Ling Xiao felt embarrassed and did not know what to say.

He always felt that it would be a huge blow for a woman to face the prospect of her blindness.

Thus, he subconsciously chose to lie.

This was the first time Ling Xiao had ever lied without any ulterior motives or benefits to himself.

He didn't think about what would happen next, since he felt that he could hide it for a while.

So what if he was a Violet Rank? Just a woman? He would be injured, he would be lonely, and he would feel helpless.

"I didn't mean to." After pondering for a long time, Ling Xiao finally said such nonsense.

"Hur hur." Shen Mingfang laughed brilliantly, "Nothing, I'm not blaming you. But aren't you an outstanding alchemist? Can my eyes still be cured, Godly Doctor? "

"Yes." When Ling Xiao heard Shen Mingfang call him a genius doctor in ridicule, she did not feel embarrassed at all. "Regardless of what kind of blindness it is, as long as one is alive, it is not a terminal illness. What I need is medicine ingredients and time. "

"Time?" "What do you mean?" Shen Mingfang asked with interest.

"Naturally it is time to reach Violet Rank." Ling Xiao felt somewhat pained. Even she did not know when she would be able to reach Violet Rank.

However, he had to give Shen Mingfang confidence as well as give himself confidence, "I believe it won't take too long. It'll only take twenty to thirty years."

Shen Mingfang looked up into the sky with her eyes wide open, even though she did not see anything. "Perhaps, I should live to see that day."

Ling Xiao did not understand the meaning behind Shen Mingfang's words because Ling Xiao had never believed that a twenty-nine-year-old Violet Rank expert would not survive past thirty years.

"I'm going to cut the snake." Ling Xiao was afraid that Shen Mingfang might say something she couldn't answer, so she quickly left.

A smile hung at the corner of Shen Mingfang's mouth as she muttered to herself, "Little Trick, sure enough, you're still a little Trick."

Ling Xiao took out her kitchen knife and first removed the snake scale completely before storing it in the soul link space.

He then proceeded to extract the poison from the snake tooth.

Ling Xiao was extremely careful. She did not want to die because of the snake's venom.

After them were the snake gall and the dragon horn.

Just as Ling Xiao was about to dismember the snake's corpse into thousands of pieces after picking up all these items, he suddenly remembered that keeping the monster's corpse might have some uses in the future.

After all, this set of steel tendons and iron bones was more than enough to make a Violet Rank powerhouse suffer the consequences.

Silently, Ling Xiao kept the snake into the space of the Seven Soul Devil Chains.

The space of the Seven Soul Chains could not contain something of this level for the time being.

Following that, Ling Xiao brandished the kitchen knife hundreds of times before panting as she said, "Miss Shen, I've already dismembered this snake to tens of thousands of pieces. I'm venting your anger for you."

Although Ling Xiao felt that Shen Mingfang would not harm her, she did not wish to expose her background, especially as it concerned the Seven Soul Devil Chains.

In this world, Ling Xiao did not dare to completely and unconditionally trust a person, even if that person saved her life.

Shen Mingfang smiled but did not say anything.

When Ling Xiao returned to Shen Mingfang's side and looked at the kitchen knife in her hand, she suddenly felt somewhat reluctant to put it down.

In Ling Xiao's hands, the kitchen knife could even produce a purple glow. From this, one could see the grade of the kitchen knife!

Even with Ling Xiao's current cultivation, if she were to attack again and again, as long as she did not meet a perverted person, she would be invincible under Green Rank.

As for the Green Rank opponent, with the Earth Armor, the opponent wouldn't be able to kill him. As long as he had the chance to slash his opponent's head off …

Even though he possessed the Spirit Slaying Sword, compared to the "kitchen knife", the Soul Slaying Sword was more like a kitchen knife.

Ling Xiao chuckled as she shamelessly said, "Miss Shen, can you give this kitchen knife to me?"

Shen Mingfang didn't think that Ling Xiao would say such a thing. She didn't think that this brat was rude either, and instead felt that he was more of a real person: "You like it? That was my nephew's birthday present. I'm too embarrassed to give it to someone else. "

"Oh." Although Ling Xiao had expected this, she still put on a disappointed expression.

Of course, Shen Mingfang could tell, and she quickly said, "How about this, I can give you that flight talisman. Once it is pasted on a broom, you can fly. "If you don't want to fly, just tear it off."

