Chapter 583

To put it another way, even if you really lose today, the position of President belongs to Lu Yuanzheng, but that doesn't mean you don't have a chance to win it back. With Lu Yuanzheng's ability, you can't run the company well at all.

Xi Yuan's words made Qiao Nuan feel guilty. As a president, she was not as confident as a special assistant. It really humiliated her.

But fortunately Xi Yuan is not an ordinary special help, otherwise, she really has no face to see people.

Knock, knock!

When the two were talking, the door of the office rang and Lin Qian came in, "President Qiao, the daughter of the Xu family insisted on seeing you downstairs."

"Xu Tong? Why did she come to me?"

Subconsciously, Qiao Nuan doesn't think it's a good thing.

"It's not a good thing to see her. She looks angry. It should be because the photo of you eating with President Gu was exposed yesterday. It's estimated that she came to ask for guilt today." with that, Lin Qian couldn't help laughing.

Don't say whether the news is true, even if it is true, even if Xu Tong wants to plead guilty, shouldn't he go to Gu Li? Why did you find Qiao Nuan instead? That's funny!

Lin Qian said so. It's probably not wrong. Qiao Nuan couldn't help but have a headache. "Let the security guard drive her out. If she doesn't go, she said to lock her up and ask the Xu family for 100 million. I think she shouldn't be so stupid?"

She didn't have a long memory of the last thing. This time it came again. She really didn't know what to say.

"OK, I'll deal with it now." Lin Qian nodded and turned away.

After Lin Qian left, Qiao Wengang wanted to ask Xi Yuan to help, so he received a call. After hanging up, he looked up and said to Xi Yuan, "go downstairs and pick up someone for me."


"Pei Youxi!"

Hearing his name, Xi Yuan was stunned. You know, when his president was there, he didn't like Pei Youxi very much.

It seems that I saw Xi Yuan's concern, "I don't know what he's looking for me, but I think it should be related to the shareholders' meeting, so let him come up. He won't hurt me."


Then Xi Yuan left the office and went downstairs to meet Pei Youxi.

It's no secret that Pei Youxi and Bo Liang have a cooperative relationship. Qiao Nuan knows and Xi Yuan knows, so there's nothing to hide, but Qiao Nuan still believes Pei Youxi won't cause any harm to her.

Soon, Xi Yuan took Pei Youxi to the door of Qiao Nuan's office, and then turned and left. Although he wanted to stay to protect Qiao Nuan, it was obvious that Qiao Nuan didn't need it, so he had to turn and leave.

After Xi Yuan left, only Qiao Nuan and Pei Youxi were left in the office. It seems that they haven't seen each other for some time. After the accident in Lubei night, Pei Youxi also left.

He got up from his office chair, went to the sofa and sat down, "Youxi, sit down."

They are quite familiar, so Qiao Nuan is not very embarrassed. At least he gets along with Gu Li much better.

"Xiao Nuan, why don't you call me when something happens? You know I can help you." Pei Youxi sits not far from Qiao Nuan and his tone is a little distressed. Qiao Nuan should know more about his strength. Why doesn't she ask herself for help?

Qiao Nuan doesn't know how to speak. In fact, if Pei Youxi hadn't taken the initiative to come to the door today, she can hardly remember that there is such a person who can ask him for help. Recently, she has been too busy to remember many people.

Looking at Pei Youxi, the other party's eyes are still the same as before, full of tenderness, "Youxi, in fact, I don't want to trouble you. I know you will blame me, but you should also know my character and don't like to trouble others."

Therefore, she didn't ask Gu Li for help, nor did she ask Pei Youxi for help, but she didn't expect them to find themselves first.

"Xiao Nuan, are you still blaming me for what happened?"

At the beginning, if he hadn't suggested that the two pretended to fool Bo Liang to get the antidote, maybe Lu Beiye wouldn't have seen such a video. Maybe, in the end, he wouldn't have had an accident. That's why he left, because he knew that Qiao Nuan didn't want to see him at that time.

But things had passed so long that he thought Qiao Nuan would forgive him.

Pei Youxi's words stunned Qiao Nuan. He looked at his eyes and was a little confused. "Blame you? Why blame you? You helped me at the beginning. It's too late for me to thank you."

Although Lu Beiye didn't inject the medicine at last, it's certain that Pei Youxi helped her, so she must be grateful to him from her heart.

"I always thought you blamed me, so I didn't dare to appear in front of you for so long." Qiao Nuan said he didn't blame him at all. Pei Youxi was very happy and blamed himself for why he didn't ask clearly at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't have left for so long and wouldn't let Qiao Nuan face so much alone.

