Everyone was shocked and talked about it.

You know, hiroichi Nakai has sheltered Abe for ten years and pushed him to the top of his power.

Many years ago, he was able to resist bullets and rescue Abe Zhongnan from many killers.

Today's hiroichi Nakai, how terrible, afraid that no one knows.

"If you can let brother Hongyi do it in person, young man, even if you fold here today, you are proud enough."

Abe chuckled triumphantly and looked as if he was sure of winning.

Others don't know, but Abe knows that Nakai's strength is so strong?

At that time, the head of the sword god palace invited hiroichi Nakai to join the sword god palace.

Finally, it was still rejected.

In recent years, hiroichi Nakai has disappeared from martial arts. Perhaps his reputation is not very well known, and there are not many people who know him. However, his strength is in the whole country of Japan, and few people can match him.

Isn't it more than enough to kill a suckling bastard?

Sure enough, hiroichi Nakai, who had been sitting firmly in the accounts of the Chinese army, rose abruptly under Abe's request.

In fact, hiroichi Nakai's eyes have already fallen in the past since Ye Fan's golden light appeared.

At this time, he stepped down from the high seat under the public's attention, until he stopped a few meters in front of Ye Fan.

His expressionless face, cold eyes, so he looked at the youth in front of him.

He did not immediately start, but with a dignified face, asked the boy in front of him in a deep voice: "are you Chinese?"


Ye Fan laughs back. There is no politeness in his tone.


"How dare you be so rude to Mr. Nakai

"I think you want to die!" There was a furious scolding nearby.

Hiroichi Nakai, however, waved to silence the men.

He still looked at Ye Fan and continued to ask, "you must be in the martial arts world, and you are not a person of unknown origin."

"I wonder if you can tell me the name."

"Chinese martial arts are famous in ancient and modern times. Maybe I have heard of your taboo when I was in Thailand?"

Asked Hiroshi Nakai in a deep voice.

It is the so-called expert who knows if there is one.

Just now Ye Fan relied on the vigorous Qi to block the bullet.

This means that hiroichi Nakai is not confident that he can do better than him.

Therefore, at that time, hiroichi Nakai judged that the young man in front of him was not an unknown person in the martial arts circle.

Out of curiosity, hiroichi Nakai also asked a few more questions.

However, it is estimated that hiroichi Nakai never dreamed of it. It was these words he asked that saved his life in the end.

In the face of Nakai Hongyi's inquiry, Ye Fan did not hide it. His mouth cocked up and joked with a general smile. He said faintly, "Chu Tianfan."

His tone was sparse and ordinary, and his three words were plain. When he first heard it, hiroichi Nakai didn't respond at all. He just nodded and didn't say anything.

But then, hiroichi Nakai realized that something was wrong, and the whole person was slightly stagnant.


"No, this name ~"

"Chu Tianfan.."

"Huaxia people..."

"he is in his early twenties.."

"difficult... Is he... He is...?!!"

It's like thunder.

At the moment when he thought of this, hiroichi Nakai trembled all over his body. The whole person was immediately muddled in place, a pair of old eyes, staring huge.