Chapter 178

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
Chapter 178 - What I Want Is Not Money!

Upon returning to Qingyang City, Zhang Xiaolong headed straight to the company. He had left in such a hurry that he hadn't had the chance to say goodbye to Yaru and Jingjing. To his surprise, he discovered that neither of them was at the office.

He was about to inquire about their whereabouts when Yang Jingjing's call came through.

“Xiaolong, something terrible has happened. Yaru is missing. We were just shopping at the mall, and while I was looking at some clothes, she vanished. I thought she might have gone to another store, but I can't find her anywhere. I tried calling her, but her phone is off. I'm really scared...” Yang Jingjing's voice trembled with panic.

“Don't panic. Tell me where you are right now, and I'll be there immediately,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, his own anxiety mounting. Trouble seemed to follow one after the other.

After ending the call, he hurried to the mall. As soon as he arrived, Yang Jingjing rushed over to him.

“What do we do? Should we call the police?” she asked, clearly out of her depth.

“Wait, let me handle this,” Zhang Xiaolong reassured her.

On his way there, he had called Chen Zhaomin to check if Yaru had returned home but didn't go into details to avoid causing undue worry.

Chen Zhaomin had simply said she hadn't come home and didn't mention anything else. This suggested that Yaru's kidnapper hadn't contacted him for a ransom, which was a departure from the previous kidnapping incident involving Chen Zhaomin.

Given that Yaru had been kidnapped, the perpetrators must have had a motive. Yaru's beauty could easily attract unwanted attention, but the boldness of abducting someone from a mall without anyone noticing was not the work of an amateur.

Zhang Xiaolong couldn't shake the feeling that the kidnappers' intentions went beyond mere abduction.

Chen Yaru was certainly beautiful, but she wasn't the only one. Yang Jingjing, who was equally attractive, hadn't been taken. Why not?

“Take me to the last place you saw Yaru,” Zhang Xiaolong said, his mind racing with strategies. Despite the chaos, he managed to stay composed and focused.

Yang Jingjing wasted no time and quickly led him to the storefront they had last visited.

A wave of relief washed over Chen Yaru internally. As long as he wasn't after her personally, there might be a chance to buy time. “But I genuinely don't know the exact formula. Xiaolong handles that himself; he's never shared it with me.”

“I've already told you I won't believe that,” the masked man's eyes gleamed with a knowing look as he rose and approached her. “It seems you won't face reality until it's too late. But this works for me. You're Xiaolong's woman, aren't you? Tsk, I've longed to have a taste of Xiaolong's woman. The experience must be exquisite!”

“What are you going to do? Stay back!” Chen Yaru tried to back away in panic, but her bound hands and feet rendered her immobile.

“So, have you decided? What's the formula? Tell me, and perhaps I'll be in a good enough mood to release you,” the masked man taunted with a menacing grin.

“If I give you the formula, you'll let me go?” Chen Yaru inquired.

“Exactly,” he replied promptly, “Though if you'd prefer to spend the night here with me before leaving, I wouldn't object.”

Chen Yaru's mind raced with calculations, but she responded, “Get me a pen, and I'll write it down for you.”

“No need, you read it out, and I'll write it down,” the masked man said, allowing her no opportunity to argue.

“Alright then,” Chen Yaru conceded, realizing she hadn't swayed him. With some reluctance, she began, “It contains... There are a few herbs I can't quite recall. Give me a moment to think...”

A peculiar gleam flashed in the masked man's eyes. “Great Beauty Chen, enough with the games. Do you really think I'd believe anything you say offhand? Hand over the actual formula, or else... Heh, you'll soon find out the consequences.”

Suddenly, he brandished a sharp pair of scissors. Advancing two steps, he ignored Chen Yaru's struggles and snipped a hole at the hem of her jeans. Then, seizing the fabric in both hands, he gave a forceful tug.


The quality denim was torn up to the calf, exposing her smooth, flawless skin beneath.

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