Chapter 562

"But don't worry, this bomb is not very powerful, but... It's enough to kill Joe alone. Do you want to check it?"

Lu Muren was proud when he said that this was a preventive measure he did. Unexpectedly, it was really useful in the end.

In fact, as long as Qiao Nuan gave him the money, he didn't want to make things so bad, but what can be done? Who told Qiao Nuan that they were really dishonest and said not to make unnecessary struggles. Now you know, those are useless.

Lu Muren's words fell. Ji pengwen really bent down and looked at Qiao Cheng's stool. There was indeed a bomb.

"I don't want you to move, otherwise if I press it like this, you will accompany him." before Ji pengwen had time to look carefully at what bomb it was, Lu Muren spoke again. This is his only way to escape. It's absolutely impossible for people to solve it like this.

With Lu Muren shouting like this, Ji pengwen didn't continue to watch. Now for Lu Muren, a poor enemy, it's really possible to do everything, so she won't annoy him at this time.

Qiao Nuan frowned. She didn't expect Lu Muren to come, "tell me, what do you want?"

"It's very simple. Put away all the money for me, and then let me leave here." he really just wants to leave here with the money and never come back, but if Joe warm and they don't give this opportunity, he will take a cushion even if he dies.

Qiao Nuan glanced at Xi Yuan. After working together for a long time, they could see some of each other's ideas from each other's eyes. Soon, Xi Yuan ordered people to collect all the money scattered on the ground, which was completed in a short time.

The box containing the money appeared in Xi Yuan's hand. "All the money you want is here. How can I confirm that you can put down the remote control in your hand after I give the money?"

If this can't be confirmed, he really doubts that Qiao Cheng's life can't be saved even if Lu meren is given money.

"Do you think you have a choice now? Either give me the money or give Joe Cheng the body. Anyway, even if you kill him, you don't dare take me. I have nothing to be afraid of."

He didn't want to be caught by Qiao Nuan, but he also knew that now that Lu Bei night was away, Qiao Nuan certainly didn't dare to do anything to him. At most, he was kept closed. Anyway, his life was still there. He didn't worry that he had no chance to escape.

Up to now, Qiao Chengdu still has some reactions. At first, he didn't believe what Lu Muren would do to him. He thought he just forced Qiao Nuan with himself and didn't really want his life, so he wasn't very afraid.

But now, when there was a bomb under his stool, he began to be afraid. He found that Lu meren was really going to kill him.

People on both sides are deadlocked. Lu meren seems relaxed, but he is also very nervous. If he can, he certainly doesn't want to be caught by Qiao Nuan. Although the Lu family won't kill him, he never likes the Lu family, so he will try his best to escape.

"OK, I'll give you the money."

As Lu Muren said, now they have no choice but to give him the money, otherwise they will force him to hurry. Who knows what they will do.

Finally got the money, Lu Muren breathed a sigh of relief, "let these people retreat to the front door."

There are so many people brought by Xi Yuan. His designed escape route is at the back door, so these people must leave. Otherwise, he can't leave with the money.

"OK." then Xi Yuan withdrew all the bodyguards he brought to the front door. There were only a few of them left in the waste warehouse. Lu Muren stepped back to the back door step by step, holding the remote control in his hand. As long as he insisted for a while, he could leave the place.

As for Joe Cheng? ha-ha! Since Joe's brother is warm, what are you doing alive?

Soon, Lu Muren retreated outside the warehouse, "you all stop and are not allowed to follow. If I know you follow, I will start the bomb immediately."

Hearing this, several people were very angry, but there was no way. They couldn't force Lu meren too hard. They had to stay in the warehouse and watch Lu meren run away. After a long time, Xi Yuan looked at Ji pengwen around him.

"Now the remote control in his hand should be useless?" at this time, Lu Muren ran out of sight, and the remote control bomb could not be too far away.

Ji pengwen nodded, "well, I'm going to dismantle the bomb now."

"Pang Wen, be careful." Qiao Nuan followed him. After all, he was his brother, and he was more or less worried.

Ji Tongwen can dismantle bombs. Qiao Nuan doesn't think it strange. After all, he is lengming's man, and he has been able to do a lot all the time. Therefore, he has long been used to it.

Several people came to Qiao Cheng and tore the tape that sealed his mouth. At this time, Qiao Cheng was really relieved and knew that he was saved. "Sister, thank you. If it weren't for you, I would have been killed by Lu meren."

