Chapter 184

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
Chapter 184 - King Diamond!

“I'm sorry, but we aren't too sure about this either,” Chen Yaru said with a moment's hesitation, shaking her head.

Huang Zhiyong appeared quite disappointed, but he quickly came to an understanding. “If this is indeed the work of a master, then there would certainly be some documentation or records of it. Or perhaps the masters intended for this treasure to remain a secret...”

Chen Yaru watched as he mumbled to himself, then turned and shared a knowing smile with Zhang Xiaolong. She was more familiar with the emerald's creation process than anyone else.

?Since their relationship had deepened, Zhang Xiaolong hadn't hidden his abilities from her. They had struggled to find the right piece for the auction until Chen Yaru casually brought out the big green goose. Seized by inspiration, Zhang Xiaolong transformed the object. Now, even Xu Shaoning wouldn't recognize the emerald he had given to Chen Yaru.

Huang Zhiyong seemed somewhat entranced. If he knew the true story behind the emerald's creation, he might be utterly astonished.

Chen Yaru was the sole witness to the process, watching the misshapen emerald morph fluidly in Zhang Xiaolong's hands, as if a phoenix naturally resided within, emerging from a state of chaos.

“Master Huang, are we ready to begin the auction?” Zhang Xiaolong interjected, noting the growing restlessness of the audience.

?Snapping back to the moment, Huang Zhiyong signaled for the auction to start. However, when the Auctioneer reached to take the piece, Huang Zhiyong refused and instead stood up to present the item himself with great care.

?The item was small, and the crowd couldn't make out the details from their seats, seeing only a flash of green. Thankfully, the auction house was well-prepared. The camera zoomed in on the item and projected it onto a large screen. Điscover new chapters at

?As the true form of the piece was revealed, the room fell silent, as if in fear of disturbing the phoenix displayed on the screen. The jade, only as big as two fists and not a solid mass, was a delicate hollow carving. The magnification allowed everyone to see a phoenix poised for flight, its form and every feather carved with such precision that the audience was left in awe of the remarkable craftsmanship.

Setting aside the inherent value of the jade, the sheer artistry of the phoenix's lifelike carving transformed this stone into a treasure.

What was truly astonishing was that, while the jade was predominantly emerald green, there was a striking spot of jade red atop the phoenix's head. The masterful use of the jade's natural hues to craft such a flawless form was beyond words. “A marvel of craftsmanship” was the only phrase Huang Zhiyong had previously used that came close to capturing its beauty.

However, at the Charity Auction, all proceeds were destined for charitable causes, meaning the sellers wouldn't receive a penny.

“My apologies!” Huang Zhiyong expressed his regret to Zhang Xiaolong, gesturing that he might have caused the item's price to dip.

Zhang Xiaolong quickly acknowledged the apology, aware that without Master Huang's pre-auction remarks, the fervor of the bidding might not have reached such heights.

Huang Zhiyong examined the Jadite Phoenix from every angle as the crowd below buzzed with conversation, still reeling from the impact of the stunning piece.

Subsequent auction items struggled to captivate the audience as the phoenix had, but the charitable nature of the event meant few items went unsold.

It wasn't until the final piece was presented that Huang Zhiyong shifted his attention from the Jadite Phoenix.

Upon seeing the new item, he inhaled sharply, surveying the room, impressed by the day's display of generosity.

Standing for the second time, he approached the podium with the treasure in hand.

This time, he didn't play coy, revealing the item immediately.

“This is a blue diamond, weighing in at 51.88 carats according to its certificate. While it may not possess the artistic value of the Jadite Phoenix,” Huang Zhiyong said with a smile before swiftly circling back, “we all know the inherent worth of such a massive diamond. By my rough estimate, its value is no less than one hundred million dollars.”

On the large screen, the blue diamond showcased its impeccable brilliance, with a ring of pink sheen visible to all.

Like the Jadite Phoenix, this lot once again elicited gasps of wonder from the crowd.

Chen Yaru herself couldn't resist the thought that the diamond was truly stunning.

“This lot is undoubtedly the crown jewel of the evening. Does anyone know who generously donated it?”