"Yamei ~"

"son of a bitch, you killed Jamie?"

"You should die!"

"Our country's martial arts will never let you go ~"

"we will certainly frustrate your bones and bring ashes to the ashes!"

Under the sword god palace, the cold wind is fierce.

Two cold swords, one left and one right, pierced yasumi Nakai's chest and nailed them directly to the high wall.

The cruel means, however, are trembling everywhere.

The roar of the moon and the sky is silent.

His eyes were red, and his mouth was full of blood. He got up from the place biting his teeth and swore at Ye Fan. His words were filled with endless resentment.

Not only him, but also ISHINO, who was just stabbed into his right arm by Ye Fan, staggered to his feet and stood up with a painful and resentful look at Ye Fan.

In the face of that surging hate, almost will ye fan to a thousand cuts in general.

However, in the face of the two people's scolding, Ye Fan is not moved.

He had no expression and stood with his hands down.

Indifferent eyes, just like the nine day monarch, overlooking the ministers.

Finally, a long drink, but also cut through the long sky.

"Kneel down!"

The sound of thundering is like thunder, and it contains all sorts of things.

At the moment when ye fan's words fell, people just felt that there was a mountain like majesty radiating from Ye Fan's body.

Like the top of Mount Tai, the old faces of Wangyue River and shiyelong suddenly rose red.

They bite teeth, stubborn bone, hard to hold.

"I look at the moon river. I am a sword God. I am the leader of martial arts in Japan. I will never kneel down to a young Chinese."

"No way

Wangyue River roared at the top of his voice, his face was majestic, and his mouth was dripping with fresh blood.

However, in the face of the roar of Wangyue River, Ye Fan's face is expressionless, cold voice drink again!

"Kneel down!"

Bang ~

it is majestic and explodes again.

It's like the last straw that overwhelms the camel.

This time, Wangyue river two people can no longer support, a bang, roar kneeling.

Legs bent, knees heavily hit the ground.

At the foot of the blue stone ground, suddenly split.

The red blood ran down their legs and dyed the earth red.

"Ah ~"

"son of a bitch, how dare you make me kneel?"


"we will never let you go

Under Ye Fan's oppression, Wangyue river finally kneels down.

The shrill and painful voice echoes.

Wang Yuehe was dignified and respected in Japanese military morality.

But what about that?

In the face of absolute strength and prestige, he has no choice but to kneel down!

Under the Tianhe, Ye Fan looks ethereal and stands with negative hands.

Behind him, yasumi Nakai's body is stained with blood.

In front of me, there are Wangyue River, Mo Wuyuan and so on!

Here in heaven and earth, only Ye Fan's body stands aloof.

People in all directions are in fear, and no one dares to speak.

All of them stare at the young man in front of him like a devil.

Before that, who could have thought that this would be the end?

Originally, they thought that it was not easy to catch a nameless teenager who was killed by the sword god palace.

However, the result was beyond all expectations.

Three people surrounded, in front of the youth, unexpectedly with invincible potential, instant sweep.

The three great masters of the sword god palace, who are like the leaders of Japanese martial arts, were also under Ye Fan's command, one injured, one dead and one disabled.

Who could have thought that this seemingly harmless young man and animal had smashed the three masters of the sword palace directly with the power of destroying the withered and decaying!