Until now, Joe Cheng began to regret why he had to cooperate with such a person. Fortunately, Joe Nuan was willing to save him today. If he didn't want to save him, wouldn't he have to wait to die?

"You don't have to thank me. I saved you only in the face of my parents. If it's my own idea, in fact, I think you deserve it even if you were killed by Lu meren." if Qiao Cheng wasn't the only son of her parents, she really didn't want to save him!

When Qiao Nuan said this, Qiao Cheng was naturally embarrassed, "untie it for me first."

"What's the hurry? Dismantle the bomb first and then untie it, otherwise if you accidentally touch something, no one can save you." when Qiao warm and Qiao Cheng talk, Ji pengwen has begun to study the bomb.

After watching it for a while, she said to Qiao Nuan, "Xiao Nuan, you don't have to worry. It's just an ordinary time bomb. It's not difficult." she didn't know how many times she had disassembled this bomb, so she didn't take it to heart.

"OK, but it's better to be careful. Lu Muren's bastard is always treacherous." it was because he was too treacherous that he ran away today. Although Xi Yuan has taken people to chase him now, it's almost impossible to catch him.

Ji pengwen nodded without talking. She picked up the scissors in her hand and prepared to cut the line. Without too much hesitation, the line was cut short!

"Dudu!" at the same time, the bomb sounded and fell in their ears. They all had a bad feeling.

"Be careful!"

When the words fell, Ji pengwen immediately jumped at Qiao Nuan, and they rolled directly to the corner of the wall. Before Qiao Nuan could ask what was wrong, he heard an explosion. Qiao Cheng was just a short cry of pain, and there was no sound again.

"Qiao Cheng!"

The sudden explosion made Qiao Nuan seem a little collapsed. He immediately stood up and wanted to rush to save people, but Ji pengwen stopped him. "Xiaonuan, don't go there first. The bomb may explode a second time."

"Boom!" seems to be to verify Ji pengwen's words. Just after saying that, it really exploded for the second time. In the flame, Qiao Cheng had already fallen to the ground and didn't even roll.

Joe's warm eyes turned red in an instant. Although she said that Joe deserved to die, it was just talk. Unexpectedly, it became true, which made her some unacceptable.

"Qiao Cheng!" Qiao Nuan shouted again. The whole person sat down on the ground. Like her, there was Ji pengwen. This was her mistake. She didn't accurately judge the type of bomb, which led to this.

Originally, she thought it was a remote-controlled bomb, and it was the simplest kind. But after she cut the line and heard the sound, she found that it was not at all. The bomb was specially modified by Lu meren. No matter what line was cut, it would explode. It was not a remote-controlled bomb at all. They were cheated by Lu meren!

Behind the warehouse, Lu Muren stood almost on the top of the mountain. Listening to the explosion underground, the whole person immediately laughed, "fight with me, you're still young."

He never wanted to let Qiao Cheng live from the beginning. Although Qiao Cheng wanted to deal with Qiao Nuan, in his opinion, since he was Qiao Nuan's brother, he had something to do with her and made her uncomfortable, it was tantamount to revenge Lu Beiye. Therefore, he would not let Qiao Cheng live.

"Lu Muren, you take yourself too seriously."

Before the smile on his face could be taken back, a man's voice sounded behind him. More importantly, he felt very familiar with this man's voice.

Slowly turned around, and the man behind him fell into his eyes, "who are you?"

The man in front of him was wearing a hat and mask, which made Lu Muren frown. His first reaction was that the other party was not good.

"What do you think?"

The familiar voice sounded again. Lu Muren couldn't help but step back, "no! Impossible! You're dead!"

Impossible. How can a dead man live? And it's still here, which doesn't make sense.

The man smiled and didn't speak, but took off his hat and mask. Soon, the whole face appeared in Lu meren's eyes. It was just a guess, but now it has been completely determined that it is really him!

"You're not dead!" even though Lu meren didn't want to believe this fact, it was real, and he had to believe it.

"You're not dead yet. How can I die? My good second uncle."

The person who came was no one else. It was Lu Beiye, who was considered dead by everyone. He knew his second uncle too well. Since he knew that Qiao Cheng had been kidnapped, he began to speculate where Lu Muren would escape. The result was similar to what he expected.

Lu Muren sneered, "since you're not dead, you're hiding. I really don't know what the hell you're doing!"

"You don't have to worry about it. Do you want me to do it, or just stand still and let me tie you up?" he didn't intend to kill Lu meren, which was similar to Qiao Nuan's concern. It was also because of the Lu family and Lu Yexin.