"CICI, so you and Mr. Chu are not friends?" Yang Qian asked excitedly again.

Susie is some fans: "Qian Qian, what's the matter with you? What's so exciting about this? Besides, his son-in-law is called Ye Fan. Don't shout

Yang Qian at this time looked to one side Ye Fan, saw Ye Fan to her polite smile, also introduced himself: "are you mu orange's classmate? Hello, I'm Mu orange's husband, Ye Fan. "

"Hello, Hello, Chu... Mr. Ye, my name is Yang Qian." See Ye Fan take the initiative to talk to her, Yang Qian is simply excited.

In the heart is laughing out the flower.

It seems that Susie doesn't know ye fan's real identity yet.

It's good. In that case, no one will rob her.

Yang Qian secretly decided to find a way to catch the man in front of her!

"Qian Qian, what are you doing with him?"

"A country bumpkin, how can we be treated like this?"

"What's more, rural people don't care about hygiene, and they don't know how to wash their hands once a few days and shake hands with them. Isn't it dirty?"

See Yang Qian also want to shake hands with Ye Fan, Susie immediately dissatisfied way.

In addition to autumn Mu orange, Yang Qian and Susie have the best relationship.

Autumn Mu orange already had the way of this asshole, she certainly does not hope, oneself another boudoir is defiled by Ye Fan again.

"Yes, Qian Qian. Don't you have a habit of cleanliness? "

"You'd better listen to Miss Su. Stay away from him." Luo Feng in know ye fan's identity, look at Ye Fan's eyes immediately also a little more disdain.

Naturally, he didn't want the woman he pursued to be too close to a countryman.

What's more, this country bumpkin is still a shameless son-in-law!

"Sissy, you're not right."

"All beings are equal. No matter the poor or the rich, we are ordinary people. We should treat each other equally. Why should we look at people with colored glasses?"

"Besides, there's nothing wrong with countrymen."

"People born in the countryside have been nurtured by nature since their childhood. Mountain is simple, water is simple, flowers and trees are also simple. In this simple environment, people born and raised must also be simple. "

"Mr. Ye is a simple and straightforward man. I like to make friends with people like this. When I was a child, my biggest dream was to find a husband in the countryside. In the future, I would work in the fields, visit mountains and rivers, and live a life of paradise. "

"How nice ~"

Yang Qian said slowly, with her gentle eyes and affectionate words, just like a girl who is homesick for spring, telling love words to her lover in her dream.

At that time, Susie was totally lost, staring at her big eyes, staying in the same place, strangely looking at her best friend: "Qian... Qian, are you ok?"

"You didn't say that you hate two kinds of people most, one is poor, the other is countrymen!"

"you said barren hills and turbulent rivers, and you are not going to marry in your lifetime. Do you marry a woodlouse in the countryside like an orange?"

"Now, how can you return..."

"you're talking nonsense!" Before Susie finished, Yang Qian was like a kitten who had been fried with fur, and called out to Susie directly.

"When did I say that?"

"What's wrong with the poor, what's wrong with the countrymen?"

"Just like Mr. Ye, although he is poor in material matters, he is rich in spirit. Only a happy life is the happiest. "

"What's more, how the revolution was successful and how the country was founded was not founded by the vast number of rural people. The countryside encircles the city and seizes power by arms. What qualification do we, the surrounded city dwellers, have to look down on the brave countrymen

"So, CICI, I'm not talking about you. This woman can't be too realistic, nor too snobbish, nor can she look at people with colored glasses."

Yang Qian is eloquent and eloquent, citing the classics and discussing the present from ancient times. That's all a set of words, said Susie was confused, even Luo Feng also stayed there.