Chapter 11

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C11 – I Killed Someone by Accident

“What are you doing?” The ticket vendor at the front finally spoke up.

“Stay put, or I won’t hesitate to deal with you as well,” Big Brother Bi warned, jabbing his finger menacingly at the ticket vendor. He scanned the other passengers and declared, “Anyone who even thinks of calling the police will face my wrath too.”nove(l)bi(n.)com

As he talked, the handful of gang members who had boarded the bus with him had already encircled them.

The young woman by the window hadn’t expected these individuals to truly take their audaciousness this far. She had discreetly retrieved her phone a while ago.

However, before she could dial, she caught someone urgently exclaiming, “Call the police... Call the police right now...”

Hearing the shout, the young woman was taken aback. She discreetly stashed her phone away and regarded the shouting guy with curiosity.

The shouter happened to be none other than Big Brother Bi, who had previously yelled “No one is allowed to call the police.”

Every witness had a clear view of the unfolding scene. Zhang Xiaoloong didn’t engage in any needless actions. He rose from his seat, seized Big Brother Bi – the ringleader – and effortlessly hurled him toward the cluster of his accomplices. Before these men could react, he’d turned into a human pancake.

The reason Brother Nose had yelled to summon the police was because he had found himself on top of the heap of henchmen, with Zhang Xiaoloong planting his foot on him.

From that recent maneuver, many present sensed that this Zhang Xiaoloong might not be a martial arts virtuoso à la Jackie Chan, yet his strength undeniably paralleled that of a Herculean figure. The sensation of being trodden upon by him was easy to envision.

“Let me clarify, this is a civilized city. Taking lives is unlawful.” Big Brother Bi hollered. Realizing he was being ignored, he scrambled to find another rationale to intimidate them.

“You truly lack education. Even though I hail from the countryside, I’m aware that murder is a crime everywhere. Don’t worry, death isn’t coming for you just yet.” Zhang Xiaoloong withdrew his foot, asserting.

Big Brother Bi quickly wriggled free from the flattened state. He pointed at Zhang Xiaoloong from a distance, venomous fury in his voice, “You think beating people up isn’t against the law? Just wait, I’ll fix you up soon!”

“Really? I still recall a legal term called self-defense.” Without a hint of concern, Zhang Xiaoloong took a seat. “And you’ve got a knife on you too. Don’t assume us country folks are clueless.”

“I can vouch for that!” The girl by the window regarded Zhang Xiaoloong with gratitude, asserting confidently, “They were the ones who initiated the attack. Even if there were injuries, you shouldn’t bear any legal responsibility.”

“Go check his condition, quickly.” A moment of pause later, the girl pushed the dazed Zhang Xiaoloong aside in a hurry.

Only then did Zhang Xiaoloong snap back to reality. He rushed over and cautiously placed his fingers beneath the girl’s nose. The feeble rhythm of her breath weighed heavily on his senses, leaving him bewildered.

From being the top scorer in the college entrance exam to encountering Lei Pi’s assault, he had found the Shennong inheritance upon awakening from his coma. Just when he contemplated great achievements, he was suddenly thrust into the role of a murderer?

It all felt like a nightmare, his sense of reality shrouded in a haze.

However, the young girl retained her presence of mind. After assessing the breathing, she swiftly urged the driver, “Hurry, rush her to the hospital for emergency treatment. Delay could be fatal. Is there a doctor on board? Anyone with first aid knowledge?”

A doctor?

The utterance of that word startled Zhang Xiaoloong.

Great God Shennong wasn’t solely the deity of agriculture; he was also renowned as the God of Medicine. Could anyone object to referring to him as a healer? If he were to inherit Shennong’s legacy and divine abilities, wouldn’t that label apply to him as well?

Although he lacked medicine at present and had limited medical knowledge, he hadn’t invested considerable effort into studying during this time. Most of his energy had been devoted to mastering the Imperial Dragon True Art. Yet, it was this focus that enhanced the divine power he derived from the Shennong Cauldron, making it even more potent than before.

Couldn’t divine power, which was so adept at drawing water from the earth, also serve to heal injuries?

Harboring a trial-and-error mindset, Zhang Xiaoloong laid his hand upon the wound on Big Brother Bi’s head. A faint trace of light flowed into Big Brother Bi’s body through his palm.

As the divine power flowed, Zhang Xiaoloong acquired an intimate understanding of Big Brother Bi’s physical state. Moreover, this divine energy possessed a natural spiritual quality. Upon entering Big Brother Bi’s body, it automatically mended injured blood vessels and tissues.

Drawing from his experience using divine power to drain the pool, Zhang Xiaoloong quickly took charge of the situation and proceeded to meticulously mend the injuries.

In reality, the process was exceptionally swift. To onlookers, Zhang Xiaoloong had only touched Big Brother Bi’s forehead for a couple of minutes, yet he had essentially healed the internal injuries.

Due to the alterations in corn genetics, this time Zhang Xiaoloong cautiously retracted all his divine power, reverting it to its original state. He did so to avert unintentionally creating an exceptionally peculiar individual.

“Let me assess the patient’s condition,” someone suddenly interjected.