Chapter 251

The night was long and lonely. Lu Bei didn't close his eyes this night, just because he was worried about Qiao's warm body and what happened to her.

Fortunately, Joe slept soundly in the second half of the night, and Lu Beiye was relieved.

The day gradually began to dawn. Su Xiaoyu bought breakfast early in the morning and rushed to the hospital. Xiao Mohan naturally accompanied her all the way. Qiao Nuan's mother died, and Su Xiaoyu felt bad. What's more, she saw that Qiao Nuan suffered a lot, so she also felt bad.

In the car, Xiao Mohan was driving, and Su Xiaoyu was silent, as if recalling the death of Qiao Nuan's mother yesterday.

"Xiaoyu, don't worry. Qiao Nuan is taken care of by Beiye and will be fine." he doesn't want Qiao Nuan to be fine at that time. Su Xiaoyu broke his body.

Su Xiaoyu turned to look at Xiao Mohan and smiled at him. He just smiled reluctantly. "Mohan, do you think everything is doomed in this life?"

"Why do you say this suddenly?" Xiao Mohan frowned.

"Xiao Nuan's mother clearly saw that she was about to be cured, but she still didn't escape the fate of death in the end. Was our destiny arranged by God at the beginning, so no matter how we struggled later, we couldn't escape the fate arranged by it?"

"In that case, why should we live so tired? Anyway, the final result is the same."

She was very sad to see Qiao Nuan's mother die yesterday. Qiao Nuan paid so much for her mother and was about to get a return, but the result was still less than the accident.

Hearing Su Xiaoyu's words, Xiao Mohan frowned. He didn't know how to comfort her for a moment. After thinking for a while, he said, "Xiaoyu, the word destiny has two parts, one life and one luck. Luck is determined by heaven, but life... Is decided by himself."

He doesn't believe in what day is sure. Maybe there is this thing, but it can't be destined for a person. What it can control may be only part, and the rest depends on ourselves.

Su Xiaoyu looks up at Xiao Mohan. Maybe Xiao Mohan's words made her think through, or Xiao Mohan's hopeful eyes infected her. In short, Su Xiaoyu suddenly wants to open a lot at this time.

Nodded and said nothing more, they rushed to the hospital.

In the hospital, with dawn, Qiao Nuan slowly opened her eyes. Last night's nightmare seemed to be still in front of her, which made her stunned for a moment, but she soon recovered.

Looking around, he saw Lu Beiye lying on his bed and sleeping. As soon as he was warm, he wanted to get up and give him some quilts. Just moved his body, Lu Beiye had opened his eyes.

Seeing that Qiao Nuan woke up, his heart was very excited, "Nuan, you finally woke up." God knows how worried he was when Qiao Nuan was unconscious. If the doctor hadn't repeatedly told him that Qiao Nuan was okay, he couldn't sit still at all.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm lucky to hurt you." looking at Lu Beiye's dark eyes, Qiao Nuan can guess that he should have been here all night last night.

I was moved in my heart, but I didn't want to say anything at this time. Although I woke up, yesterday's thing was still unacceptable in her heart.

"My mother..."

"Don't worry, she's still in the hospital and everything follows your orders." Lu Beiye wanted to arrange it, but after thinking about it, she thought it was Qiao Nuan's mother. She should have made her own arrangements, but then she didn't intervene.

Hearing Lu Beiye's words, Qiao warmed her head. She really wanted to arrange the things behind her mother herself.

People have died, but life will continue. Moreover, there is another Qiao Cheng lying in the hospital. Now their parents have died. What they are most worried about should be Qiao Cheng. He is his sister and naturally has the obligation to take good care of him.

Thinking of his sudden death, Qiao Nuan always felt something wrong. "Ah ye, can you call Doctor Zhang for me?"

Qiao Nuan's words stunned Lu Beiye, but he nodded when he saw her so firm eyes, and then walked out of the ward to Dr. Zhang's office.

The day before the accident, Qiao Nuan also examined his mother with Dr. Zhang. At that time, Dr. Zhang said there was nothing wrong. Only if the operation was carried out smoothly, people could wake up.

However, it was only one night, and the accident happened. She couldn't understand it. More importantly, she couldn't accept it.

Before long, Lu Beiye took Dr. Zhang back to the ward and saw that Qiao Nuan woke up. Dr. Zhang first checked her and confirmed that she was OK. Then he stood in place and waited for Qiao Nuan to speak.

"Dr. Zhang, you were always in charge of my mother's condition. You examined my mother the day before she died. At that time, you told me that there would be no problem. Only the operation could wake her up, but why did she suddenly die? I don't understand. Dr. Zhang, can you give me a reason?"

