Chapter 719

When Qiao Nuan received Su Xiaoyu's call, it was two months after they left Los Angeles for a trip. It is said that Shi Yu took Su Xiaoyu on a trip to get married and went to many places.

Just came back, they asked everyone to have dinner together. Because they had no relatives around them, they also asked some friends. It was a simple meal, and then they didn't plan to hold a wedding.

For them, this travel wedding is more meaningful.

When calling, Su Xiaoyu asked Qiao Nuan his problem, "xiaonuan, you said... Do I want to invite Mo Han? Please, I don't think it's very good, but if I don't, it seems that I'm guilty."

In fact, she has always been frank and generous, and thought it was nothing, but Xiao Mohan didn't necessarily think so, so she was very tangled.

"Well... Or you can send him a message. It's all his business whether you come or not. You should do what you should do, and you don't have to be so tangled." Qiao Nuan thinks it's better to give a notice. Everyone is friends. Look up and don't look down. If you don't give a notice, what will Xiao Mohan think?

After thinking about it carefully, Su Xiaoyu also thought that Qiao Nuan was a good way, so he answered. After hanging up the phone, he sent a message to Xiao Mohan.

"I sent a message to Mo Han and asked him to join us. Do you have any opinion?" when sending the message, Su Xiaoyu turned around and asked Shi Yu. Anyway, he should be prepared.

Shi Yu was busy booking a hotel. Hearing Su Xiaoyu's words, he stopped, "I have no opinion, but I don't think he will come."

If he was Xiao Mohan, he would not come. Therefore, he thought that since they were all men, Xiao Mohan and he should have the same idea.

Su Xiaoyu sent out the message, and soon received a reply. "Facts have proved that your guess is wrong, and he has promised to come." he handed the mobile phone to Shi Yu, which happened to be Xiao Mohan's reply.

Being beaten in the face so soon, Shi Yu said he was speechless. How can he play cards with common sense?

"Come on, it's him who's upset anyway." he really doesn't understand Xiao Mohan. He knows that even if he comes, he will be unhappy. Why do you have to find yourself unhappy? It's all abuse.

Su Xiaoyu is a little embarrassed. What Shi Yu said is also true. They haven't seen each other for more than two months. I don't know if Xiao Mohan has forgotten almost. It's best to do so, otherwise it will be really embarrassing at that time.

Although she and Shi Yu didn't have a wedding, the meal tonight can be regarded as the meal they got married. The meaning is exactly the same.

Near the evening, Shi Yu and Su Xiaoyu set out. First, they went to Qiao Nuan and Lu Beiye's home to see if they were ready.

"Xiao Nuan, aren't you ready?" Su Xiaoyu walked into the villa and looked at Qiao Nuan who was still busy. She couldn't help but speak. She remembered that she had called a long time in advance.

Seeing Su Xiaoyu coming, Qiao Nuan smiled awkwardly, "accident, it's a complete accident."

"By the way, do you want to take Dabao?" looking at Dabao who was playing computer, Su Xiaoyu asked. It was destined to be very late tonight. She felt that it was a little inconvenient for Dabao to follow.

However, Qiao Nuan himself didn't intend to take him, "no, I'll send him to his grandparents first and let him accompany them for a few days."

It has been agreed at the beginning that Dabao has lived with them for more than two months. We have to make the two old people happy, so after discussion, we are ready to send Dabao back.

"Aunt Su, you and uncle Shi Yu are married. Why didn't you send me happy candy? I haven't even received a red envelope." Dabao put down his computer, turned to look at Su Xiaoyu, tooted his mouth and strongly expressed his dissatisfaction.

When Dabao said this, Su Xiaoyu patted his head, "Oh, if you don't say it, my aunt will forget."

"This is the red envelope for you. As for the happy candy... Aunt forgot to prepare it." she handed the red envelope to Dabao. She didn't remember the happy candy at all.

You're welcome when Dabao arrives. If Su Xiaoyu gives it to him, he will take it. Getting married is a happy thing. He doesn't want to make su Xiaoyu unhappy.

After a while, Qiao Nuan finished everything. When he came out, Shi Yu had left. "Where's Shi Yu? Wasn't he with you just now?"

"It's not because you're too wordy. He went to the hotel first. If anyone goes first, someone must greet him." she and Shi Yu hosted today's meal. Of course, we can't neglect the guests.

Soon they went out of the door. Qiao Nuan drove. Su Xiaoyu and Dabao sat behind. First they sent Dabao to the old house, and then they went to the hotel.

"Xiaoyu, how do you feel about this trip around the world? I don't see. You and Shi Yu still have this idea." when Su Xiaoyu told her that they were going to travel around the world to get married, Qiao Nuan was very surprised. Now they all came back and calmed down a lot.

Su Xiaoyu smiled proudly. "Of course, we don't want the same wedding ceremony. It's so boring."

