Chapter 69

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C69 – Good Products

“Ah, I understand...” The doorman discerned the visitor’s intent to sell something. “I apologize, sir. Agricultural products aren’t accepted here. You might have better luck elsewhere.”

“I’m sorry to inconvenience you. Regardless, please allow me to speak with the person in charge,” Zhang Xiaoloong persisted. Refusing to concede easily, fearing a similar dismissal elsewhere. “Could you assist me? It’s not easy for me to come into the city. Alternatively... perhaps you could provide some guidance.”

While speaking, Zhang Xiaoloong discreetly slipped the other party a hundred yuan.

Initially averse to such tactics, he recognized the necessity of offering compensation when seeking assistance. Perhaps it was customary in the hotel industry. It seemed more prudent to seek guidance from the doorman than to randomly seek help.

“Regarding this matter...” Initially hesitant, the doorman relented when Zhang Xiaoloong surreptitiously handed over the money. After ensuring no one was watching, he glanced around before speaking softly, “Vegetables are handled by the kitchen, but you won’t find the head chef. Your best bet is to monitor their purchases. They usually procure ingredients early in the morning. By this time, the restaurant’s dishes are already prepared and unwanted.”

Zhang Xiaoloong suddenly grasped the situation, realizing the value of the hundred yuan. Without it, he would have been unaware even upon arrival. If every household he visited faced him with closed doors, he’d never find a willing buyer for his produce.

“Do you know where their vegetable supplier is located? What’s their contact?” Zhang Xiaoloong inquired further.

“There’s a vegetable wholesale market...” The doorman’s response was cut off by another voice.

“Is there a problem here?” The man, clad in a suit and polished leather shoes, hair and tie impeccably arranged, interjected. Although his words were innocuous, his tone carried a hint of impatience. His gaze fixed on the doorman, clearly questioning.

“He’s...” The doorman halted after uttering two words, “Manager Chang, I’ll see him off... Let’s go, we’re not interested in your offerings here.”

Yet upon learning the man before him was the hotel manager, Zhang Xiaoloong refused to relinquish this opportunity. Hastening forward, he greeted, “Hello, Manager Chang. I have some superior vegetables here, guaranteed to surpass what you currently procure...”

“Leave at once,” Manager Chang impatiently interrupted upon confirming the visitor’s identity. “This is a high-end establishment. Do you truly believe we’d accept just any subpar produce?”

“If you’ve got guts...” He spat venomously, but halted upon seeing Zhang Xiaoloong turn back.

He couldn’t explain it, but the young man’s eyes appeared fearful and frantic. It seemed any further provocation might trigger violence.

Softness fears hardness, hardness fears risking one’s life. As the saying goes, those with nothing to lose fear nothing. As the saying goes, those with nothing to lose fear nothing.

Manager Chang felt he wore sturdy shoes while his adversary disregarded his own life. Under such circumstances, he mustn’t engage further. If the kid truly snapped, what then? Should he rush over and bite him?

“Hmph, kid, cross my path again, and you’ll regret it!”

Manager Chang seethed. He wasn’t the hotel’s general manager but a mere lobby manager, striving to establish authority, now marred by Zhang Xiaoloong’s actions. He didn’t despise him enough to grind his teeth.

He shot a glare at the doorman. “If this gets out, you’re out.”

The doorman felt unjustly blamed. Sure, he accepted a bribe, but he didn’t ask to be assaulted. What did that have to do with him? If Manager Chang dared, why didn’t he confront Zhang Xiaoloong earlier?

He swallowed his retort, not wanting to risk his job.

Meanwhile, Zhang Xiaoloong departed the hotel without further confrontation.

Initially, he presumed the managers would eagerly buy his dishes once presented. Yet, recent events suggested it wouldn’t be so simple.

Are the goods satisfactory? Well, quality merchandise can’t surpass a disabled person!

It appears he’ll have to venture to the vegetable wholesale market tomorrow to test his luck. Surely, among those responsible for hotel procurement, there are individuals knowledgeable about quality, correct?