Chapter 9: (1)

Do you know me? Jeff asked in surprise.

Kaiyan was surprised that Max knew Jeffs name, too.

Hehe, Youre a celebrity, Jeff Kallein the Orc Slayer! I dont think theres a soldier in the Outer area who doesnt know you. Max replied.

Alas, Im. I thought you knew me personally, its been a long time since Ive seen an acquaintance on the battlefield. Jeff sighed.

Jeff Kallein, the orc slayer Thats your title! Kaiyan exclaimed.

Kaiyan remembered playing in the early days and occasionally hearing stories from other soldiers. At the time, he thought it was just a joke between soldiers, but when he heard it from Uncle Maxs mouth, it felt different.

Haha this is embarrassing.

There are many people in my unit who owe their lives to you! Im so glad to meet you.

Of course you are. Uncle Jeff is an Aura user.

It would be even more odd if an aura user hadnt been able to help out in the outlying battlefields, which were mostly small monsters.

As Kaiyan was admiring Jeffs newfound awesomeness, he was reminded of Max, who urged them on.

Oh, come on, lets talk on the road! We dont have much time left.

As they made their way toward the Special Unit, Max thankfully gave them a lot of information.

Hes obviously been in the military for a long time, so he knew more than Jeff.

So, its a good idea to stay no more than a certain distance away from the commander.

Max held up a finger for emphasis, and Jeffs eyes lit up.

So the safest place to be was near the commander? Jeff asked.

Thats right, Max replied, since the Special unit knights dont usually go to the front. However, we shouldnt get too close, so wed better keep a reasonable distance because well be the ones who suffer if they get upset.

Ah, that makes sense, Ill keep that in mind, Jeff said.

Jeff and Max were having a conversation that Kaiyan didnt understand at all.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Kaiyan looked at Max and asked, Why? Arent the knights supposed to be upfront?

Phew, their role is different than a regular knight, Max replied. Their job is to protect their commander, and they dont care if dozens of soldiers are dying.

Thats why he said that they were toys, Kaiyan thought.

As it turned out, the Special unit was, as Uncle Jeff had first said, the toys of the nobles.

They were the sacrificial lambs for the aristocrats.

Well, thats the way to go, Jeff said.

Further in from the center, the flags of numerous special Unit units waved in the wind.

He stopped in front of one with the number seven on it and looked at Max. It was time to part ways.

So, Uncle Max. Kaiyan started

I guess Ill have to part ways here, Im with the 7th Special unit.

What? Were in the 7th Special unit too?

I know I know I cant believe a kid like that is in command.

This I knew it.

Voices of frustration and dissatisfaction erupted from everywhere.

Kaiyan was not the only one who thought so. He couldnt believe he had to fight monsters under the command of a kid who looked younger than him.

Be quiet. If the knight hears us, well be executed.


Kaiyan took Uncle Maxs advice and closed his mouth.

It was true that he had a lot of grievances with the young commander, but he didnt want to die right now.


As they waited in formation, the war trumpet sounded, signaling the start of the battle.

Kaiyan hated the sound of the horns, which he usually liked to hear.

Its just beginning. This is what happened Im going to enter the center of the battlefield.

It was hard for Kaiyan to calm his nerves at the thought of actually entering the center of the battlefield the moment the commanders order was given.


Kaiyan was pretty nervous without realizing it, so he let his saliva slide loudly down his throat.

Everyone follow me, attack!



Suddenly, Tarien, the young commander of the 7th Special Unit, shouted attack in a loud voice.

Despite the fact that the attack order from the commander-in-chief had not yet fallen.

No No way!

As if he hadnt already assessed the situation, he jumped onto his handsome black horse, drew his sword high, and charged forward alone.

Did he think he was the hero of a fairy tale? What a stupid thing to do.

Oh no. All knights, protect Tarien-nim!

The knights who had been guarding him began to hurriedly follow.

Ha Uncle Jeff, what should we do?

With the commander suddenly running off by himself, the soldiers of the 7th Special Unit, including Kaiyan, were at a loss for words.

They had never had a commander do such a stupid thing during the war.

Were still waiting When the commander-in-chief gives the order, then we can charge.

That would be That would be nice.

They were Allied before they were Special Unit. So, as Uncle Jeff said, even if the commander gave the order to attack, the commander-in-chiefs order took precedence.