Chapter 667

This reason was not well made up. Lu Beiye couldn't help laughing.

"Of course, she knows that you and I grew up and are dissatisfied. That's why she treated me like this. Brother Beiye, you can't be cheated by her." she doesn't know whether Lu Beiye will believe it, but now she has no other choice but to gamble.

Shen Yuan's reason is really too bad. Qiao Nuan smiled openly, "Shen Yuan, you say I'm dissatisfied? Why should I be dissatisfied? You should know that Lu Beiye is my husband now, and you... Are nothing. It's reasonable that you are dissatisfied with me?"


"Well, the play is almost enough. If it's too much, it's boring." Qiao Nuan doesn't want to continue wasting time with Shen Yuan. They're out shopping today and don't have time to waste with her.

Shen Yuan wanted to say something, but Lu Beiye's eyes stared at her. She couldn't say a word.

The woman, who dared to lay hands on his warmth, was unforgivable. "What was she going to do with you that day? Kill you?"

"That's not true. It's just to let those people ruin our innocence and plan to take photos and put them on the Internet." although it's not life, it's more cruel for Qiao Nuan than direct life.

Sure enough, hearing this, Lu Beiye's face became more and more ugly. It would attack almost the next second.

Took out his cell phone and made a call. After hanging up, he looked at Qiao Nuan. "Let's go. Let's continue shopping. Don't worry about other things."


Then the party dispersed, leaving Shen Yuan standing alone. She didn't understand why Lu Beiye suddenly let her go? She thought she was going to die.

Before she could react, several people in black came and took her away. They didn't even give Shen Yuan a chance to shout for help.

Qiao Nuan and Su Xiaoyu are very curious about Lu Beiye's plan to deal with Shen Yuan, so they all follow him at this time, "ah ye, how are you going to deal with Shen Yuan? It's better not to kill people for the new year."

Although Shen Yuan is hateful, she won't let her die, so Qiao Nuan is still a little soft hearted.

"Treat a person with his own way." Lu Beiye said this. Qiao Nuan and Su Xiaoyu understood. They looked at each other and smiled, waiting to see a good play.

Seeing that it was evening, Qiao Nuan proposed to go home for barbecue. Everyone agreed. They went straight to the ingredients area and selected the ingredients they needed in the evening.

After buying everything, he went straight out of the mall and rushed to Lubei night's villa.

When they got to the place, because there were no servants at home, they had to do it themselves. Everyone was not idle and began to get busy.

Several big men don't know much. Most of them wash vegetables and make other non-technical fires, but this doesn't include Leng Ming. Watching his knife fall and cut vegetables so neatly, Qiao Nuan can see that Leng Ming is definitely a person who can cook.

"Lubei night, you look at the cold boss of others. He is not only handsome, but also can cook!" Qiao Nuan is all kinds of envy. This man is more angry than others.

According to the truth, Leng Ming's busy day is no less than Lu Bei's night. Why does he have time to learn to cook? And it looks good. It's unscientific!

Lu Beiye was embarrassed to be criticized by Qiao Nuan. He looked at lengming and expressed his dissatisfaction with him, "boss Leng, when will you cook? Why don't we know?"

"Yes, yes! It's beyond my expectation!" Lin Zeyi was also surprised that such a man can cook. It's unscientific.

"It was a long time ago." Leng Ming answered Lin Zeyi's question while cutting vegetables.

But his answer was obviously not very satisfactory. "Really? Sister-in-law, do you know the cooking of the cold old meeting?" Lin Zeyi looked at Mo Xinya and was very gossip.

"I don't know."

Mo Xinya calmly replied, but in fact, she was not calm at all. She was surprised to know that lengming could cook. In her opinion, how could lengming, such a high-ranking person, cook?

This sentence made Leng Ming a little embarrassed. "You haven't given me a chance to show me your craft."

He and Mo Xinya didn't have much time to eat together. Since she opened the restaurant, it's even more so. Almost three meals a day are solved in the restaurant. Leng Ming has a good cooking skill, but he has no chance to show it.

"Don't be discouraged, boss Leng. Don't you think today is a good opportunity? I have handed over the dinner of so many of us to you." Lin Zeyi knows more or less about the relationship between lengming and Mo Xinya. Although he is curious, it is the boss's gossip after all. Even if he wants to gossip, he doesn't dare!

Leng Ming had planned to do the same. Tonight he will let Mo Xinya know that he is a good man who can get out of the hall and into the kitchen.

Looking at the two people's appearance that the estrangement has not been completely eliminated, Qiao Nuan can't help shaking her head. She has no way. Her eyes turn back, but she finds another thing that surprises her, "Xiao ran, even you can cook?"

