Chapter 127

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
Chapter 127 - Playing with People

Two vehicles raced along the winding mountain road, with Wang Changyu's driver, Ah Yong, leading the chase.

Employing all his skills, he focused on obstructing Zhang Xiaoloong's pursuit behind him.

Initially dismissing his opponent as a novice, Ah Yong soon realized he couldn't afford to be complacent.

Observing his opponent's techniques, he begrudgingly acknowledged their brilliance. Even seasoned professionals hesitated to employ such maneuvers, let alone execute them flawlessly.

Despite initially perceiving his adversary as inexperienced, Ah Yong recognized a complete mastery. While some maneuvers deviated from convention, they showcased the driver's formidable ability to optimize unorthodox techniques. Precision reigned, manipulating the vehicle with unprecedented dexterity.

Ah Yong's confidence waned as sweat beaded on his brow. Initially anticipating an easy victory, even a flirtatious exchange with the beauty beside him failed to distract from the escalating challenge.

Struggling to maintain his lead against Xiaoloong's relentless pursuit, Ah Yong sensed his grip on victory slipping. The current terrain offered no opportunity for overtaking, leaving him vulnerable to Xiaoloong's imminent onslaught on more favorable stretches.

“Xiaoloong, when did you become such a skilled racer?” Chen Yaru, impressed by his prowess, voiced her admiration.

Xiaoloong, flashing a smile while skillfully maneuvering the vehicle, replied, “Would you believe I couldn't drive when you called this morning?”

“I'd believe anything you say,” Chen Yaru confessed, her eyes filled with admiration. “But I can't fathom how you've achieved this. Are you some deity in human form?”

Chuckling softly, Xiaoloong replied, “If I were a deity, my purpose would be to protect you.”

Sweet words from a beloved figure had a mesmerizing effect, regardless of their sincerity.

In that moment, Chen Yaru harbored a wild impulse, yearning to abandon restraint and indulge in reckless abandon with Xiaoloong on the deserted mountain road.

Reality intervened; such recklessness would only lead to disaster, no matter Xiaoloong's skill.

“Hold on tight, I'm overtaking!” Xiaoloong suddenly floored the accelerator. The car surged forward like a bullet, seizing the opportune moment when the opponent momentarily faltered.

“Damn it!” The trailing driver cursed.

Five million wasn't significant for Wang Zongming but was likely a considerable sum for Wang Changyu, considering the expenses involved.

For instance, buying off the opposing driver to switch sides last minute would require hefty compensation to ensure cooperation with the show.

Even if Wang Changyu emerged victorious in the end, the extent of his potential losses remained uncertain.

So, what drove him? Merely to toy with Wang Zongming? Zhang Xiaoloong found it improbable.

Yet, such considerations were unnecessary. Victory seemed assured this time. Regardless of Wang Changyu's intentions, failure loomed inevitable.

Just as he steadied his pace and turned back, Zhang Xiaoloong was suddenly gripped by a profound sense of unease.

He halted the car at the sight of the upcoming bend.

“What's happening?” Chen Yaru puzzled. With just a few more turns, victory seemed assured. Why stop now?

“Let's wait,” Zhang Xiaoloong replied cryptically. His intuition offered no clear explanation.

Soon, Ah Yong approached, noticing Zhang Xiaoloong's halt. Surprised, he speculated a malfunction, hoping for a chance to win.

Thinking so, he swiftly overtook Zhang Xiaoloong, speeding towards the upcoming bend.

At that moment, Zhang Xiaoloong's car roared, drawing close.

Ah Yong grew tense, fearing retaliation, anticipating a collision.

Yet, after several turns, Zhang Xiaoloong held his position, not yielding nor retaliating. He trailed closely, seemingly engaged in a deliberate spectacle.

Perplexed, Ah Yong focused solely on driving, navigating each turn flawlessly.

Just as he began to rejoice, Zhang Xiaoloong's car surged ahead once more.

Is this a game? Ah Yong seethed with frustration and bewilderment.