Chapter 430: The Actual Summit of Ankor-Nazta.

Chapter 430: The Actual Summit of Ankor-Nazta.

Custom magic song gained: [Strength and Wisdom]

Custom magic songs [Strength and Wisdom] have been perfectly integrated into the System

[So you cant fix her?] I asked Klea.

[Why would I ever lie to my second favorite person who calls me by my first name? Awfully rude, no, dear?] the demon responded, sounding as sultry as always.

Unfortunately for her, I witnessed her breaking character upon being confronted with her fondness for Ellaine. Whether all of this was an act or if her constant teasing was a real part of her personality, it was clear she could be wholesome. It was just a matter of how you handled it.

[I have no way to prove it, but that is why I asked Ellaine to ask you to do it.] My comment silenced the demon before I looked up, seeing Ellaine showing me a wry smile.

She shrugged. [Vifi actually was the one to ask us about it first. She said Franzs contact would be able to heal her damaged sin powers, so she wanted to see if Klea could be an option for her.]

Franzs contact? Who exactly are you working with, cousin?

Nevertheless, I shook that idea away for now to listen to Klea.

[Regardless, the answer is no. If there was anyone who could help her, it would be the Archdemon of Wrath; not even a Prince of Sin should be able to fix such a serious blunder. You require a god or some miracle elixir, as the issue concerns her blood and biology being affected by the aftermath of [Original Sin: Satanael],] Klea elaborated. [To cheat death, one must pay some price. Ellaines near death costed her a vampire necklace, and VifiYok received the recoil of using an extremely strenuous ability.]

Who exactly are you working for, Franz?

Whoever it was, hopefully they would help him succeed with whatever he was planning, as I couldnt with everything I had going on. From a political standpoint, what was about to happen would affect the world as a whole, and I recently just gained some more stakes into making sure the Summit of Ankor-Nazta went off without a hitch.

I looked around inside this medium-sized waiting room, decorated to the brim with stone statues and furniture, showing off the skills of the dwarven stone artisans. Nevertheless, the red fur carpet and silk window shaders, along with the ornate wooden shelves and table, kept everything from looking too much like a boring cave.

Sitting with me was Neill, Ellaine, and VifiYok, as each of them were needed for the upcoming talks. In addition, Shay and Beth were also around, acting as Neills and my guards for the sake of appearance; although I had intended to also bring Tasianna with us, she had to stay back for the sake of Grimnirs new project. We might have Cernust and Rita as helpers, but the former wouldnt always be around due to his fiance, so our partys resident alchemist had to oversee things at the forge.

All five members here were people I already knew well enough, but there was a sixth person aside from me here. Somebody I had not thought would wake up in time for the summit persuaded me to bring her along after a ton of pleading.

Saintess Fleindia, I called over to the person sitting on the opposite side of the table.

Pale and slightly sickly, the woman was currently brushing her almond-colored hair, trying to get rid of the knots her two weeks of sleeping had caused. She was wearing her clean saintess clothes, showing no signs of the blood and dirt it previously had from her trip down the dungeon and her meeting with Galg.

I offered to help her. Are you sure you dont need help with your hair?

N-no, it is fine Her hand jerked, nearly causing her to rip out a few strands of hair with her comb. She relaxed her grip after brushing through, before looking down on the table. Champion Hestia it will end up in a war, right? All of this? Because we blessed failed to stop the pope from exacting his plans?

Right now, yes, Vifi suddenly interjected.

I snapped my head around, shouting, Hey! but the demonkin only shrugged her shoulders, reminding me of the war declaration High King Fugnarus gave after the end of Maagneils battle. Neill, too, agreed, nodding her head and telling me to calm down and face the reality of the situation. As candid as Vifi was, trying to soften the blow wouldnt help as Fleindia had already heard all of this already.

No use repeating this stuff to us when youll have to say everything to the kings at the summit anyways, Neill stated.

Fleindia nodded. Of course.

I sighed as I felt the tension dissipating, but the atmosphere still felt uncomfortable. Sadly, it only got worse when a steward called for us, telling me it was time for the summit to convene. I stood up, letting out a sigh of stress as I looked down at my long red-white dress with green sashes and frills, designed with Victorian England noble dresses in mind. Most of it was made from mana threads, but the embroidered bits were made entirely from my shed crimson scales, as it was standard for dragons to wear their scales on human clothing.

Neills outfit had the same scale concession, a mana thread kimono fitting for a noble lady from medieval Japan, decorated with her black scales to form petals. Compared to mine, hers looked far cooler and more reserved, due to the black and purple colors used to design it, with only white used to showcase the Kargryxmor clans emblem. She had her lion mane hair tied together into a ponytail, with my maids making sure it was properly combed and taken care of to elevate her youthful beauty while also showcasing both her kirin and two dragon horns.

