Chapter 13

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C13 – Arbitrary Policewoman

Both police officers turned, their curiosity piqued by the audacity of whoever dared to snatch someone from their custody. However, their heads swiveled to a halt, caught off guard by what they saw.

The voice had emanated from a woman, or to be precise, a female officer, though the sheer beauty of this female officer bordered on the ridiculous.

The girl who had just disembarked from the car could certainly be deemed attractive, but compared to this female officer, she seemed to lack a certain allure.

Her legs, extraordinarily long and strikingly beautiful, took a perfectly curved path, only to suddenly undergo a swift contraction. The police uniform shirt she wore was on the brink of bursting open. The abrupt shift made it seem as if her entire body had bent sharply at the waist.

While this should have come off as quite unexpected, the female officer across from her bore no hint of disarray. Instead, it was as if the transformation were the epitome of perfection.

The countenance of the other woman was strikingly lovely, evoking the sense of mixed heritage. Her eyes carried a faint hue of blue, her hair cascading with a natural sweep...

In a nutshell, upon her appearance, she exuded such a level of flawlessness that one might assume she had been digitally retouched by a seasoned photo editor, devoid of any imperfections.

“Why are you two still lingering?” The policewoman’s tone turned icy as she noticed the two of them rooted in place.

The two officers exchanged glances. Under ordinary circumstances, they would not be unfamiliar with one another. Yet, he was clad in a police uniform. They held both the right and duty to inspect him. However, confronted by the commanding and chilly air exuding from the female officer, they found themselves bereft of the courage to carry out any inquiry.

Nonetheless, the demands of their occupation prevented them from directly handing over the individual to the other party.

A police officer inquired, “May I ask who you are? This area falls under our jurisdiction, and given the situation, we are obligated to take the injured and all suspects to the police station. It’s only after an investigation that we can...”

The female police officer impatiently gestured and cut in, “There’s no need for you to know my identity. You’ll be informed soon enough.”New novel chapters are published on

In the face of such an unusual situation, the police officer naturally hesitated to comply.

As he was about to decline, a cellphone belonging to one of the individuals rang. After a brief conversation, he promptly hung up and bowed to the policewoman. “I apologize, Officer Ye. As per our superior’s orders, we’ll follow your directives, Officer Ye.”

The female police officer with the surname Ye didn’t waste any time on these two individuals. Instead, she approached the two still unconscious men, squatting down to assess their condition. A faintly surprised expression crossed her face.

She then approached Zhang Xiaoloong. Her gaze seemed to gleam with icy starlight as she scrutinized him from head to toe. “Who are you?”

“I’m Zhang Xiaoloong. I hail from Qinghe Village in Qing Yuan County,” Zhang Xiaoloong responded truthfully.

Once, he had thought Lu Xiaoya was incredibly attractive, especially after spending two months in Yanjing where she seemed to grow even more stunning. However, it wasn’t until he set eyes on the sunglasses-wearing girl that he realized there could be someone more beautiful than Lu Xiaoya.

The other party evidently didn’t acknowledge the gesture and didn’t even glance at the business card. “I’m aware of your identity, but it would be best if you pretend you know nothing about what transpired earlier.”

“What do you mean, Officer Ye?” Lee Donghua’s brows creased slightly. “As a citizen of China, I have the right to provide a firsthand account as evidence. This isn’t unlawful. If Zhang Xiaoloong faces unfair treatment... I won’t just stand by.”

The policewoman studied Lee Donghua anew, a touch more relaxed in her tone. “I won’t exploit any influence to harm anyone, but certain matters are confidential. It’s wiser for you to act as though you didn’t see anything.”

Lee Donghua experienced a moment of surprise, then his phone rang. He seemed to be inquiring about his whereabouts. After a few brief exchanges, he ended the call. He handed Zhang Xiaoloong his business card. “I never anticipated encountering the pride of Qingyang City here. If any issues arise later... you can reach me through this.”

“Thank you.” Zhang Xiaoloong might not know who Lee Donghua was, but he could discern that Lee Donghua was no ordinary individual.

Among the occupants of the vehicle, he alone spoke out for him, leaving a positive impression.

The policewoman evidently aimed to suppress further conversation. She instructed two officers with a few words, then drove the vehicle, carrying Zhang Xiaoloong and Yang Jingjing away.


Inside an interrogation room, the policewoman with the surname Ye rested her hands on the table’s surface, leaning down as she focused on Zhang Xiaoloong.

Possibly unaware of the effect, her posture seemed poised to push the limits of her attire. Any man who caught sight of it would undoubtedly experience a rush of heat through their veins.

Even though Zhang Xiaoloong made a conscious effort to divert his gaze, the sensation of his blood racing remained undeniable. Could this woman truly be the rumored enchantress?

Yet, as he contemplated, fear was unwarranted. He was the bearer of Shennong’s legacy, endowed with divine power. There was no reason to cower before any enchantress.

With this rationale in mind, he dared to look up, though his cheeks turned slightly rosy as her captivating form pricked at his senses. He had no choice but to cast his gaze downward again.

“Are you familiar with the two individuals you threw out?” The policewoman queried.

Zhang Xiaoloong shook his head in confusion. “I just wanted to prevent them from taking lives. As for anything else, I’m in the dark.”

“You genuinely have no knowledge?” Her gaze seemed as though it could peer into his very soul, while simultaneously emanating an uncanny pressure.

Zhang Xiaoloong’s brows furrowed slightly, and instinctively, he lifted his head. Yet, this time, he managed to resist her influence. He locked his gaze with hers and affirmed, “Yes, I truly have no knowledge.”

“You’re lying!” The policewoman’s voice exploded.

Though she exerted minimal force, the table beneath her palm splintered.

At the same time, she lunged forward with the speed of wind, her target being Zhang Xiaoloong.