Chapter 191

"Beiye, would you like to go and have a look?" Xia Yichu finally opened his mouth. Lu Beiye was in such a hurry. I'm afraid he wanted to see it long ago?

Hearing the sound, Lu Beiye turned to look at her, frowned slightly, got up and said to Xi Yuan, "let's go and say hello to President gu!"

Then, Lu Beiye took the lead in leaving the table. Xi Yuan quickly got up and followed Lu Beiye in a moment of stupidity. However, the smile in his eyes couldn't help it.

I just didn't know who said it. I didn't say hello to him. Now I don't have to think about excuses again. I can use the ready-made ones.

Xia Yichu naturally won't let go of this opportunity to stimulate Qiao Nuan. Lu Beiye just walked past, and her hind feet followed. They almost arrived at the table of Gu Li and Qiao Nuan together.

"Gu Zong, long time no see!"

Gu Li was worried about Qiao Nuan and heard Lu Beiye's voice. Suddenly, the whole person's momentum changed. He and Lu Beiye are doomed to have no way to talk. As long as they meet, they must compete against each other.

He looked up at Lu Beiye and Xia Yichu around him with a sneer. "It turned out to be Mr. Lu. I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that Mr. Lu and Miss Xia have a good relationship. Maybe one day, I'll come to your wedding."

Obviously he said it with a smile, but Lu Beiye felt harsh. Gu Li was intentional.

On this point, Gu Li does not deny that he did mean it. Although he knows who Lu Beiye's wife is, these people also know it.

However, many people don't know at the dinner table and many guests don't know at the venue. He said this to let Lu Beiye know that even if he married Qiao Nuan, he couldn't even give her a title. Such a marriage will leave sooner or later.

Perhaps Gu Li's words stimulated Qiao Nuan. Qiao Nuan, who was buried on the dinner table, suddenly looked up, looked at Lu Beiye, and then rowed to Xia Yichu's face.

I don't know if it's because of drinking wine. It used to be tolerable, but now it looks a little dazzling. The eyes are subconsciously red. I close my lips. Although I didn't say a word, this expression falls in Lu Beiye's eyes, but it is very distressed.

"My wedding will naturally invite Mr. Gu to attend. As for who the bride is, I believe Mr. Gu should know very well!"

He glared at Gu Li angrily. Lu Beiye seemed anxious to tell Qiao Nuan that things were not as Gu Li said.

Unfortunately, Qiao Nuan couldn't listen at all. What she thought in her mind was Gu Li's words. Maybe one day, Lu Bei night party and Xia Yichu will get married, and her wife, who others never knew, will disappear when others didn't know.

My heart is more or less sad. After getting drunk, even a little thing will be infinitely enlarged. Moreover, this matter is not small, which can be said to be a matter of principle.

Two equally excellent men competed with each other. Naturally, they soon attracted everyone's attention. Zhao Wenya and Lu Weihan knew it was bad and hurried over.

"Beiye, let's go there and introduce some people to you." Zhao Wenya came over and directly took Lu Beiye's arm. Whether he agreed or not, she took him away.

Lu Beiye naturally didn't want to go. No matter how Zhao Wenya pulled it, he didn't move half a minute, and his eyes fell on Qiao Nuan so recklessly that people around him talked about it one after another.

Qiao Nuan felt uncomfortable and stood up. "I'll go to the bathroom." he didn't name anyone. It was like telling Lu Beiye and Gu Li at the same time. She didn't want them to be unhappy at the wedding.

Soon, Qiao Nuan left, and Lu Beiye was also pulled away by Zhao Wenya. Only Gu Li and Xia Yichu were left. They looked at Xia Yichu with a little deep meaning. Gu Li sat down and ignored her.

Xia Yichu bit his lips, and then walked quickly towards Lubei night.

In the bathroom, Qiao Nuan washed her face with water and tried to keep herself awake, but the result surprised her. No matter how many times she washed her face, her head was not awake, but more and more dizzy.

"It's too strong!" Joe murmured to himself as he kept himself awake.

Although the degree of vodka was very high, she knew for the first time that she had such a strong stamina. She was glad that she only drank one cup, otherwise she really couldn't walk.

However, careless Qiao Nuan didn't find that she was drunk, which was different from usual. Her reddish face made people want to eat her in one bite. This is definitely not a simple drunkenness!

In fact, the bathroom is not far from the venue, but Qiao Nuan feels that he hasn't arrived for a long time, so he can't help being a little upset.

Stop and hold the wall. At this time, my face is more red than before.

"Yo, brother, there's a beautiful woman here. It looks like she's drunk!"