She doesn't blame Dr. Zhang, but she really doesn't understand. According to reason, this situation won't happen.

Hearing what Qiao Nuan said, Dr. Zhang looked a little dignified. He knew what Qiao Nuan meant, not to mention her. Even Dr. Zhang had doubts about it. It was the end or nothing.

"Xiao Nuan, I know you can't accept it, but really this is the fact. I checked your dead mother, that is, the death caused by renal failure, which is consistent with her condition, and the death is normal."

If there is no suitable kidney source, her mother will die soon, and the reason is the same.

Although in advance, it is not completely impossible. After all, no one can fully guarantee this kind of thing.

Renal failure? Hearing the final result, Qiao Nuan frowned. She knew her mother's condition, so when she heard Dr. Zhang's words, she didn't know what to say except frowning?

However, she still can't believe it. Why is it so coincidental? I was preparing for the operation, but I suddenly died. This kind of thing, no matter who it was, should I also feel strange?

"Doctor Zhang, are you sure that renal failure is not artificial? Have you checked it carefully?"

Qiao Nuan's guess surprised Lu Beiye and Dr. Zhang. Although they all had such a guess, they never said it, and they didn't find any evidence. It's inappropriate to say so now.

Dr. Zhang's face was not good. Qiao Nuan said this, which not only insulted him, but also the whole hospital. "Miss Qiao, do you suspect that our hospital has done something wrong to your mother?"

"No, Doctor Zhang, don't get me wrong. I don't doubt anyone in your hospital. I just doubt whether it will be anyone else. Has anyone else entered the ward after I left that night?"

This is what Qiao Nuan wants to say. If people in the hospital want to harm their mother, they don't have to wait until now. If they choose such a day, it is likely that others know that their mother is about to wake up and are afraid to say what to say when she wakes up. It seems that it is very possible.

Qiao Nuan's words silenced Dr. Zhang. He was just excited. He knew that Qiao Nuan was a good girl. Now all kinds of reactions are just unacceptable facts.

"Xiao Nuan, I asked the front desk nurse on the night watch. No one came to the hospital to see people that night, so no one went to see your mother."

Dr. Zhang had already asked these questions. As the attending doctor of Qiao Nuan's mother, he naturally knew his patient's situation very well. He was also very suspicious of his sudden death, so he checked these at the first time, but found nothing.

Hearing Dr. Zhang's words, Qiao Nuan didn't know what to say. Did... He really die suddenly? Do you think too much about everything?

In silence, Qiao Nuan looked out of the door and saw the camera in the corridor. Suddenly, he came to the spirit, "Doctor Zhang, I want to see the surveillance of the hospital." Qiao Nuan also pointed to the shooting head outside the door. If someone came to the ward after she left that day, it would be photographed by the camera head.

Hearing Qiao Nuan's words, Dr. Zhang knew that she still didn't intend to give up. He simply stopped persuading her and looked at Lu Beiye. "The monitoring of the hospital has been taken away by Ye Shao. If you want to see it, you can find him."

Joe was stunned. Unexpectedly, Lu Beiye had gone to check the surveillance video, which really surprised her.

"Thank you, Dr. Zhang." Chong thanked Dr. Zhang. Then Dr. Zhang went out of the ward, leaving Lu Beiye and Qiao Nuan.

Looking at Lu Beiye, Qiao Nuan smiled, "do you have the same idea?" Lu Beiye took the monitoring data and doubted the reason for his mother's death, but he was much calmer than himself.

Yesterday, because she was too sad, she didn't think of these at all. Fortunately, Lu Beiye was around. He could get the information in time. Otherwise, it might be destroyed later.

"I just doubt that it's your mother and my mother. Of course I will do my best."

Now that he has doubts in his heart, Lu Beiye will naturally find out the matter, and will not let him be unclear, nor will Qiao Nuan's mother die.

Hearing Lu Beiye's words, Qiao Nuan felt a little warm in her heart. She just felt it was good to have someone around. She thought of everything for you. "Cable?" however, at this time, she still wanted to know if there was anything unusual.

"I gave the monitoring to Xi Yuan. I'll call now." said that after landing, Beiye took out his mobile phone and dialed Xi Yuan. After connecting, Lu Beiye and Qiao Nuan were disappointed because Xi Yuan hadn't had time to see it.

Lu Beiye is not in the company, and he has a lot of things. If it weren't for Lu Beiye's call, he almost forgot everything.

"Let him take him to the hospital. I'll see it myself." Qiao Nuan was not at ease if he didn't see it himself.

Lu Beiye didn't refute Qiao Nuan's suggestion. After ordering Xi Yuan, he hung up the phone.