Saying that, Shen Mingfang raised her hand with some difficulty and handed the flight talisman to Ling Xiao, "With it, you can escape even if you can't defeat anyone in the future."

"Thank you, Miss Shen." Ling Xiao held onto the thought of not wanting it for free as she kept the flight talisman safely into her storage space.

"No need to thank me." Shen Mingfang suddenly said in a slightly downcast tone, "Tomorrow, I'll need you to carry me on your back and fly back."

When Ling Xiao heard that, her first reaction was to ask, "Then why didn't you give me that flying red carpet?"

"You're really greedy." After being asked by Ling Xiao, Shen Mingfang's somewhat dejected mood was once again thrown to the back of her mind. She chuckled and said, "I'm worried that you won't be able to drive it. That's a azure-ranked treasure. "

Ling Xiao shrugged her shoulders helplessly and gave up.

"Alright, collect the snake gall. Let's rest for the night and go back tomorrow." Shen Mingfang said tiredly, "I'm tired."

Saying that, Shen Mingfang closed her eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

As Ling Xiao looked at the sleeping face, she suddenly felt a faint twinge of heartache.

In the afternoon, this woman had used her own strength to press against the Soul Stone Plate. Her vitality had been greatly damaged, and then she had been injured by the 'old' snake, causing her eyes to go blind.

For a Violet Rank expert to be able to face such a blow with such a mentality, Ling Xiao could not help but admire Shen Mingfang.

Without eyes, no matter how strong one's mental power was, one could only feel the soul power fluctuations around them and not the world they were in.

Twenty-nine years old. If she was really twenty-nine years old, she would have to face the darkness of her life.

Ling Xiao did not know why she was worrying about this woman. Clearly, she was not qualified enough.

Who was the other party? Auntie of the Valley Master of the Falling Wind Valley, one of the seven Sacred Grounds, she was a top-notch expert in the entire continent.

When would it be his turn to worry?

However, Ling Xiao still had a reason to explain herself: I have touched it!

Since he had already touched it, he had to take responsibility. As for whether the other party would accept it or not, that was a completely different matter.

What Ling Xiao did not know was that her emotional state was completely inherited from the person who left when she was six.

"Sleep, sleep, sleep. I've woken up, I'll send you home tomorrow."

After Ling Xiao retrieved the snake gall, venom and hid the snake body, he muttered to Shen Mingfang who was sleeping soundly, laid quietly on the side, and quickly fell asleep.

A faint smile hung at the corner of Shen Mingfang's lips as she slept soundly. It had been a long time since she had slept so well.

On the same night, in a certain garden in the Windfall Valley, the Cheng family was walking by themselves when they bumped into Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan smiled and saluted to Madam Cheng, "Greetings, Cousin."

Madam Cheng gave a charming smile. Seeing that no one was around, she passed a pill to Shen Xuan. "It was given to me by that brat Ling Xiao."

Shen Xuan and Hua Que had studied medicine for a period of time, and after sniffing the medicine, their faces suddenly changed. "This kid, he can't be allowed to live!"

Cheng Shi raised his eyebrows and frowned in anger, "What's wrong? Is this poison? That brat dares to poison me!? "

Shen Xuan sneered, "My dear cousin, this is not poison. It's just a medicine to prevent unwanted pregnancies. "It's usually used by those brothels. If you eat it, you won't feel anything, and you won't die."

Cheng's face turned red and his teeth chattered loudly, "This little bastard, when did it become his turn to meddle in my affairs?! "Little Xuan, find a chance and beat this brat to death!"

Shen Xuan chuckled sinisterly. "Don't worry, Cousin. Leave this matter to me. I guarantee that he won't even know how he died!"

The next day, when a ray of light shone into the cave, Ling Xiao slowly woke up.

He stretched his body and stretched his body a few times before realizing that there was someone else beside him.

"You woke up a long time ago?" Ling Xiao asked in surprise, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Shen Mingfang's face was calm, as usual.

However, Ling Xiao could still feel that the current Shen Mingfang no longer had the intimacy she had with him from last night. She had regained the attitude of a peerless expert.

"In any case, we should make it in time. We don't need that little bit of time, I'll let you rest a bit more so that you won't lose your vigor when you're flying in the sky and accidentally fall down." Shen Mingfang smiled slightly.

Ling Xiao kept her emotions in check. She took out a broom and pasted it onto the flight talisman, "Miss Shen, let's head back to the Whirlwind Valley!"

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