Seeing that Dong Ran's way of cutting vegetables was no worse than lengming, Qiao Nuan was stunned.

Although she can cook it, it's all homemade dishes. She can't get it. She's no better than these two people.

"Well, I learned it when I'm free, but I can't use it at ordinary times." there are servants at home, but she likes cooking, so she specially learned it.

"Well, there are two chefs tonight, so we don't have to worry about anything." with Dong ran and lengming, we can at least guarantee that it won't be too bad.

Looking at Dong Ran's virtuous appearance, Xiao Mohan looked at her in situ for a while before turning back to the living room. They gave lengming and Dong ran everything they need for barbecue to the villa garden. They can't bake in the room.

Xiao Mohan left. Dong ran was relieved. She must be a little embarrassed and nervous when Xiao Mohan stared at her.

Before long, Leng Ming and Dong ran prepared all the materials needed for the barbecue, and the party began to bake. Dong ran and Leng Ming were professional, while Lu Beiye went to bake a bunch by themselves occasionally. When they found that it was not delicious, they stopped baking by themselves.

Facts have proved that even the simple thing of barbecue needs craftsmanship.

"Cold boss, give me this chicken leg." Lin Zeyi finished his food and stared at the chicken leg that lengming was about to bake. His saliva almost came out.

Leng Ming glanced at him, quickly turned over the chicken leg in his hand, and then put on the seasoning, "no!"

While talking, Leng Ming left with the roasted chicken leg and went straight to Mo Xinya. "Xiaoya, here you are. Eat more."

"Well, thank you." Mo Xinya didn't refuse. She smiled at him and took over the chicken leg. Let alone, lengming's craft is really good.

Seeing that Mo Xinya ate the chicken leg he was thinking about, Lin Zeyi was sad, "boss Leng, you are the legendary color forgetting friend. Do you have such a pair of brothers?"

Lin Zeyi expressed his strong dissatisfaction. Seeing that lengming had never responded, he had to go to the barbecue in person. He chose a chicken leg and put it on the barbecue. He didn't believe it. He couldn't fail every time.

"Zeyi, let me help you." Lu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to walk over. Although she didn't have the good skills of Dong ran and lengming, there should be no problem baking a chicken leg.

With Lu Xiaoxiao's help, this time was very smooth. Lin Zeyi took the roasted chicken leg and walked to lengming with a proud face. "Boss Leng, look, even if you don't give it to me, I won't get it."


I thought Leng Ming would say something else. Unexpectedly, what Lin Zeyi waited for was two words, which embarrassed him in an instant.

But the man in front of him was Leng Ming, and he couldn't beat him. He had to bow his head and turn around and leave. I knew he should have practiced his skills well in those years, otherwise he wouldn't be so passive now.

While eating, the party was very happy. Dong ran took out the things he bought for Xiao Mohan and walked up to him, "Mohan, the new year is coming soon. This is the New Year gift I bought for you."

Dong ran was still a little shy, but he still kept the appearance of a lady. At this time, their actions immediately attracted everyone to see.

"Well, thank you." Xiao Mohan didn't refuse. He took the gift from Dong ran and thought that he would ask someone to buy one and send it to him tomorrow, so that there would be no misunderstanding.

Xiao Mohan accepted it. Dong ran was very happy. She was really afraid that he wouldn't want it. "Don't you open it and see what it is? I'm afraid you don't like it."

Although this was Qiao Nuan's suggestion to her later, she didn't have a bottom in her heart. She was afraid that Xiao Mohan would suddenly dislike it after taking it home to see it. It really outweighed the loss.

Xiao Mohan had planned to open it. Even if he went back, he would probably throw it in a corner, but now he saw Dong ran looking forward to him, but he couldn't say no.

Soon, he opened the box. There was a tie in it, but a trace of doubt flashed in Xiao Mohan's eyes.

"You chose this for me?"

"Well, how do you like it?" Dong ran was a little nervous. Xiao Mohan didn't have any expression on his face at this time, so people couldn't see happiness, anger, sadness and joy.

Looking at the tie in his hand, he still doubted Dong Ran's words. "I like it very much. It's just the same as my usual style. It's really a coincidence." he didn't believe there was such a coincidence at all.

"Really?" Dong ran smiled and looked a little embarrassed. "In fact, Xiao Nuan told me. She said you should like this type. It seems that it's right to listen to her."

In a word, he immediately pulled his eyes to Qiao Nuan. Xiao Mohan's eyes had a profound meaning that people couldn't understand. When he looked at Qiao Nuan, he also looked at Su Xiaoyu around her. Seeing her head down, he figured out everything at once and laughed in an instant.

As for the others, they didn't expect so much. They all wondered how Qiao Nuan knew what kind of tie Xiao Mohan liked?