Chapter 4: (1)

Unlike ordinary people, players had levels that could be increased by completing quests or killing creatures. With each level up, they could acquire points to raise desired stats. It was something Kaiyan had to experience to fully understand, so it was still hard for him to comprehend.

But how do you get quests? Do they just suddenly appear like they did today? Kaiyan asked.

He remembered receiving a quest during the battle that morning, and although he didnt intend to, he had even completed it.

[Oh, really? Ah, too bad. It was an opportunity to level up,] Rieka replied.

What do you mean? I didnt even know it was a quest, I just killed a goblin, Kaiyan said.

[Quests occur randomly. In other words, its luck! You did well to complete the quest. However, since you completed it without ever opening the status window, you didnt receive any experience points,] Rieka explained.

I dont know how to open it, though. And until just now, I thought I was going crazy, Kaiyan said.

It wasnt an empty statement; he really thought he was losing his mind.

Anyone would think the same upon hearing a strange voice suddenly and seeing a box floating in mid-air.

If only Kaiyan had known about the status window, he could have experienced leveling up, so it was a little disappointing.

[Too bad, but nothing can be done. Still, now that youve activated the status window, youll be able to receive experience points properly from now on! Oh, you completed the quest, so you must have received a reward, right?] Rieka asked.

Just a moment Inventory, Kaiyan said as he skillfully took out the quest reward box (F) from his inventory. The box held in his left hand was small, with only enough space for a fist, even smaller than a square.

[This is the quest reward. Theyre divided into F-E-D-C-B-A-S-SS-SSS, depending on the quest rating. Of course, F is the worst reward, and SSS is the best,] Rieka explained.

So how do you use this? If its a box, it means its storing something right? Kaiyan asked.

[Oh! Fortunately, your brain isnt that bad. You just need to say unlock while holding the reward box with your hand,] Rieka said.

Unlock, Kaiyan said as he followed Riekas instructions.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

Ding! [Youve obtained the lowest-grade strength potion (1).]

As Kaiyan shouted unlock as Rieka had instructed him, the box in his hand disappeared, and at the same time, a new notification sounded.

A strength potion? Rieka, I got a strength potion from the reward box! Kaiyan exclaimed.

[The items obtained from the Reward box will all be automatically stored in the inventory. Please check it.] Reika said.

After hearing Riekas words, Kaiyan opened his storage.

[Lowest-grade recovery potion (4), Lowest-grade strength potion (1)]

Wait! Reika, does that mean we cant meet again?

[Oh! I didnt tell you that. If Kaiyan raises your level, you can meet me! But if youre late, you wont be able to meet me!]

My level? How much do I need to raise it?

As a beginners helper, Reika was a vital source of information, and Kaiyan wanted to meet her again quickly. He knew that understanding the game would help him become stronger faster.

[Thats something youll find out later! Well then, it was nice meeting you!] Rieka said.

Wait a moment! I have one last question to ask Why me? the protagonist asked.

Rieka had explained that the player system was designed to help the users growth, but he couldnt understand why he was specifically chosen.

[That I dont know either, haha. Im just a beginners guide. But I do know that this system wont work against Kayan,] Rieka said.

Kaiyan let out a small sigh of relief. Even if the system did work against him, he would have used it to defeat monsters. His desire for revenge against them was that strong.

Rieka, I still doubt if whats happening now is a dream. What is all of this but if its all real. he said, bowing deeply to the stone tablet.

He couldnt fully grasp what had happened, but he felt grateful for the gamers system that had suddenly appeared. It not only provided him with valuable recovery potions but also increased his strength, which he had been lacking. It promised growth in the future too.

[Its not a dream, so pull yourself together! Well then] Rieka said.

The stone tablet disappeared into dust with a crackling sound. Looking at the cloud of dust rising from the ground, the protagonist clenched and unclenched his fists. One thing was certain: he was no longer an ordinary person.

With this I can kill more monsters, he said.

It was the reason why he had volunteered to join the alliance army and was obsessed with hunting monsters. A month ago, monsters had invaded the small village where he lived. Even proper soldiers were absent, and the monsters had cruelly killed his family and friends.

No more tears. he muttered, thinking of his father, mother, and Vya.

Normally, the army wouldnt accept a young boy like Kaiyan, but during the time of the monster wave, he easily joined the army, which is how he ended up here.

Kaiyan! Are you inside? Jeffs voice came from outside the tent.

Has the war ended for today? Kaiyan asked.

As far as he knew, Jeff wouldnt retreat until the war was over.

When Kaiyan went outside the tent, he saw Jeff wiping his armor with a cloth, his whole body covered in green blood.

Jeff, did you catch a lot of monsters?

Haha! Of course! Do you know how many orcs I caught today? Jeff proudly pulled out a bag filled with orc ears from his waist.