"Yes, it doesn't really mean much." Joe agreed.

But they are different from Su Xiaoyu. The Lu family has many relatives, customers and friends in Los Angeles. They must have a banquet to hold the wedding. Unlike Shi Yu and Su Xiaoyu, they are the only two. Now they are back, that is, they can invite some familiar people to dinner. It is not a concept at all.

When the car drove to the door of the old house, Qiao Nuan got off with Dabao, handed him over to Zhao Wenya, turned and left, and took Su Xiaoyu to the hotel.

"But seriously, Xiaoyu, when are you and Shi Yu going to have children? You know, you're not young." now Su Xiaoyu's age can be regarded as an older pregnant woman. As her friend, Qiao Nuan had to remind her.

Qiao Nuan doesn't have to say this. She knows it. But this kind of thing can only rely on luck. "I know. Don't rush me. If I can, I also want to have an early birth, but if I'm not pregnant, what can I do?"

She is also very helpless.

Seeing that she really wanted to have a baby, Qiao Nuan also believed her, so he stopped talking. It's really useless to rush around.

After a while, the car arrived at the door of the hotel. Shi Yu ordered a private room with two tables, one for men and one for women. They didn't disturb each other.

When they arrived, they were almost there, waiting for them.

"Well, everyone is here. Let's sit down and eat." Shi Yu, as the host, is very considerate although she is young.

Qiao Nuan and Su Xiaoyu sit down at the woman's table. As soon as they sit down, they find that Dong Ran is also there. Think about it and know that it must be brought by Xiao Mohan. If they develop like this, they should be able to be together.

Su Xiaoyu was also happy for them. Everyone was very happy at dinner.

Qiao Nuan moved to childlike innocence. "How are you and Lin Zeyi developing?"

At least she can be regarded as the matchmaker between the two. Of course, she has to care about it. However, seeing that Lin Zeyi can bring her today, it should be a good development.

"It's OK. The parents of both sides have met and will discuss the marriage." Tong Xin didn't hide it from Qiao Nuan. If it weren't for Qiao Nuan, she and Lin Zeyi might have no chance, so she's still very grateful to her.

Hearing this, Qiao Nuan was a little shocked. "You're fast enough to discuss getting married in only two months."

At such a fast speed, Qiao Nuan couldn't help but want to praise them.

"I can't help it. The two families are pressing, and our age is really not young." she thinks it's nothing. Getting married is a matter of time anyway. It happens that she also likes Lin Zeyi. For her, it's God's blessing to be able to marry the person she likes.

"That's right. Remember to inform us when you get married."

"Don't worry, it will."

Even if Qiao Nuan doesn't say it, she will certainly inform them at that time.

After leaving childlike innocence, Qiao Nuan returned to Su Xiaoyu. They muttered something else from time to time. Most of the time, the group ate happily. Qiao Nuan occasionally teased Mo Xinya and asked her whether she wanted a daughter or a son.

Obviously, she must want a son.

He asked Leng Ming over there. He said it didn't matter. He liked it as long as Mo Xinya was born.

Everyone laughed and drank more slowly. Xiao Mohan was silent, but he kept his emotions hidden.

Maybe everyone gets drunk when the wine is not drunk. When the show ends, Xiao Mohan can't walk. Lu Bei night asked the Xiao family to pick him up, but Dong ran insisted on giving him away. Finally, they agreed.

Dong ran didn't take Xiao Mohan back to Xiao's house, but directly opened a room in the hotel. It's not what she wanted to do, but Xiao Mohan told her before he came. If he was drunk, don't take him back, just open a room for him.

It was not easy to send Xiao Mohan to the room. Dong ran was too tired. She drank a little wine and fell asleep on the bed.

She could not remember what happened later. She only knew that when she woke up the next day, she was lying naked with Xiao Mohan. Naturally, what happened was clear.

Xiao Mohan woke up very early. When Dong ran woke up, he had smoked on the balcony. Seeing that she woke up, he came in, "don't worry, I'll be responsible for you."

He is not the kind of irresponsible person. What's more, he really should get married.

"I......" Dong ran wanted to explain something. She really didn't want to take advantage of what happened with Xiao Mohan last night. It was an accident.

"Well, get dressed, let's have breakfast, and then take you to my house." since it's decided, get married early. Anyway, it's just a matter of time.

Dong ran didn't speak, but silently dressed. She didn't know what Xiao Mohan thought or why he suddenly wanted to, but she knew that this was not his real wish.

However, even if she knew it was so, she couldn't care so much. Marrying Xiao Mohan was her wish all the time.

After leaving the hotel, Lu Beiye and others soon received Xiao Mohan's message, which was nothing more than what happened between him and Dong ran, and then informed them that they were going to get married.

This matter surprised several people, but it's not surprising to think about it. He can't be left alone all the time. It's unnecessary.