Someone was approaching her and heard each other's words. Qiao Nuan subconsciously knew that he was not safe now. Without too much consideration, he opened his eyes and wanted to leave quickly.

However, just two steps away, he bumped into a person, "I'm sorry!" casually apologized, and without looking up to see who it was, he was ready to leave.

"It doesn't matter. I'm lucky to be hit by a beautiful woman." while talking, the man's hand had caught Qiao Nuan and didn't intend to let her leave.

Looking up at the old man, Qiao Nuan frowned slightly. The man was with the ruffian who had just spoken. Thinking of these, Qiao Nuan felt bad, "let go of me, my husband is here. If you dare to do anything to me, you don't know how to die at that time!"

Qiao Nuan felt disgusted at the touch of the tall man in front of her, especially when she saw the desire in each other's eyes.

"Hahaha! Did you hear that? It's still a young woman. Young women are the most fun these days." when the tall man heard Qiao Nuan's words, he not only didn't feel afraid, but laughed all the time.

His identity is not ordinary, otherwise he can't walk into this high-end hotel today.

The voice of the tall man laughing attracted the voices of a group of younger brothers behind him. At this time, Qiao Nuan's dizziness was more severe. Even if she was stupid, she knew that her condition was abnormal.

However, when she came to the meeting, although she ate a lot of things, others had eaten what she ate. The only possibility is Lu Yexin's glass of wine. But would she really be so bold? When you land on the north side of the night, give yourself medicine?

It was because of this idea that Qiao Nuan didn't worry too much when drinking. He didn't expect to be drugged at all. However, it seems that Lu Yexin is much bolder than she imagined.

The tall man also seemed to find something wrong with Qiao Nuan, and stretched out his hand to pinch Qiao Nuan's chin. "This little blush, shouldn't it be drugged?"

"Big brother, I think it's possible." the little brother behind him hurriedly opened his mouth, but his eyes never left Joe's warm body for a moment.

Today's Qiao Nuan was dressed up a little. At this time, with a red face, people can't resist the temptation.

"Hahaha, you really have an affair when you go out! Brothers, take her upstairs to my private room!"

How could he choose not to send something to the door? Isn't it stupid?

Several younger brothers nodded and said yes, then directly put up Qiao Nuan and walked towards the elevator.

"Let me go! If you dare to do anything to me, I won't let you go..." at this time, Qiao Nuan has reached the time of efficacy attack. He not only blushed abnormally, but also his body began to get hot, and there was no resistance at all.

Soon he was pulled close to the elevator. After the elevator door was closed, the tall man didn't hurry to follow up, but turned and walked into the wedding venue.

Find Zhao Wenya and Lu Weihan, "aunt, uncle, I drink a lot of wine. I'll go up first." the tall man with a ruffian face in front of Qiao Nuan seems to have changed in the meeting.

Hearing this, Zhao Wenya nodded, "Zhao Qiang, go and have a rest first. The wedding is almost over."

"OK." Zhao Qiang was ready to leave. He thought there was a beauty waiting for him in the room. At the moment, his heart was already very excited.

It's not unreasonable for him to be so presumptuous in this high-end hotel. The Lu family are his relatives. Lu Beiye is also his cousin. Naturally, he has arrogant strength.


Zhao Qiang just took a few steps, so Lu Beiye stopped. Looking back, he knew that Lu Beiye called himself. He was a little surprised.

Immediately changed his smile, with some flattering smile, "cousin, what can I do for you?" Lu Beiye's character was strange. He didn't want to offend him when he said something wrong.

After all, the last time he provoked Lu Beiye, he was fined for a month without pocket money when he came home, so he never dared again.

"You just came out of the bathroom?"

Lu Beiye looked at Qiao Nuan's position and was still empty. He couldn't help worrying. He didn't know if Qiao Nuan could bear the wine just now.

Zhao Qiang nodded and said yes. I don't quite understand why Lu Beiye asked this?

"Have you seen a girl? It's a bit like being drunk." I don't know why, Lu Beiye just feels a little worried. He's always uneasy.

Zhao Qiang shook his head, "no, cousin, I went to the men's room. Where are the girls!"

Hearing this, Lu Beiye couldn't ask anything, so he had to wave, "you go."

"Then I'll go first. Bye, cousin."

Then Zhao Qiang left the wedding venue and went to his hotel room.

The same worry about Qiao Nuan is not only Lu Beiye, but also Gu Li. Seeing that Qiao Nuan hasn't come back for so long, he couldn't help taking out his mobile phone and making a phone call. As a result, he found that Qiao Nuan forgot to take the phone. At this time, the phone is still in her chair.

This made him more worried. After looking at the time, he couldn't help it after all.

He got up and Gu left the bathroom.