In this way, Qiao Nuan was really stunned. She didn't expect Pei Youxi to leave because of this reason, which made her some cry and laugh, "I always thought you left because you thought you and Bo Liang were partners, so you left with guilt."

She always thought so. Until now, she knew that it was because of her. It was really fate.

"Bo Liang and I are partners. You already know that. How can I leave because of this!" Pei Youxi couldn't help sighing, "but it doesn't matter. I'm satisfied if I know you don't blame me."

Originally, he just wanted to help Joe warm, but now he changed his mind.

Now Lu Bei is away at night. Qiao Nuan is alone. Maybe he still has a chance.

Qiao Nuan smiled. It was an accident. "Did you think of a way to help me when you came today?"

Although she doesn't like to trouble others, this situation is no longer a problem of numbness or trouble. Pei Youxi has come. In that case, it's good to let him help solve the matter. She really doesn't want Lu Beiye's efforts to fall into the hands of others.

"Of course, there is no need to find a way. Sometimes, as long as you are strong enough, someone will naturally support you."

Now that he has come, he naturally guarantees that Qiao Nuan can win. Otherwise, what is the significance of his coming?

When Pei Youxi said this, Qiao Nuan was relieved. She was still very confident in Pei Youxi's ability. She just hoped that she wouldn't make any mistakes like Gu Li.

The two sat on the sofa and talked about some other things. Pei Youxi glanced at Qiao Nuan, but still couldn't help asking, "Xiao Nuan, what are you going to do in the future? Take Dabao alone?"

"Well, that's the plan for the time being."

Although she believed that Lu Beiye was still alive, there was no need to repeat it every time, so she didn't intend to say more. When someone asked, she said that she would just live alone with Dabao. In fact, it was also very good.

"Xiao Nuan, it's lucky to be a hard man. Moreover, you have to run the company. It's not as easy as you think. Why don't you find someone to rely on?" Pei Youxi didn't give up. Qiao Nuan would refuse. He wasn't surprised at all.

Pei Youxi also knows a little about her character. It is precisely because of this that she likes her very much.

Looking at Pei Youxi, Qiao Nuan looked a little embarrassed. "Youxi, I've always recognized who will be him all my life. I won't be with others, so you... Don't waste time on me. It's not worth it."

Originally, Qiao Nuan didn't think much, but when she heard Pei Youxi's words, she had to think more. She knew Pei Youxi's thoughts about her before, so naturally she would think of it now.

"Well, Xiao Nuan, we won't talk about it first. I haven't eaten yet. Why don't you invite me to dinner?"

I don't want Joe Nuan to feel any disgust. He has plenty of time and is not very anxious. Anyway, Lubei night is gone. Joe Nuan has always been alone. He doesn't have to be so anxious.

Pei Youxi shifted the topic, and Qiao Nuan was relieved. If she continued to talk, she would feel embarrassed. "Well, I'll treat you to dinner at night, but I'll eat at my house. You know, now the media are staring at me. I'm afraid there are other bad words to spread."

She was affected by what happened yesterday and deeply doubted that if she went out to dinner with Pei Youxi today, she would have to appear in the headlines tomorrow. In order to prevent this from happening, she decided to directly invite Pei Youxi to eat at home.

Anyway, the villa in Jinjiang garden is also very large, which will not have any impact.

"Well, I'll pick you up after work?"

Pei Youxi was so happy to eat the food cooked by Qiao Nuan. If he remembered correctly, the last time he ate the food cooked by Qiao Nuan, or when they didn't come back from country f, after so long, he had to forget what the food cooked by Qiao Nuan tasted.

After thinking for a while, Qiao Nuan still refused, "no, if you pick me up from work, it's estimated that it's almost the same as going out to dinner. I'll send you the address at that time. You can go directly."


Pei Youxi has no opinion, as long as Qiao Nuan feels good.

Then they talked for a while. Pei Youxi left Dijin group first. After all, there is still some time before Qiao Nuan gets off work, so he might as well leave first.

When Pei Youxi left, Qiao Nuan immediately felt much more comfortable. Whether he was with Gu Li or Pei Youxi, there was an inexplicable embarrassment. He was never so comfortable with Lu Beiye. Perhaps this is the difference between them and Lu Beiye.

A moment later, he called Xi Yuan in and told him that Pei Youxi would help them. I thought Xi Yuan would be surprised or suspicious, but to her surprise, none of them.

"Xi Yuan, don't you have any doubt? What if Pei Youxi doesn't really want to help us? Or he can't help us?" Qiao Nuan couldn't help asking. Although she knew these were unlikely, she was different from Xi Yuan.