Chapter 17: (2)

Kaiyan was taken aback when someone who looked younger than him made such a comment, but unfortunately, rank mattered here.

If he wanted to blame someone, he can blame his rank that was lower than that persons. And significantly so.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

From now on, you two will be part of the 7th Special unit under my command as centurion. You will assist me in leading the soldiers, Tarien announced.

Thank you!

Thank you.

Kaiyan had never even been a squad leader before, and suddenly he was being appointed as a centurion. While Jeff had the skills and experience to be a centurion, honestly, Kaiyan felt extremely bewildered because he knew he wasnt at that level.

If both of you have a wish, speak up, Tarien said. As a celebration of becoming centurions, I will grant you a small wish.

Kaiyan thought to himself, A small wish.

The words nobles wish sounded as sweet as a devils temptation.

And so, unlike him, Jeff immediately stated his desire without hesitation.

Money was the reason why Jeff had joined the battlefield, so there was no reason to belittle him as materialistic.

Tarien chuckled in response to Jeffs request. Hahaha! Money? Alright, how much do you want? Would 50 gold be enough?

Yes! I would be grateful if you could give me that.

Kaiyan watched Tariens willingness to offer 50 gold and couldnt help but feel a tinge of surprise.

50 gold was an amount that even a commoner would struggle to accumulate in a lifetime. While individuals like Jeff, who were somewhat exceptional, could earn such a sum with hard work, it was undeniably a large amount of money.

50 gold Should I ask for money too?

Kaiyan felt a slight greed arise at the thought of that sum of money.

With that much money, he could exchange it for the finest weapons and armor at the market.

If I could only exchange this sword, which is on the verge of breaking

Kaiyan! What do you desire? Do you also need money?

Kaiyan took a moment to compose himself, suppressing the immediate urge to answer.

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that may never come again.

So, through Tarien, he would obtain what he needed most at this moment.

I would like to have a sword.

After a brief contemplation, Kaiyan decided that he desired a sword rather than money.

A sword? How peculiar. Go and bring any one of my swords, Tarien commanded.


A subordinate went into the room behind Tarien and returned with a single sword in hand.

At first glance, the sword appeared to be extraordinary.

Well then, from now on, Kaiyan, you shall wield this sword. It should be sufficient, right?

Thank you.

As Kaiyan carefully examined the sword Tarien had handed him, he realized that even the hilt of the sword was exceptional.

Even if I have to stain it with green, I will do it.

His eyes reflected in the sword were filled with a fierce determination.

Ill slay them all


The boiling anger that had been surging quickly subsided under Jeffs rough touch.

Now was the time to rest, not engage in battles against monsters.

Lets head back. Max is waiting for us.


Returning to the barracks, they explained what had transpired to Max. His response was a single nod, as if he had expected such a turn of events.

Arent you surprised?

He had become centurion, yet Uncle Max merely nodded once.

Uncle Maxs calm reaction was so composed that Kaiyan couldnt help but ask.

Well I was a bit surprised. But I had a rough idea already. Why would the commander personally summon soldiers? Ah, congratulations on becoming centurions!

Was this what experience was all about?

To be able to deduce the situation from small facts. Truly fitting for someone like Uncle Max, who had lived as a soldier for decades.

Haha Thank you.

How does it feel to be a centurion? Youre probably the youngest among the commoners to become a centurion at the age of fifteen, right?

Well It feels a bit overwhelming. Uncle Jeff, in many ways, is more than qualified to be centurion, but I still have a long way to go.

It wasnt false humility. Kaiyan genuinely felt that he was lacking in becoming a commander.

No matter what anyone says, he was just a young 15-year-old who is experiencing war for the first time. Yet, here he was, ascending to the position of a centurion leading 100 soldiers.

Kaiyan, with how well you led the other soldiers today, why would anyone say such things?

Yeah, this guy. I didnt know you could lead soldiers so well.

Tap, tap.

The touch of the two men patting Kaiyans shoulder felt warm, as if reassuring him not to worry.

However, deep in his heart, he couldnt lift his face due to the rising sense of inferiority.

The reason Kaiyan could do well on the battlefield was all thanks to the player system, not his inherent abilities.

If I hadnt been chosen as a player, I would still be struggling on the outskirts.

Yes, that was him. A weak existence barely struggling against goblins, that were threat to his life at the time.

Im going out to train a bit.

Sure, theres nothing better than practice. Just dont push yourself too hard, take it easy!

Leaving behind the shouts of the men, Kaiyan clenched his fists as he walked out of the barracks.

Now that I have this privilege, I have to I have to work even harder. If it was truly a god who bestowed this ability upon me, then may that god have no regrets. It should be clear that it was right to give this ability to none other than me. Kaiyan thought with determination.