If you looked at us, you could easily figure out which of us was the younger one, as my dress exuded energy while Neills demanded respect.

Saori, as always, was the best fashion designer I could have wished for. Even while escorting the beastmen to Inkorna-Tazul right now, she still made the time to sew our clothes. It was so surprising to see Neill wearing normal clothes, despite being more accustomed to using her scales to make her clothes.

To finish our appearances, the both of us placed our royal tiaras on our heads. Mine was the same frozen ice one with the diamond-like scales made by Mom, while Neill got a surprise delivery from her mother! Apparently, Pradreo and Skardrvo had preemptively sent a letter to Neills mother before the Event Quest, reporting her on the latters health and ongoing antics. As such, Neill got sent a violet jagged tiara made from crystallized mana, with lightning-like seams flowing through it due to her mother using the dragon paths to create it.

We looked like two princesses. With Ellaine, the twins, and Vifi all wearing their armorthe latter got a new set from Grimnirour entourage seemed as respectable as any nobles. The only one who stood out a bit was Fleindia, and only due to a lack of grooming.

With this group, we all followed the steward as she led us in front of a large door. I could hear some muffled talking behind it, causing me to gulp as I felt multiple people with [Detection Sensor]. Six people sitting around something and facing each other with other signals standing behind each.

The steward bowed before she shook a bell, prompting the door to open up. She walked forward and stood to the side as she presented the brightened room to us.

Attention! She raised her voice, straightening her posture. I present, the leader of the Summit of Ankor-Nazta. The mediator and figurehead! Third Princess of the Dragon Empire, Kargryx, Princess Hestia Atsuko Kargryxmor! In addition, standing next to her as her guardian, Second Princess of the Dragon Empire, Kargryx, Princess Fargryneill Qilinus Kargryxmor! Lastly, a blessed of the Pantheon of Light, and a Saintess of the Goddess of Nobility and Wealth, ErithiaSaintess Fleindia Alsternich.

Yup, Fleindias patron goddess was Erithia, the one who hated me. We didnt talk much when she woke up, but hearing this still irked me. At the very least, it didnt seem like she was hostile, but I still needed to hear her out. Hear the entire story from her.

Nevertheless, for now, I had to focus on other things.

We entered the room and were greeted with the sight of a large, round fainite table with bronze adornments, which looked a bit like shields from here. Everybody in the room stood up from their seats, with six of them wearing fine robes and garments to display their riches and from which house they came from, but what was the most predominant was what five of them were wearing on their headscrowns.

Perfectly split into two halves, you had the members of the northwestern nations on the left side of the table, while the rulers of the human nations on the right. I didnt know if this separation was intentional, but I did know that three chairs were unoccupied on the top of the table, perfectly in the middle between these sides.

My group took our seats, with our guards standing behind us. Once I was seated, everybody bowed slightly before taking their seats, with their guards and aides also standing guard.

Certainly unwise, King Elutis stated. They already have two wars on two different fronts. The Empire might be large, but the fact their pride compels them to continue an unnecessary war is just proof that there is no real unity. They only need to fight the demonkins, but wish to subjugate the beastmen for slaves. This same greed caused the War for the Faefolk.

Renee nodded. And this war has only hurt its vassals. I have testimonies of parents and siblings losing family members as young levies in the meat grinder that is the northern and southern warfront. Yeos personally had lost a king and a Champion in the war effort against the demonkin, and we still havent recovered from that tragedy, driven by a false sincerity to God Yeostar, cursing our nation with debt and death.

Champion Renee, considering King Elutiss comment, I suspect from your words that you too wish to secede, no? King Fugnarus asked.

Renee did not react much, keeping her expression neutral. We cannot say for sure, Your Majesty. Yeos is a small nation, in addition, we are geographically far too far from the other members of our alliance. To reach us, you must sail through four different nations waters, and this isnt even considering the many grimgarian pirates and invaders lately. In fact, without Princess Hestias subspace, we would not be able to be here as our nation requires us.

Tis smart, Champion, King Elutis agreed. We will not force you. An alliance is here to serve all parties equally. Proper relations are far more important in this deal to maintain trust and unity. The fact the Empire could sail to your land in a matter of hours makes it impossible for you to betray the Empire, otherwise you would feel their wrath as we cannot reach you in time. Is that so?

He looked at me, so I responded, Even if my mother, Melloxtressa, were currently awake, transporting an army through my space-time portal would be an enormous task, purely due to arcane corruption. Mana cost increases with distance from the original entry to the destination. My party circumvents this by placing multiple destination Bs in between to teleport towards, but this is only properly feasible with a few people.

