Chapter 231

Name:A Divine Farmer Author:
Chapter 231 - Begging

The wild man discovered he could move again, but he was self-aware enough not to attack Zhang Xiaolong a second time. “Are you truly not an ally of the Great Yang Country?”

“I have no idea what you're talking about with ‘allies of the Great Yang Country,' and I'm not interested in interrogating you,” Zhang Xiaolong said, eyeing the man's attire. “If I really wanted information from you, this isn't how I'd go about it. I have plenty of ways to make you talk, but you don't seem like a bad guy, so you won't be subjected to those methods.”

With a nonchalant toss, he threw the pistol back to the wild man and turned to walk away in a different direction.

The wild man was astonished. The man had just returned his gun and was now turning his back on him. Wasn't he afraid of being shot at again?

He had suspected Zhang Xiaolong of being an ally of the Great Yang Country, but now it didn't seem likely. Besides, Zhang Xiaolong's abilities were frighteningly formidable. How could someone like that ever be content to be a mere pawn?

“Excuse me, sir, wait up!” Believing he had the good fortune to encounter a legendary hermit, he quickly followed. “Since you recognized that I've been poisoned, could you possibly help me with an antidote?”

“Yes,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, turning back. “But why should I help you detoxify? You may not look like a bad person, but looks can be deceiving. How can I be sure whether you're truly good or bad?”

“Then why did you spare me?” The wild man grew more perplexed. If Zhang Xiaolong didn't trust him, why would he so readily return his gun?

“Heaven protects the virtuous. If you're a good person, you'll surely find your way out of these woods, and the poison will leave your system,” Zhang Xiaolong said with a smile. “If you can't make it out, then it just proves you're a despicable villain who deserves to die here.”

The wild man was momentarily floored by this bizarre logic, but after a moment's thought, he quickly sought to prove his integrity. “I'm not a villain. Here's my ID. I was sent here on a mission but got ambushed due to faulty intelligence. Please, help me with the antidote. My life doesn't matter, but I must deliver this message!”

Zhang Xiaolong was merely probing, but he had already discerned that the individual before him was a genuine soldier, exuding a fierce and steadfast presence not found in ordinary people.

Reaching behind him, he retrieved two medicinal herbs from his basket, plucked a couple of leaves, chewed them, and nonchalantly applied them to the bleeding wound on the man's shoulder.

“Keep pressure on it. It should heal in about ten minutes, then you'll be able to leave on your own,” Zhang Xiaolong assured him, confident that with the man's abilities, exiting wouldn't pose a problem.

“Where will you go?” Zhang Xiaolong asked, accepting the ID.

Determination glinted in Gao Loong's eyes. “I'm heading back. If I can take down even one of those bastards, it's worth it. Killing two would be avenging my brothers.”

Zhang Xiaolong furrowed his brow. “Do all these people deserve to die?”

“They all deserve to die!”

“And there's no issue if I kill them?”

Gao Loong caught on to the implication. Zhang Xiaolong was a master with unmatched skills, yet in a society governed by law, taking a life was a serious offense. No matter one's skill, killing was not to be taken lightly.

Zhang Xiaolong was implying that rescuing without killing was a tall order. Any slight commotion would trigger a barrage from the enemy, a challenge even for the divine.

“Absolutely!” Gao Loong assured him immediately, “Taking out these scoundrels is our way of serving our country. Not only will we be in the clear, but we'll also commend you for your actions!”

Zhang Xiaolong smiled. “No need for commendations. Let's go have a look. Saving a life is always a good deed, especially since you all are heroes defending our nation.”

Led by Gao Loong, they ventured deeper into the terrain.

As they moved, Gao Loong shared details about the situation with Zhang Xiaolong. They were up against roughly fifty people, but almost half had already perished. They had no fear in a direct confrontation.

Yet, it seemed the enemy had been lying in wait. Once they entered a dead-end valley, the exit was suddenly sealed off. They were trapped like dumplings, and the attempt to break free resulted in significant casualties.

“You're all elite troops; didn't anyone stay behind to cover your retreat?” Zhang Xiaolong inquired, “Where's the person who was supposed to guard the rear?”

“He...” Gao Loong paused, a chill running through him.