Chapter 73

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
C73 – Not Allowed

“Manager Chen, this man is here to cause trouble. We are going to ask the security to take him out...” Tang Zhiyuan hurriedly explained.

“Manager, actually this person...” The beautiful receptionist felt that Zhang Xiaoloong didn’t do anything out of line. If it wasn’t for Assistant Tang throwing away the food, this person would have left a long time ago.

However, the two of them did not continue speaking. They only saw Chen Yaru acting like a female lead. With a strong spotlight halo, she walked to Zhang Xiaoloong’s side. She reached out to grab his arm and changed into a coquettish tone, “You finally can bear to come and see me?”

“Uh...” Tang Zhiyuan was stunned. The beautiful receptionist was also small. Her mouth became a pigeon egg.

It turned out that Zhang Xiaoloong really knew Manager Chen. And from the looks of it, the two of them didn’t just know each other!

Tang Zhiyuan was right about one thing. Chen Yaru was a flower in the Azure Yang business world, but this flower was also very noble and cold. Although she wasn’t cold, which man did you see that she was warm to?

Most of them wanted to get close to her, but all of them only wanted to get close to her. However, what was going on today? Was the female tiger from another world trying to cross realms?

Zhang Xiaoloong, who was tied up, did not think too much about it. In his eyes, Chen Yaru had always been like this. Therefore, he did not feel that it was strange. “She sent food to you and Uncle Chen, but she can’t enter without an appointment. So I asked her to call you.”

It was obvious that the matter wasn’t as simple as he said, but Zhang Xiaoloong didn’t want to complicate it.

Chen Yaru had more or less guessed some things. She turned to the beautiful receptionist and said, “Xiao Yu, remember this Mr. Zhang’s appearance. If he comes in the future... You don’t need to make an appointment, just bring Mr. Zhang to see me. If I have something to attend to, help me receive him properly. When I am with Mr. Zhang, let’s push the other matters aside for now. “

These few sentences were not long, but they contained a lot of information. She once again solemnly announced to everyone that Zhang Xiaoloong was her man.

Although everyone had seen it from their body language just now, Chen Yaru still had to solemnly emphasize it again.

But what was strange to everyone was that when she and Xiao Yu came to give instructions, it seemed that Xiao Yu was just a front desk, right?

“No.” Zhang Xiaoloong smiled helplessly and said, “I still have things to do when I go back.”

“I also have a lot of things to do. Can’t I spare some time to accompany you?” Chen Yaru did not believe these excuses.

“Then you can also go to work. I don’t need to accompany you.” Zhang Xiaoloong quickly said, “Or you don’t need to send me. I can take a taxi there very quickly...”

He could not continue speaking because Chen Yaru’s eyes were watery.

“It’s not what you think. I really want to go back...” Zhang Xiaoloong scratched his head. This woman was really made of water. Her tears would fall if she said it. He quickly told her what had happened to him.

When he talked about how he finally found a buyer in the wholesale market who looked like he could still pay a high price, he actually ran into that unlucky manager and caused the matter to be messed up again, Chen Yaru burst into laughter.

“Hey, it’s not that funny, right?” Zhang Xiaoloong was speechless. This woman was really a strange animal. Sometimes she would cry, sometimes she would laugh. It was hard to figure it out.

However, it had to be said that a beauty like Chen Yaru would make your heart ache if she wanted to cry. If she wanted to laugh, she would look even more beautiful and charming.

Chen Yaru was even happier when she saw the trace of admiration that flashed in Zhang Xiaoloong’s eyes. At this moment, there was nothing that could make her feel happier than this man’s love for her.

“You were just unlucky and did not touch the right person. ” Chen Yaru also knew that she was depressed towards Fangzheng and immediately stopped laughing. She helped to come up with an idea.” Actually, my previous suggestion was quite good. Send the vegetables over. I’ll help you sell them. It will definitely be much easier than you finding a market yourself. “

“It’s not that I don’t want to give it to you, but that you know the vegetables I planted now. It’s only an acre of land. If you want to continue supplying it, at most, it’s more than 100 kilograms per day.” Zhang Xiaoloong still rejected it. These few days, he thought about it again. “100 kilograms of vegetables is not a small amount for a street vendor. But it would be too little to be supplied by the Yuanbo. It’s not worth wasting manpower on it. “

Chen Yaru understood that what the other party said was the truth. Every day, there were more than a hundred catties of vegetables. It was already too little for a big hotel, let alone for her to operate it. It must be a large amount of food like this. It was indeed not worth talking about.

“How about this, I’ll introduce you to someone. She will definitely be able to help you with this. Furthermore, your dishes should be just right for her to eat.” Chen Yaru’s eyes suddenly lit up as she thought of someone.

“Who is it?” Zhang Xiaoloong was also curious.

“It is a beautiful woman.” Chen Yaru pointed at her nose with her index finger. “I told you in advance, you are only allowed to sell vegetables to her. You are not allowed to sell yourself!”