worried about.

Others don't know the relationship between Qiao Nuan and him, but Lu meren already knows, and he has sent someone to kidnap Qiao Nuan last time. If there is another time, no one can guarantee whether he will be as lucky as last time.

Lu Beiye didn't return to his bedroom until he had discussed everything with lengming. After lying down, he covered Qiao warm with a quilt and kissed her on the forehead. Then he took her to sleep.


The next day

Early in the morning, Qiao Nuan began to be busy all day. Lu Yexin and Pei said that the wedding day was just the weekend, so she didn't have to go to the company. She thought it would be much easier, but that's not the case.

As she guessed, although she could not attend the wedding as Lu Beiye's wife, Pei Youyan really sent an invitation to her, so she had to go to the wedding.

Early in the morning, Lu Beiye's mother sent someone to send Lu Beiye a dress. Such a move surprised Lu Beiye, but he didn't think much about it because he thought it was his mother.

With his own dress, Lu Beiye began to worry about Qiao Nuan. Before the wedding, Lu Beiye began to choose a variety of dresses for Qiao Nuan, all of which are the latest dresses, many of which are limited edition.

In fact, Qiao Nuan thinks everything is very good. Anyway, she can't see any difference.

But Lu Beiye was different. He could find something bad in everything. As a result, Qiao Nuan had to try one by one for a long time.

"Ah ye, is this OK?"

Qiao Nuan walked to Lu Beiye with a strong smile in her newly changed red dress. She didn't calculate carefully. Anyway, she didn't know how many pieces she had tried since her morning.

Hearing the sound, Lu Beiye put down the documents in his hand and looked up.