And only if she can trust the person to hang onto the portal, Neill continued for me. In fact, there is a massive gap between Yeos and Estralia, as we have nobody trustworthy living in between them. They are three countries apart. To reach Yeos with this method, you need to teleport to Estralia before taking a boat down the river.

Meaning, logistically, one must march their army as usual, Renee concluded. While it is clear Yeos cannot join due to our current circumstances, Estralia, on the other hand, is willing to join.

You wish to confirm this before we speak, President? King Elutis asked.

She nodded. We are not beholden to the Empire. Our trade is too invaluable and our capitals geographical location is a fort, making it impossible for somebody to invade us unless they wish to destroy us. As such, Estralia is a republic who only wishes to further our mercantile goals. Estralia wishes to trade with Loatryx, Caedhul, and Saelariel.

It was a clear answer to everybodys understanding. As such, I wanted to draw the discussion away from it for now.

Speaking of which, does this mean Caedhul will not join?

Maelexus shook his head. As you know, their representative is actually inside the city right now. They informed us that as long as Saelariel and Loatryx agrees with the terms, Caedhul will join. Unfortunately, due to King Fugnaruss declaration of war, they have told us they are unsure if they wish to participate. After all, unlike the many underwater tribes, the Republic of Caedhul is the unified nation between all aquatic beastmen in service of the church of Plesia. A hub of exploration and trade, they are unsure if they wish to incur the wrath of the demonkins.

I winced. They do know what happened two weeks ago, right?

King Fugnarus nodded. They fear the difficulty of the campaign and how much it will cost them. We might be allied, but they have tried to persuade us to reconsider. Sadly, that cannot be the case.

He then waved his hand, calling his wife to speak. Even before the war declaration, a war was impossible to avoid. I have used these two weeks to speak to the different dwarven clans. Every major and the vast majority of minor clans have accepted to fight for honors sake. A grudge needs to be dealt with, and the throng is mustered for it.

The casus belli is clear, King Elutis added. The only reason why Saelariel held back is due to this summit, Princess Hestia. The Empire placed a bounty on your head. They sent dragonslayers after you! We were patient enough in respect of what we had heard of your personality through the guild master of Griffonpeak, Muraina. However, the demonkins have attacked Ankor-Naztaour most precious ally. Tis a slight too much!

Loatryx agrees. Maelexus grumbled, causing me to grimace a bit.

We fought and bled during the attack, Princess Hesita. The four of us killed for each other. King Drangleic pointed at Fugnarus, Elutis, and Maelexus. Artorias was always prepared for a war, and with the truth coming out that the Empire of Folschreck is being controlled by the demonkins, even from within the very church of Aurenas holy capital, there is no other question. If they wish to demean you, our benefactor, then Artorias is honorbound to right this wrong!

Consequences, King Fugnarus said. I know your stance on everything and what you are planning, Princess Hesita, but you should know ours now. This cannot be avoided. Even after the attack on Aureolis to kill the false pope, we will make our stance clear to the Empire and the demonkins. Now, can you say something to persuade us?

The alliance had already talked things through behind the scenes. King Drangleic, King Fugnarus, King Elutis, and kinkyuro representatives Maelexus were all on board after the attack. Maagneils attack united all of them.

This was already clear to me. It was now my turn to present my points, and whether something changes depends on the information on hand.

Saintess Fleindia, I called out. Vifi. Ellaine.

The latter two stepped up while Fleindia stood up to curtsy.

My name is Saintess Fleindia Alsternich, a noble of the Folschreck Empire and a Saintess of Goddess Erithia for ten years. I was recently paired with Champion Cleionvall, but he and many other blessed of the Light Pantheon were recently murdered due to our attempt to overthrow the Prince of Envy posing as our pope and the corruption that had overtaken the cathedrals inside the Empire. I wish to present my story.

The name is VifiYok, she introduced herself after Fleindia. She lowered her collar, revealing some of her cleavage but also a large scar in the middle of her chest. I am a former Warbringer of the Prince of Wrath, making me a commander of the demonkin army of BoleTaria. I now work for Hestia, and she wanted me to speak.

Huh? Fleindias eyes widened; however, before she could speak, Ellaine did.

My name is Ellaine Fiero Helvas, and I am an unofficial knight in service of Princess Hestia and her party, Aurora. In addition, I also serve as the caregiver for the Archdemon of Lust, KleaHatma, with the blessing of the Goddess herself through a unique skill.

[Hello, darrrrrlings!] Kleas voice entered everybodys minds.

WHAT? Fleindia shouted, now completely flabbergasted.

Oh yeah, did you think you were my secret weapon, Miss Fleindia? Think again! Those two are!


A note from AbyssRaven

We got some politics chapter ahead of us, people. Cards put on the table, time to make an alliance to form Hestia's army!

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Thank you for reading this chapter.